BAKER CHINESE CHIPPENDALE SOFA TABLE27 ΒΌ"H x 53"W x 16" Baker Furniture Chinese Chippendale style sofa/console table with carved motif throughout the legs and apron. Label to the underside....
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BAKER CHIPPENDALE STYLE FRET CARVEDCOFFEE TABLEa nice mahogany low table pictured p.130 de Dampierre "French Chic". 17" high, 38" long, 38" deep. Baker Furniture label underneath. Some scuffs, indentations,...
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A PAIR OF BAKER FURNITURE ARMCHAIRS,AMERICAN, CIRCA 19... AMERICAN, CIRCA 1976, in the Chippendale style, the arched rectangular back over trapezoidal seats within outswept upholstered arms ending in rosette...
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BAKER GEORGIAN STYLE BURL BACHELOR'SCHEST Baker Furniture (American), 20th century. Georgian style bachelor's chest in the Georgian Chippendale taste, having three burl wood fronted drawers (one locking), and...
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BAKER CHINESE CHIPPENDALE-STYLE MAHOGANYCABINET Baker Furniture Co. (American), 20th century, mahogany breakfront display cabinet in the George III Chinese Chippendale taste, having a pierced broken pediment...
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BAKER FURNITURE CHIPPENDALE STYLE CHESTON CHEST Baker Furniture mahogany chest on chest in the Chippendale Georgian taste, the upper case having a cavetto cornice above a blind fretwork frieze, fluted canted corners...
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BAKER CHINESE CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY WRITINGTABLE Baker Furniture, Historic Charleston collection mahogany writing table in the Chinese Chippendale taste, having two drawers, with blind fretwork decoration, pierced...
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FOUR MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE STYLE DININGCHAIRS Mid 20th century; probably made by Baker furniture company. Set comprises a pair of arm chairs and a pair of side chairs, arm chairs 38 in. H., 25 in. W., 19 in. D.,...
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CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANY HIGHBOY CHEST,BAKER FU Baker Furniture, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan, late 20th century, 86"H x 42.5"W x 22"D....
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BAKER STATELY HOMES MAHOGANY DRAFTINGTABLE Baker Furniture Stately Homes Collection mahogany architect's drafting table a la Tronchin in the Chinese Chippendale taste, marked to the interior of the drawer Approximate...
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BAKER CHINESE CHIPPENDALE-STYLE MAHOGANYCABINET Baker Furniture Co. mahogany breakfront display cabinet in the George III Chinese Chippendale taste, having a pierced broken pediment and frieze, above three astragal...
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SIX BAKER CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRS Set of six Baker Furniture mahogany dining chairs in the George III Chippendale taste, comprising two arm and four side chairs, each having a pierced splat,...
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BAKER FURNITURE CHIPPENDALE STYLE MAHOGANYNIGHT STAND AND WILLET VICTORIAN STYLE WALNUT SIDE TABLEBaker Furniture Chippendale Style Mahogany Night Stand and Willet Victorian Style Walnut Side Table,...
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Pair Chinese Chippendale style paintedarmchairs by Baker Furniture Co. bamboo-turned stiles supporting open back with overlapping circles and arms on turned seatrail retaining slip seat on bamboo-turned legs joined...
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Chippendale style wedding bed by BakerFurniture Co molded flat canopy above clustered-column posts supporting Oriental scrollwork and headboard; together with with bolster pillows and cover. H84 1/2'' W67'' L87'';...
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Chippendale style mahogany drop-leafcoffee table by Baker Furniture with a cross-stretcher base. 17"h.x48"l.x20"w. each leaf 8"...
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Five Titles on Antique Furnitureto include:NORTH CAROLINA FURNITURE 1700 - 1900 Robert E. Winters Jr. ed. (1977) brown boards features an exhibition at the NC Museum of History; FURNITURE TREASURY by Wallace Nutting...
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Pair Baker Historic Charleston mahoganyPembroke tables in the Chippendale style; molded serpentine top with drop leaves above conforming pierced frieze on square molded and chamfered legs joined by shaped X-stretcher....
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BAKER FURNITURE CONSOLE TABLE: MahoganyChinese Chippendale style two drawer table. Metal name plate. Measures 27'' tall x 48'' x 22''....
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EIGHT CHIPPENDALE-STYLE CHAIRS. BakerFurniture Michigan late 20th century mahogany. Carved crests pierced splats center shell and carved ball and claw feet. Three side chairs and the two armchairs are ''Williamsburg''...
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Set of eight Chippendale style mahoganydining chairs by Baker Furniture Co. six side and two armchairs. 38"h.x21.5"w.x18"d. seat 19"h....
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Chinese Chippendale style drop-leafcoffee table by Baker Furniture Co. 17"h.x21"l.x29"d. each leaf 11"l....
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Pair Baker bachelor's chests: Chippendalestyle, oak veneer, two over three drawers on bracket feet, metal tags for Baker Furniture, late 20th century, 33 x 37-1/2 x 19 in. Generally good condition with very light...
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Pair of Baker Furniture Co. Chippendalestyle mahogany footstools. 18"h.x20"x12"...
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DIMINUTIVE PAIR OF BAKER FURNITURE CHESTS:Chippendale style mahogany four drawer chests with ''hinged card'' table top and slide supports. Brass hardware. Metal Baker tag in the drawer. Measures 29 3/4'' h. x 26''...
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Pair Baker Furniture Co Chinese Chippendalestyle end tables square dishtop above frieze drawer on blind fret-carved square legs joined by X-stretcher. H24 3/4'' Sq.25 3/4'' (2pcs) Provenance: Columbia South Carolina...
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SET OF EIGHT CHIPPENDALE-STYLE CHAIRS.Baker Furniture Holland Michigan 2nd quarter-20th century mahogany. Two armchairs and two side chairs all with pieced splats square legs and needlepoint upholstery....
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Fine set of eight Charleston Chippendalestyle mahogany dining chairs by Baker Furniture with dark red damask seats six side chairs two armchairs 38"h.x22"w.x18"d. seat 18"h....
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Pair of Chippendale style mahogany openarmchairs by Baker Furniture Co. 38.5"h.x26"w.x18"d. seats 19"h....
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Chippendale style mahogany table byBaker Furniture Co. with a crewelwork top and ball & claw feet. 19"h. top 34"x34"...
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Baker carved mahogany tea table HistoricCharleston in the Chippendale tradition circular scalloped piecrust edge tilting top on birdcage platform supported by turned and fluted standard on tripod base with carved...
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BAKER CANOPY BED Baker Furniture Co.Chinese Chippendale style brownish-red lacquer finish queen size recent production....
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