KISS SET OF FOUR HANGING WALL BUSTSOF GENE SIMMONS, AC...Kiss Set of Four Hanging Wall Busts of Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, and Paul Stanley. Mario Chiodo, Illusive Originals, 1997. Each from the...
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THREE FRENCH GILT BRONZE TABLE BOXES19th/20thcentury, comprising: box of shaped rectangular form, centered with ivory plaque hand painted depicting hairdresser of Marie Antoinette, signed "M Rois", mother of pearl inlay,...
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KENT ULLBERG (BORN 1945) EXHIBITED BRONZESCULPTUREKent Ullberg (Born 1945)PULA (Late 20th Century)The bronze casting in rich green black patina is signed within the bronze along the lower edge of the proper right...
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CHRISTINE TURNBULL (AMERICAN, 20TH/21STCENTURY) B CENTURY) BRONZE BUST, "Kulia," artist proof edition #1/30, artist signed, 19"H. Lot includes copy of the original 2007 Turnbull Studios & Sculpture Garden purchase...
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Bronze bust of a young woman, afterJean Baptiste Clesinger, a later copy, 11"h, together with a ceramic vase and a mold...
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MYRA REYNOLD RICHARDS, AMERICAN (1882-1934),BUST OF A MAN, WILLIAM H. LEEDY, (INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS), 1923, BRONZE, 27"H X 18"W X 11 1/2"DMyra Reynold Richards, American, (1882-1934) bust of a man, William...
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19TH C. COPY OF A BRONZE BUST TAKENOF KING CHARLES II OF ENGLAND A Heavy Lost Wax casting, after the original, circa 1765, roughly 13 1/2" x 12" x 7". fine condition....
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BRONZE SCULPTURE - Ca 1890 Grand TourCopy Bust of Sophocles on integral tapered square socle having long hair and beard headband toga draped over one shoulder 9 1/4'' tall 6 1/4'' x 4'' overall very good condition...
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Frederick Locker Medal 1959 for theRowfant Club designed by George G. Adomeit Book of the Month Club from the Schubert Bibliography Of The Publications Of The Rowfant Club Part 2 1962 . p. 44. "Obverse: ' Frederick...
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BRONZE COPY OF A BUST OF CAECILIUS JACUNDISFOUND IN POMPEII NAPLES On patinated metal conical stand. 13 x 9 1/2 x 8 1/2 in....
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BRONZE SCULPTURE - Ca 1890 Grand TourCopy of a Bust of Zeus on integral turned socle depicted with long hair and beard with headband diaphanous robe with buttoned sleeve and garland of roses down chest 9 1/2'...
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A Group of Six Napoleonic Items comprisinga miniature sight 3 3/8 in. x 2 in. oval; a miniature signed "Delaroche" sight 3 1/4 in. x 2 1/2 in. oval; a gilt bronze bas-relief bust 5 in. x 3 7/8 in. oval; a porcelain...
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A Group of Seven Napoleonic Items comprisinga miniature signed "Latour" sight 3 1/8 in. x 2 3/8 in.; a miniature signed "Veltor" sight 3 1/8 in. x 2 3/8 in.; a miniature set within a silvered cigarette case 3 3/8 in....
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Frederick Locker Medal, 1959, for theRowfant Club, designed by George G. Adomeit Book of the Month Club from the Schubert Bibliography Of The Publications Of The Rowfant Club, Part 2, 1962,. p. 44. "Obverse:...
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Roman Bronze Works copy of a bronzeFrederick Remington bust 20th c. 12" h. together with a Chinese bronze of an elephant. ?...
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An Antique Biscuit Porcelain PortraitBust of Napoleon mid-19th c. after Jean-Antoine Houdon (French 1741-1828) cast signature "Houdon" and inscription "Buste Officiel/Napoleon/Empereur/1805" at back of neck;...
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Margaret French Cresson (American 1889-1973).Portrait Bust of Dr. George G. Merrill bronze greenish-brown patina mounted on green variegated marble base signed in cast ''M.F. CRESSON 1928 '' mounted on green marble base...
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A Parian Bust of Apollo 19th c. afterthe c. 120-140 AD Roman marble now in The Vatican Museum Rome (itself a copy of the c. 350-325 BC Greek bronze by Leochares) signed "C. Delpech" and inscribed "Brown Westhead...
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