CHRISTOPH SCHEINER; AND ATHANASIUS KIRCHER(1573-1650, GERMAN); AND (1602-1680, GERMAN)Christoph Scheiner; and Athanasius Kircher (1573-1650, German); and (1602-1680, German), "Schema Corporis Solaris prout Romae...
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CHRISTOPH SCHEINER; AND ATHANASIUS KIRCHER(1573-1650, GERMAN); AND (1602-1680, GERMAN)Christoph Scheiner; and Athanasius Kircher (1573-1650, German); and (1602-1680, German), "Schema Corporis Solaris, prout ab Auctore...
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2 UNFRAMED MAPS OF AFRICA FROM MUNDUSSUBTERRANEUS Two Athanasius Kircher (German 1601-1680), maps from Mundus Subterraneus comprising "Tabula Geographica Hydrophylacium Asiae Majoris...", circa 1665, uncolored...
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TWO COPPER ENGRAVINGS VESUVIUS & ETNACA. 1665 Athanasius Kircher (German 1602-1680), two uncolored copper engravings on paper, 1665, comprising "Typus Montis Vesuvii Prout ab Authore A?. 1638 Visus fuit, " depicting...
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ATHANASIUS KRICHER MAP OF CHINAAND INDIA,C. 1667 Athanasius Kircher (German 1601-1680),"Tabula Geodoborica Itincrum a varijs in Cataium susceptiorum rationem exhibens", circa 1667, hand colored etching on paper of...
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3 HAND COLORED MAPS OF ISLANDS AND CURRENTSGroup of three hand colored island and currents maps comprising a page 190 and 94 from Athanasius Kircher "De Onderaardse Wereld van and Athanasius Kircher "Tabula qua Hydrophylacium...
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KIRCHER B&W MAP OF THE OCEAN CURRENTS& VOLCANOES Athanasius Kircher (German 1601-1680), map illustration of from Mundus Subterraeneus; "Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos...", circa...
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ATHANASIUS KIRCHER, B&W ILLUSTRATIONOF THE SUN Athanasius Kircher (German 1601-1680), black and white illustration of the sun from "Mundus Subterraneus", circa 1665, illustration number 64, unframed. Provenance:...
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A. KIRCHER COLOR ILLUSTRATION OF THEMOON, #62 Athanasius Kircher (German 1602-1680), "Typus Corporis Lunaris Panselini, Una cum Maculis, Faculis, Montibus?" from Mundus Subterraneus circa 1664, illustration...
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A. KIRCHER SUBTERRANEUS IDEAL AQUATICSYSTEM MAP Athanasius Kircher (German 1602-1680), "Systema ideale quo exprimitur, aquarum per canales hydragogos subterraneos ex mari et in montium hydrophylacia protrusio,...
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Athanasius Kircher (German 1601-1680)"Mappa Fluxus et Refluxus rationes in Isthmo Americano..." copper-plate engraved map c. 1665 Amsterdam showing rivers currents ships and a gigantic lake as the source of the...
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Athanasius Kircher (German 1601-1680)"Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani Currentes Abyssos Montes Ignivomos..." copper-plate engraved map c. 1665 Amsterdam showing currents volcanoes a Northwest passage...
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Athanasius Kircher (German 1601-1680)"Tabula Geographica Hydrophylacium Asia Majoris..." copper-plate engraved map from Mundi Subterranei c. 1665 Amsterdam featuring decorative cartouche and the mythical underground...
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