CURVED PEDIMENT MIXED WOOD PARQUETRYINLAID MIRROR American Arts and Crafts era mixed wood rectangular mirror, circa 1930, having a curved pediment, beveled plate, and geometric parquetry inlay, apparently unmarked....
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MISSION OAK CHEVAL FLOOR MIRROR Mission/ Arts & Crafts oak cheval floor mirror featuring rectangular frame and beveled mirror with oak backing and metal turn pins. Overall: 65.75" H x 24.75" W x 21.25" D. Provenance:...
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BEVELED MIRROR IN ARTS & CRAFTS WOODFRAME Shaped beveled mirror in arts and crafts wood frame. 19" H x 16" W x 1" D. Foxing in mirror....
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ARTS AND CRAFTS STYLE MIRROR ATTRIBUTEDTO STICKLEY (AUDI) Arts and Crafts style mirror attributed to Stickley (Audi), having a bevelled looking glass with a cherry border, 22"h x 30"w...
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ART DECO OVAL WALL MIRRORDESCRIPTION:An Art Deco Oval Wall Mirror. This is an oval horizontal beveled mirror with half bottom frame crafted with bronze and relief motifs. CIRCA: 20th Century. DIMENSIONS: W: 33...
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JOHN DUNNIGAN MODERN VANITY SUITElate20th century, unsigned, comprising a mirrored vanity with matching side chair and pair of commodes, vanity set with beveled circular mirror, over fabric mounted base with...
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ARTS AND CRAFTS HAMMERED BRASS WALLMIRROR AND SCONCElate 19th/early 20th century, signed at left frame edge "E. Atkin 1822", rectangular brass frame with heart and vine motif, beveled mirror plate, single arm...
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ARTS& CRAFTS WALL MIRROR, CIRCA 1910 oak frame, with bevelled mirror plate, applied makers label verso113cm x 46cmProvenance: Inherited by the current vendor from Barbara Henderson,...
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ARTS & CRAFTS OVERMANTEL MIRROR,CIRCA 1910 oak, with bevelled mirror plate, carved inscription TOIL COMES WITH THE MORNING AND REST WITH THE NIGHT137cm wide, 76cm high, 14cm deep...
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OAK ARTS & CRAFTS ARMOIRE & MARBLE TOPSTAND: 1- Single door armoire with a large central mirror, flanked by panels with beveled mirrors & carved oranges. All over 2 drawers with multi-faceted glass pulls. 1- Marble...
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QUARTER SAWN OAK MANTLE: Beautiful QuarteSawn Oak Fireplace Mantle, having 2- shelves. Beveled Mirror, flanked by Columns. Empire meets Arts & Crafts. Approx. 86'' h x 60'' w x 12'' d.
CONDITION: Couple spots of...
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ENGLISH ARTS & CRAFTS OAK MIRRORED HALLTREEEnglish Arts and Crafts mirrored-back hall stand, early 20th c., having an oak frame, decorated with heart-shaped pierced carving, oval beveled mirror plate, six patinated...
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ARTS & CRAFTS QUARTERSAWN OAK HALL CABINETARMOIREEnglish Arts & Crafts quarter sawn oak hall cupboard/ armoire, c.1900, molded cornice with corbel brackets, over case with string parquetry accents, single door faced...
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ARTS AND CRAFTS HALL SEATArts and Craftshall seat. American, Early 20th Century. Oak, iron coat hangers, beveled mirrored back, seat lid lifts up for storage compartment. Scratches and wear to arms, slight loss...
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ARTS & CRAFTS-STYLE OAK SIDE BOARDunsigned;with beveled mirror-inset backboard over a divided drawer over two drawers over a further drawer, raised on casters; with keys; 60 inches wide; 21 1/2 inches deep; 56 inches...
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ARTS & CRAFTS STYLE LEADED AND BEVELEDGE OAK FRAME MIRROR, 26-1/2 X 59-1/2 INArts & Crafts Style Leaded and Bevel Edge Oak Frame Mirror, 26-1/2 x 59-1/2 in...
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ETHAN ALLEN "NEW IMPRESSIONS" LONG DRESSERAND WALL MIRROR, AMERICAN, 20TH/ 21ST CEthan Allen "New Impressions" long dresser and wall mirror, American, 20th/ 21st C., cherry, Arts & Crafts style, details include: dresser...
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ARTS & CRAFTS INLAID OAK SIDEBOARD Early20th c. Two-Piece Stepback Cabinet, probably British with design in the manner of Charles Rennie Macintosh (Scotland/England, 1868-1928), with shaped front, top section with...
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ARTS & CRAFTS OAK ARMOIRE Ca 1920 AmericanOak Cabinet, in walnut finish, with molded edge cornice, paneled front with beveled mirror fronted door, interior fitted with eight brass hooks and two hanging bars, with...
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ARTS & CRAFTS ENTRY HALL MIRROR WellCarved Entry Hall Mirror in red mahogany with round beveled glass set in the rectangular panel frame, 34 1/2" x 38", very good condition....
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ARTS AND CRAFTS STYLE QUARTERSAWN OAKSIDEBOARD Arts and Crafts style quartersawn oak sideboard, having a beveled mirrored back above a rectangular top, continuing to the four drawer case, 52.5"h x 46"w x 22.5"d...
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ARTS & CRAFTS MIRROR, CIRCA1900 repoussé decorated brass with bevelled mirror plate109cm x 74.5cm...
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ARTS & CRAFTS WALL MIRROR,CIRCA 1900 copper with repoussé-decoration and a bevelled mirror plate71.5cm x 104cm...
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ARTS & CRAFTS STRUTMIRROR, CIRCA 1920 walnut frame, bevelled mirror plate and needlework embroidery61cm x 40.5cm...
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ARTS & CRAFTS OVERMANTEL MIRROR, CIRCA 1900 walnut, with marquetry inlay and bevelled mirrored glass125.5cm wide, 51.5cm high,...
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OVERMANTELMIRROR, CIRCA 1910 mahogany with marquetry inlay, bevelled mirror plate stamped 9174cm x 136cmLiterature: Bennett D. Shapland & Petter Ltd. of Barnstaple: Arts & Crafts Furniture,...
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ARTS& CRAFTS WALL MIRROR, CIRCA 1900 oak, marquetry inlaid with flowering rose tendrils and crowns, bevelled mirror glass115cm x 85cmLiterature: For related inlay in a cabinet...
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JOHN PEARSON (1859-1930)
ARTS & CRAFTSWALL MIRROR, CIRCA 1898 copper, oak, bevelled mirror plate57.5cm x 72.7cm...
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MAGNIFICENT LARGE HALL MIRROR IN QUARTERSAWNGOLDEN OAK American Arts & Crafts Period Pier Mirror, circa 1900, in monumental scale, one piece, having heavy beveled edge mirror, set into a molded egg and dart frame, low...
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AMERICAN ARTS & CRAFTS OAK SIDEBOARDEarly 20th century. Beveled mirrored back splash; two aligned drawers over drawer centered by outer doors on long drawer; bracket feet - 59 in. x 54 in. x 23 in....
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OAK HALLSTAND - Quarter Sawn AmericanOak Hallstand ca 1905 Arts & Crafts style having beveled mirror four large brass double hooks applied carved decoration panel back umbrella stand with iron pan on one side...
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ARTS & CRAFTS DRESSER. American early20th century quarter sawn oak. Three drawers and adjustable beveled mirror back. 58''h. 39''w. 18''d. The center drawer bottom is masonite the back of the mirror...
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An English Arts and Crafts Carved OakPedestal Sideboard late 19th c. paneled and spindled back centered with a beveled mirror plates medial shelf the top with saw tooth molding center drawer flanked by paneled...
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ARTS & CRAFTS GENTLEMAN'S CHEST WITHMIRROR: 2 over 4 drawer chest beveled mirror hangs from supports handsome drop pulls 71''h. x 43'' x 23''d....
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English Arts and Crafts Oak Hall Tree,ca. 1900, the upper portion fitted with a rectangular beveled mirror and flanked by metal coat hooks to each side, the central section with a single glove drawer and umbrella...
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ARTS & CRAFTS SIDEBOARD. American early 20th century oak. Gallery with beveled mirror two center drawers flanked by two doors and a large lower drawer with copper hardware on square legs. 54''h. 54''w. 23''d....
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