GREAT BOOKS OF THE WESTERN WORLD, 20VOL. Various Sizes Leather bound with gilt trim, including: Sir Francis Bacon, ""Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum, New Atlantis"; Charles Darwin, "The Origins of Species...
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SELECTION OF BOOKS OF GENERAL INTERESTComprising 10 titles (11 volumes), notably Benson J. Lossing, A PICTORIAL FIELD-BOOK OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (NY: Harper, 1855) later issue, 2 vols, 4to, half leather (upper...
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(5) MODERNIST DECORATIVE LEATHER BINDINGSThree unattributed inlaid bindings in custom slipcases, including: Minerals and Man, Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr., Random House, 1968; Living Plants of the World, Lorus and Margery...
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15 VOLS. DICKENS WORKS - LEATHER BOUNDSet15 volumes of leather-bound Charles Dickens works, 8.5 inches. Excellent condition overall, light toning to paper. Circa 1900 published by NY Pub. Co....
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BOOKS: (8) VOLS 19TH C., LEATHER BINDINGSIncludes: Despatches...of Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Wellington, Vol. 6, John Murray, 1877; Johnsoniana or Supplement to Boswell, John Murray, 1836; William Hone, The Table...
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BOOKS: (9) VOLS. SIGNED FINE LEATHERBINDINGS Including: (2) bound in full leather by Riviere & Son: John Ruskin, Sesame and Lilies. Arthur L. Humphreys, 1906; Cranford by Mrs. Gaskell, Macmillan and Co., 1891;...
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(10) VOL. 19TH C. LEATHER BINDINGS Includes:1) Poetical Works of Lord Byron. John Murray, 1873, illustrated; 2) Works of Robert Burns. Blackie & Son, 1868, illustrated, vol. II; 3) Works of Laurence Sterne. William....
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(10) VOLS. 18TH C. LEATHER BOUND BOOKSIncludes: 1) Sermons du Pere Bourdaloue, 1733, vol. II, 6th ed., Anisson, Libraires Associez; 2) unknown Justinian title, c. 1748, bound in vellum, lacking frontmatter, owner's...
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(5) MODERNIST DECORATIVE LEATHER BINDINGSThree unattributed inlaid bindings in custom slipcases, including: Minerals and Man, Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr., Random House, 1968; Living Plants of the World, Lorus and Margery...
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GEORGE WASHINGTON, LETTERS TO CONGRESS,1795 Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress, Written, during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain, by His Excellency, George Washington, Commander...
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EDWARD J.LOWE'S "FERNS BRITISH & EXOTIC"BOOK 1856 Edward Joseph Lowe (British, 1825-1900). "Ferns: British and Exotic" Vol 1, -1856, leather bound book with chromolithograph plates. Approx. h. 9.75"...
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28 VOLS, JOHN RUSKIN LEATHER BOUND BOOKSBritish, 19th century. Twenty eight leather bound books including twenty four volumes by John Ruskin (English, 1819-1900) including "The Seven Lamps of Architecture", two...
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UNIFORM LEATHER SET OF BULWER'S WORKS(NY: Continental Press, n.d., early 20th century) 15 vols, 8vo, half leather, cloth....
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SELECTION OF 19TH-CENTURY LEGAL REFERENCES,LEATHER Comprising four titles, including SHEPPARD'S TOUCHSTONE OF COMMON ASSURANCES ... 7th edition (London: 1820) 2 vols. 4to, full leather, rebacked, text with numerous...
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[LEATHER BINDINGS] DICKEN'S WORKS[LeatherBindings] , Dicken's Works, 1865, 6 vols., 3/4 leather bindings, 8 1/2 in. x 5 1/2 in...
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[LEATHER BINDINGS] LIVES OF THE QUEENSOF ENGLAND[Leather Bindings] , Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest, London, Colburn & Co., 1851, 9 vols., full brown leather, 8 5/8...
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ESSAYS OF MAETERLINCK, AUTOGRAPH EDITION,SIGNED (10) Vols., Maurice Maeterlinck. Dodd, Mead and Company, Vol. 1 undated, Vol. 2, 1898, Vol. 10, 1916, one of 150 unnumbered sets, signed "Maeterlinck" in Vol. 1, fine...
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SIR WALTER SCOTT, POETICAL WORKS, (10)VOLS, 1821 The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet. Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., Edinburgh; Longman, et. al., London, complete in 10 vols., fine unattributed...
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LETTERS & LIFE OF MADAME SEVIGNE, (11)VOLS. Letters of Madame de Sevegne to Her Daughter and Her Friends. Enlarged edition, translated from the Paris edition of 1806. Printed for J. Walker et. al., 1811, complete...
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60 VOL. CHARLES DICKENS LEATHER BOUNDBOOKS, 1881 Charles Dickens (British 1812-1870), "The Works Of Charles Dickens", published by Chapman and Hall Ltd. (British 1834), London, printed by Richard Clay, sons,...
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TAUCHNITZ EDITIONS OF THACKERAY; SHAKESPEARESET Comprising H. Thackeray, THE HISTORY OF HENRY ESMOND (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1852) 1st European edition, to protect copyright, 2 vols., 12mo, quarter leather, boards; The...
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GROUP OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHICAL LITERATUREIncluding fine press editions of Stoics and other classical authors, comprising about 14 volumes, notably: Lucretius, trans. by R. Melville, ON THE NATURE OF THINGS (London:...
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WORKS OF WM. ROBERTSON, (8) VOLS, 1825The Works of Wm. Robertson, D.D., Talboys and Wheeler and W. Pickering, London, complete in 8 vols., fine full leather binding signed "Nutt & Son", marbled endpapers and page...
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(21) VOLS: WORKS OF WASHINGTON IRVING,1860 The Works of Washington Irving, G. P. Putnam, New York, 1860-1864, vols. 6-26 including The Life of Washington (5 vols) and Mahomet (2 vols), and Life and Letters of...
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(8) VOLS. GREEK FINE LEATHER BINDINGSETS All Greek editions, bindings stamped Ganiaris, Athens, includes: Pandelis Prevelakis (AKA Panteles Prevelakes), (3) vols.: The Tree, The Cretan or the First Freedom,...
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24 Vol. Rudyard Kipling Leather BoundBooksincluding: ''Life's Handicap 1929''; ''Seven Seas 1928''; ''From Sea to Sea 1927''; ''Songs From Books 1928''; ''Actions and Reactions 1926''; ''The Day's Work 1929'';...
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[Civil War - Books] Personal Memoirsof U.S. Grant Vols I & II Lot of 2 books. Grant Ulysses S. Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant. New York: Charles L. Webster & Company 1885-1886 2 vols. 8vo full leather 4 spine...
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An Historical Review of the State ofIreland by Francis Plowden, Five Volumes Philadelphia: William F. McLaughlin, 1805-06. 8vo. Five volumes, 1 & 2 in 1805 and last 3 in 1806. The history covers the time from...
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3 vols. Joseph Harrison Jr. Art Gallery:Manuscript Ledger. "Visitor's Register, Joseph Harrison Jr., Art Gallery. Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia." [Philadelphia], Oct. 22, 1874 - March 5, 1905. 2 vols., folio,...
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[AMERICAN REVOLUTION] Early Historyof America Lot of 7 vols. Botta Charles. History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. New Haven: T. Brainard 1840 2 vols. 8vo full leather marbled...
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PEPYS SAMUEL The Diary of Samuel Pepys.London: Bohn n.d. 8 vols. In recent leather....
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[France] Four titles including historyand literature of the 17th to 19th century comprising: 1) R. L. De Beaufort ed. The Letters of George Sand (London: 1886) 3 vols. 8vo three-quarter leather marbled boards...
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[Sets] Two items 1) The Works of WashingtonIrving Riverside Edition (NY: Putnam 1868-9) 24 vols. 12mo. green cloth; 2) J. Lord Beacon Lights of History (NY: Clarke 1902) 15 vols. 4to. half leather Estimate $ 80-125...
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(SHAKESPEARE WILLIAM) NONESUCH PRESSThe Works. London: The Nonesuch Press 1929-(1933). 7 vols. 8vo full leather spines lettered in gilt t.e.g. Light rubbing to boards at raised bands; interiors clean....
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GREAT DOMESDAY the celebrated 'Penny'edition limited edition signed 247/500 six volumes total comprising introduction and two facsimile in two slip cases with wood boards; translation in two vols 1/2 leather...
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[Art 19th Century] Two titles 1) TheTriumphs of Modern Art (Philadelphia: Gebbie 1891) folio 25 fasciscules in wraps with portfolio cover; 2) A. Woltman and B. Meyer Deutschlands Kunstschatze (Leipzig: Payne...
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