5) JEAN POUYATT, LIMOGES & MEISSEN PORCELAINGROUP(lot of 5) Collection of Limoges and Meissen table items, including: (1) Meissen leaf dish, central floral srig, applied flowers with expected chips/loss to petals, mark...
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SAMSON PORCELAIN FIGURE OF A FEMALEMUSICIANGold painted anchor mark; together with a gilt-metal-mounted porcelain figure of a flower seller, unmarked.
The musician 7 1/4 x 3 1/2 x 3 in., the flower seller...
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PAIR OF CHINESE EXPORT POLYCHROME PORCELAINVASES, CA. ...Each shouldered baluster form with applied handles decorated with scholars and female figures, with objects and floral designs, with applied dragons around the...
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LARGE PORCELAIN GILDED FIGURAL GROUP,ROYAL TUDOR WOMAN...On rococo style base, features a Royal Tudor woman seated. Exquisitely hand painted with accents of gold gilt.
Designed with applied beaded gold gilt....
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LARGE PORCELAIN GILDED FIGURAL GROUP,ROYAL TUDOR KNIGH...On rococo style base, features a Royal Tudor Knight seated. Exquisitely hand painted with accents of gold gilt.
Designed with applied beaded gold gilt....
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LARGE VINTAGE GERMAN PORCELAIN FIGURALGROUP, COUPLE DA...Hand painted; polychrome; gilt accents. Couple's first waltz.
Exquisite detail; adorned with applied porcelain flowers. Rests on footed aqua base with gilded...
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(2 PC) CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN SECTIONDISHESDESCRIPTION: Two porcelain section dishes feature the following: 1 Porcelain dish decorated along the interior with floral motifs, beige border and gilded accents. Stamped...
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ART DECO GILDED BRONZE AND COPPER INKWELLDESCRIPTION:An Art Deco inkwell comprised of gilded bronze with two inkwells fitted at the center of an open work basket. The basket features ornate vine patterns along the border, and...
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(4 PC) ENGLISH PORCELAIN DINNER BELLSDESCRIPTION:A Collection of 4 porcelain dinner bells include the following: 1 Belleek porcelain dinner bell with cream hues and gilded tones 2 Aynsley Porcelain dinner bells feature floral...
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SEVRES STYLE GILT BRONZE AND PORCELAINFIGURAL CHANDELI...DESCRIPTION: A French Gilt & Sevres Style porcelain chandelier. Eight arm wired chandelier featuring double vasiform body in light blue and white porcelain...
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2 FRENCH PORCELAIN CLOCKS, INC. OLDPARISTwo French painted porcelain clocks. 1st item: "Old Paris" porcelain cased mantle clock, white ground with applied flowers and painted floral sprays, gilt scroll shaped...
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ASSORTED SMALL CHINESE & ASIAN ITEMS1stand 2nd items: 2 bronze silk irons, each decorated with raised letter symbols and geometric designs, one with figural bone handle ornament, 9 3/4" L, the other with painted...
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A GROUP OF THREE GERMAN PORCELAIN FIGURALCOMPOTES, MAR... COMPOTES, MARKED, 20TH CENTURY, comprising a Sitzendorf, Brothers Voigt and Alfred Voigt floral encrusted porcelain two basket and putto condiment serving...
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LUDWISBURG PORCELAIN GROUP OF THE 'NINEMUSES'the group standing upright, on individual mound moulded bases with gilt applied foliage and rosettes, each Muse dressed in a gilt billowing robe, with applied rosette...
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18TH C. CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN TEAPOT& UNDERTRAY18th c. Chinese export porcelain teapot and undertray. The teapot with applied floral decoration throughout and gilded borders. The undertray in a lobed form with...
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3 FRENCH OLD PARIS PORCELAIN VASESGroupof three French old Paris porcelain vases in the form of leaves and flowers. Profusely gilded on a dark blue ground surrounding hand painted flowers.
(Pair, each) height:...
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CARL THIEME DRESDEN PORCELAIN URN W/PUTTI 24 INCarl Thieme Potschappel, Dresden, Germany. Porcelain globular urn resting on a footed base. Profusely decorated throughout with applied floral encrustations and...
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DRESDEN PORCELAIN CLOCK W/ BABY & FLOWERSDresden,Germany. Porcelain clock with applied flowers throughout and a cherubic baby finial. With gilded decorations throughout. Brass and enamel dial with Roman numerals. Marked...
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(3) WORCESTER PORCELAIN SWEETMEAT DISHESc. 1770, including a Worcester dish with applied vine handles and leaves, decorated with fruits and flowers, heightened with gilding, and a pair of smaller Worcester dishes...
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3 CHINESE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES, QINGD. 3 Chinese ,Qing Dynasty ,a yellow ground snuff bottle with molded cloud swirls, crashing waves and birds, with a coral colored stopper with a gilded floral motif plated...
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FOURTEEN COLOGNE/ PERFUME BOTTLES, 20THC., TWELVE GLASS AND TWO PORCELAIN, MANY PAPERWEIGHT STYLE, PIECES INCLUDE: TWO ART GLASS CL...Fourteen cologne/ perfume bottles, 20th C., twelve glass and two porcelain,...
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(27 PCS) FINE CHINA & PORCELAIN 19th- Early 20th c., including: Meissen demitasse cup and saucer set, floral and insect pattern, blue crossed swords mark; (2) Capodimonte demitasse sets, one with molded and...
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OLD PARIS PORCELAIN VASE COLLECTIONGroup of (21) Assorted 19th c. French Porcelain Vases, including five pairs and eleven singles, some with hand painted flowers, most with gilded highlights, 3 3/8" to 6 3/4"...
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DRESDEN PORCELAIN FIGURAL COMPOTE Circa1905 German Porcelain Footed Bowl, with applied cherubs and floral decoration, hand painted flowers, gilded highlights, pierced bowl and base, blue conjoined SP (for S?chsische...
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BOHEMIAN APPLIED PORCELAIN GILDED GLASSVASE Bohemian applied porcelain parcel-gilded green glass vase, apparently unmarked, the baluster shaped vase with scrolling Rococo style ornament and applied porcelain flowers....
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COLLECTION OF APPROXIMATELY 30 VINTAGESTEAMSHIPcollectible items. To include: SS President Monroe metal Ping-Pong tournament award with miniature model of ship (8 1/4" long, 2 3/4" wide, 2 1/4" high). Cloth sailor...
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14PC ASSORTED PORCELAIN TABLE ARTICLESEngland, France, Japan, Germany,20th CenturyIncludes one tray decorated with gilded butterflies, three nut dishes decorated with flowers, one small box with lamb and cross...
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3PC ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN VASESEngland,Early 20th CenturyIncludes a bud vase decorated with applied gilded turtles, a bamboo style vase with gilded bamboo, and a bamboo style vase decorated with gilded...
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Large pair of Japanese applied porcelainvases attributed to miyagawa kozan Of pear form, flared mouth worked to show gilded roundrels, black lace enameled body, aquatic applied decoration to body, crabs, shells...
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Meissen armorial reticulated porcelaintureen and cover 19th century Of shaped oval form with double wall construction, the pierced cover surmounted by a 'jeweled' crown and encrusted with putti and applied...
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Meissen porcelain covered potpourrivase 19th century baluster form decorated with painted portrait military figure and verso with armorial and applied floral designs body with applied cherubs domed reticulated...
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Opulent French Gilt-Bronze Sevres-StylePorcelain-Set Jewel Coffer, third quarter 19th century, in the Louis XVI taste, the gilt-bronze body decorated with four columnar legs and applied garlands, with opposing...
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Large Italian Porcelain Figural ReliefCartouche, first quarter 20th century, depicting a richly gilded and polychromed galants couple, presented in a gilded wood open shadowbox lined in vieux rose velvet, the...
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Moore porcelain oil lamp late 19th centuryapplied orchid and foliate design on ivory ground electrified marked on underside. H19'' Provenance: Estate of C. Theodore and Barbara B. Hicks Augusta Georgia. Piece is dirty;...
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French 'Japonisme' porcelain and giltmetal mounted oil lamp late 19th century The top with removeable oil reservoir over a flared neck applied with closed scroll loops, above a bulbous body decorated with...
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Royal Copenhagen 'Flora Danica' patternporcelain cachepot 20th century Of cylindrical form with loop handles and applied flowers, the body finely painted with botanical specimens, identified in Latin on the...
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