BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT SIDEBOARD,19TH CMonumental Black Forest style carved walnut sideboard, Morti Genova (mark in drawer), 19thc., stag head surmounting shelves, separated by carved relief panel, four drawers,...
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CONTINENTAL BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUTMIRRORContinental Black Forest mirror, 19th c., in walnut frame, having shaped crown molding, carve boar's head extending from central finial, scrolling motifs, turned foliate...
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2) LARGE BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUTSTANDING BEARS(pair) Large German Black Forest carved walnut bears, for use as bench or table supports, shown standing, head tilted upward with mouth open, arms bent, paws...
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(2) GERMAN BLACK FOREST WALNUT & BURLWOODBOXES(lot of 2) Table boxes, including: (1) German Black Forest walnut box, with carved faux bois wood graining, trompe l'oeil belt straps with buckles, central floral cluster...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT THERMOMETER& BAROMETERBlack Forest barometer, carved walnut backboard, with dog in profile, scrolling foliates, thermometer and barometer flanked by game pheasant and wild boar, approx...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT BEARA mid-20thc. Black Forest walnut wood carving of a bear on its hind legs, carved by Walter Stahli (Switzerland). Glass eyes, artist's sticker to the underside. Measures 8" x 3" x 3...
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PAIR BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT PLAQUESApair of late nineteenth century Black Forest carved walnut plaques depicting game birds in relief. Ht: 45" Wd: 24" Dpth: 6"...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT BEAR FORMTABLESwiss, late 19th/early 20th century, pierced carved oak leaf and acorn decorated top with two lidded compartments with bear form handles, third bear figure at the back,...
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FINE BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT DOGFIGURAL TANTALUSSwiss, late 19th/early 20th century, finely carved, lid set with group of four pheasants, hinged ivy carved front opening to fitted interior, with four bottles,...
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TWO BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT BEARFORM STANDSSwiss, late 19th/early 20th century, comprising a standing bear with open mouth and glass eyes holding a rustic tree form with bowl top; together with a similar...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT BEAR BENCHSwiss,late 19th/early 20th century, the carved back centering a standing bear holding two oak leaf branches, the plank seat with simulated bark and knot carving, supported by two...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT CAVE A LIQUEURBOXBlack Forest style cave a liqueur box, having carved walnut case, centering foliate motif, with scalloped ornamentation to trim, hinged lift top and front panel, opening...
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3 PCS, WALNUT CANDLESTICKS & BLACK FORESTBOX Continental, 19th century. Black Forest carved walnut box with naturalistic and floral decoration; together with pair of carved walnut candlesticks, probably Italian....
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LARGE BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT WALLBAROMETERLarge Black Forest carved walnut barometer, 19th c., cartouche-shaped plaque, two deer in high relief amongst carved ferns and oak leaves, enamel barometer dial,...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT SMOKING STANDBlackForest walnut smoking stand, late 19th c., carved and pieced top, compartments for matches, cigarettes/ cigars, inset cup, turned center pedestal, rising on three scrolled...
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(2) BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT & GLASSSPILL VASES(pair) Black Forest carved walnut and glass spill vases, late 19th c., molded glass flute, carved base with egret among foliage, approx 13.5"h, 5.5"diam; 3.5lbs...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT CORNER BRACKETdepictinga mountain goat with glass eyes; 11 1/2 inches wide; 11 inches deep; 11 1/2 inches high; 16 inches across Condition:...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT LAZY SUSANAntiqueBlack Forest Carved Walnut Lazy Susan , dished top relief-carved with bird over banner reading "Virtute Duce", h. 3 1/2 in., dia. 24 in...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT CUCKOO CLOCKBlackForest Carved Walnut Cuckoo Clock, 20th c., stag and crossed rifles crest, dial with hunting horn surround, flanked by game, h. 36 in., w. 22 in., d. 17 in...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT CUCKOO CLOCKBlackForest Carved Walnut Cuckoo Clock , early 20th c., striking gong and cuckoo movement marked "KALIX HERRMANN/ GERMANY", highly carved with stag, crossed rifles, hare, pheasant,...
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT CIGARCABINETGerman Black Forest Carved Walnut Cigar Cabinet , foliate carving, four revolving doors, h. 10 in., w. 7 in., d. 7 in...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT HALLSTANDBlackForest Carved Walnut Hallstand, 19th c., modeled as a standing bear, ringed umbrella holder, dished base, h. 36 1/2 in., w. 16 1/4 in., d. 22 1/2 in....
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT HALLSTANDBlackForest Carved Walnut Hallstand, 19th c., modeled with two bear cubs climbing a tree branches, base with large bear, ringed umbrella holder, dished base, h. 82 1/2 in., d....
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT JEWELRY BOXBlackForest walnut jewelry box, late 19th/ early 20th c., carved crest with birds, hinged lid, five compartments with tufted blue silk lining, on bracket feet, approx 13.75"h,...
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT MANTEL CLOCKBlackForest carved walnut mantel clock, 19th c., the case heavily carved with chamois, birds, and foliates, centering dial, with enamel Roman Numerals, time-and-strike movement...
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BLACK FOREST HOUND CARVED WALL CLOCK,19TH C.Black forest carved walnut wall clock, late 19th c., figural hound carved crest, over foliate and scroll frame, dial with enamel numerals, time-and-strike movement,...
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A PAIR OF GERMAN BLACK FOREST CORNERSHELVES. Nineteenth century, walnut. Quarter round shelves with and carved brackets with birds in nests, branches and foliage. A few edge chips. 10.25"h. 11.25"w....
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT MANTEL CLOCKThe faux-bois dial with gilt-metal numerals and hands within a case carved with a hound on the scent and two hens amidst rockwork and foliage; 21 1/4 x 18 3/4 x 7 in....
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT MANTEL CLOCKThe dial with gilt-metal numerals and hands within a case carved with a wolverine with catch and two pups amidst oak branches on rockwork base; 25 x 21 x 9 1/2 in....
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BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT BEAR-FORMCOAT RACK Carved as a tree truck with mother bear reaching up to cub at top fronted by double loop umbrella holder the base carved with flowers and water lily pads; 6 ft....
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A Good Antique Black Forest Carved WalnutMantel Clock c. 1880 Swiss the striking bell movement marked "Gott. Leuenberger/ Interlaken" wooden dial with brass numbers boldly carved pheasants amidst rocks and branches...
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Black Forest carved walnut organ stoollast quarter 19th century shaped oak-leaf and twig back leading to circular frieze with adjustable upholstered seat on twig-carved legs with X-stretcher. BH36 1/2'' SH19''...
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A Black Forest Carved Walnut "Trophy"Stag Head early 20th c. the "woven-leather" carved backboard issuing a stylized stag head with "rope" collar and natural horns height 21 in. width 15 in. depth 18 in....
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A Small Black Forest Carved Walnut FiguralHat Rack late 19th c. in the form of a captive bear naturalistically carved in high relief the legs mounted with horn hooks height 13 in....
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