BOOKS MOSTLY FRENCH & ANCIENT HISTORY,LITERATUREA group of leather bound books mostly French History, Ancient History, and Literaturelot includes: 1. Louis XIV and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century....
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2 PIRANESI CLASSICAL ARCHITECTURAL ETCHINGS,IL CAMPO M...Two (2) plates from Giovanni Battista Piranesi's (Italian, 1720-1778) ll Campo Marzio Dell Antica Roma (The Campus Martius of Ancient Rome), originally published...
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HARD STONE DRESS CANECa. 1900-Sardonyxball knob with a fascinating, natural black and white clearly delineated straight and parallel banding, elaborate gilt metal collar with foliates centered by a widening, grooved...
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2 TRANSLATED NEO-SUMERIAN CLAY FOUNDATIONCONESAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, Sumer, city of Lagash, Neo-Sumerian Period, reign of Gudea of Lagash, ca. 2144 to 2124 BCE. A pair of hand-built clay foundation cones...
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ORIGINAL 1937 FRENCH TRAVEL POSTER -GORGES DU TARNAndre Giroux (French, 1895-1965). "Gorges du Tarn" - printed in France - Chemins de fer de Paris a Orleans et du Midi (abbreviated PO-Midi), 1937. A stunning,...
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2 TRANSLATED NEO-SUMERIAN CLAY FOUNDATIONCONESAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, Sumer, city of Lagash, Neo-Sumerian Period, reign of Gudea of Lagash, ca. 2144 to 2124 BCE. A lovely pair of hand-built clay foundation...
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SIGNED PIERRE GATIER ENGRAVING BEARNAIRCRAFT CARRIERPierre Gatier (French, 1878-1944). "Le Bearn Navire Forte - Avion" engraving, ca. 1920s. Signed in the plate AND hand signed in pencil at the lower right....
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Europe, Western or Lowlands, Renaissance to Early Modern Period, ca. 16th to 17th century CE. A beautiful bottle formed from...
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TRANSLATED NEO-SUMERIAN CLAY FOUNDATIONCONES (PR)Ancient Near East, Mesopotamia, Sumer, city of Lagash, Neo-Sumerian period, reign of Gudea of Lagash, ca. 2144 to 2124 BCE. A wonderful set of two hand-built clay...
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YOSHITORA UTAGAWA WOODBLOCK "BATTLEOF DAN'NOURA" 1861Yoshitora Utagawa (Japanese, active 1830-1880). "The Great Battle of Dan'noura" woodblock (triptych), Edo period, 1861. Marks: censor's seal aratame. A striking...
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CHARLES ROLLIN, THE ANCIENT HISTORY,1827, 10 VOLS Charles Rollin, "The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, and Persians, Grecians,and Macedonians", Thomas Tegg, London:...
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Fine leatherbound books: Histories LansdaleMaria Honor. THE CHATEAUX OF TOURAINE. New York: The Century Co. 1907; Carlyle Thomas. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 2 Vols. Chicago: Belford Clarke & Co. n.d.; Yarrell William....
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Catherine de Medici Queen of FranceALS 1552 1p 8.5 x 12.25 in. plus 1 x 3.25 in. piece attached; Chalons 29 May 1552. Entire sheet attached to a heavy piece of paper with strip attached to long edge on verso....
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