YELLOW SMOKE DECORATED DROP FRONT CANDLEBOX CA.1850; New England-type yellow smoke painted ground on a softwood nail constructed box with mounted bead molded flat trim, chamfer molded extended bottom and trim cased...
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19TH C. ENGLISH TULIPWOOD & SATINWOODSECRETAIREEnglish tulipwood, satinwood and specimen wood inlaid secretaire abbatant, early 19th c. Dropfront opens to reveal a fitted interior with the Prince of Wales heraldic...
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18TH/19TH C. FRENCH CHEST OF DRAWERSWITH INLAY AND MAR...18th/19th c. French chest of drawers with multiwood inlay throughout, dropfront upper door, and marble top. In good condition, missing upper escutcheon,...
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CONTINENTAL ABATTANT SECRETAIRE, HAVINGMARBLE TOP OVER...Continental Abattant Secretaire, having marble top over four short drawers, over drop front desk, over two doors, inlaid with farmscapes, castle and flowers,...
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MAHOGANY DROPFRONT SECRETARY: 20th centurymahogany secretary with surmounting broken pediment, over 2 door bookcase. Compartmented interior, over 3 graduated drawers with brass bail handles. Approx. 82.75'' h x 37''...
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18TH CENTURY AMERICAN MAHOGANY DROPFRONTSECRETARY: Dentil molding and applied fretwork, over 2 glass door bookcase with adjustable shelves. Compartmented interior with numerous hidden compartments and an embossed...
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FIGURAL CARVED WINGED GRIFFIN SLANTFRONT SECRETARY DESK: Carved quarter sawn oak 3 drawer dropfront desk, having a compartmented interior. Carved gallery top with Griffin heads. Birds Eye maple drawer interiors....
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TEAK DANISH MID-CENTURY MODERN DROPFRONTDESK: By Bernh Pederson & Son, having a compartmented desk, over Three drawers. Original tag at the underside. Approx. 44.25'' h x 35.5'' w x 17'' d.
CONDITION: Rear left...
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LATE 19TH CENTURY CUSTOM SHERATON STYLEDROPFRONT DESK: Solid mahogany dropfront with compartmented interior with lockable drawers slide supports on each side of single drawer sits on long turned and tapered legs...
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Period English Secretary Bookcase dropfronttop drawer revealing inner compartments a trio of drawers below glass doors with arch decor above silk lined 87'' tall 44'' wide 21'' deep....
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Period Secretary Bookcase glass doorsabovedropfront desk drawer with leather top and burl trim compartment & drawers double doors below 85'' tall 46'' wide 22'' deep...
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Italian Inlaid Dropfront Desk innercompartments 3 drawers below 36'' wide 44'' tall 18'' deep....
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Period Chippendale Pine Desk dropfronttiger maple on interior drawers 44'' wide 37'' tall 20'' deep feet shortened....
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18TH C SLANT LID DESK - 18th c AmericanCountry Chippendale Cherry Slant Lid Desk shaped bracket base mortise and tenon case cock-beaded graduated drawers with replaced batwing brasses breadboard ends to dropfront...
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Victorian Oak Lady's Dropfront Deskinner compartments 45'' tall 28'' wide 14'' deep...
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AMERICAN EMPIRE PERIOD SECRETARY DESK:12 light 2 door top with 2 shelf interior and single drawer. Dropfront desk with slide supports. 3 drawer base with turned legs. 64 1/2'' h. x 40 1/2'' x 19 1/2''....
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STRASBOURG RED CHERRY SECRETAIRE ABATTANT:Carrera marble top. Single drawer over dropfront with green felt writing surface 4 internal drawers and large opening with carved accents. Double bottom doors all on 4 legs....
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EMPIRE MAHOGANY BUTLER'S DESK - Butler'sDesk with flame mahogany veneer front overhanging bullnose top dropfront desk supported by Corinthian capitol columns the desk with green felt writing surface interior with...
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Period Chippendale Dropfront Desk withperiod brass pulls fan carving on interior drawers a fine example Revolutionary war era....
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PERIOD ARTS & CRAFTS TIGER OAK DROPFRONT DESK: Classic thru tenon construction. Desk top with three drawer interior and letter slots. Slide out desk supports. 2 drawer over 2 door body. There are remnants of...
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Primitive Country Secretary Bookcasedropfront with inner drawers and pigeon holes double doors below shelves above 61'' tall 41'' wide 18'' deep...
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Federal Mahogany Dropfront Desk bandedinlay architetural decor pulls inner compartments 44'' tall 42'' wide 22'' deep a fine period piece....
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN CHEST / DESK- 19th c One Piece Brass Bound Mahogany Campaign Chest with center dropfront desk shallow drawer and three compartments replaced velour writing surface flanked by two drawers...
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TIGER OAK SIDE BY SIDE SECRETARY BOOKCASE:Single curved glass door with 5 adjustable interior shelves desk side with upper shelf over beveled mirror dropfront desk has fitted interior with cubbies and drawers over...
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ENGLISH OAK ART DECO SECRETARY BOOKCASEDESK: Central dropfront desk over three drawers flanked by glass door bookcases with 2 interior shelves. 48'' h. x 46'' x 14''....
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Oak Dropfront Desk drawers and doorbelow fancy comparment interior carved trim 38'' wide 55'' tall....
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Antique Southern Pine Dropfront Deskinner compartments 46'' tall 38'' wide 16'' deep....
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Victorian oak dropfront clerk's desk.41'' W 14 1/2'' D 60'' Ht....
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Lot of George Nelson style wall unitsincluding two matching two part cabinets along with dropfront cabinet....
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