BURMESE BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHA Burmesebronze figure of Buddha, cast with hands in bhumisparsha mudra and seated in dhyanasana on a hexagonal platform, 18" h....
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3 ANTIQUE SOUTHEAST ASIAN BUDDHIST ITEMS3Antique Buddhist Items. Including a Burmese Shan "medicine Buddha", cast bronze, 17th/18th c; a Burmese gilt lacquered statue of a standing monk; and a ceremonial processional...
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PAIR OF BURMESE BRONZE BALL PLAYERSFIGURESPair of 17th c. Burmese bronze figures of ball players, Burmese sepak takraw. Well cast, worked, and carved. Both with dynamic movement. Both on lucite stands.
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19TH C. SE ASIAN BRONZE RAIN DRUMOneSoutheast Asian bronze rain drum, late 19th century. Possibly Burmese, Laotian. Of large size and cast as a single piece. The entire surface covered with detailed relief decoration...
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ANTIQUE SOUTHEAST ASIAN BRONZE RAINDRUM 18th/19th c., Laos or Burmese, cast dark green patinated bronze encircled by concentric bands enclosing geometric motifs, the outer edge mounted with triple stacked piggy-back...
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BURMESE BRONZE CAST BUDHHA,15-16TH C. A Burmese bronze cast of a Buddha, dating from the 15th-16th centuries. A seated buddha with head tilted downwards and a faint smile rests both hands by his legs under his...
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A THAILAND BURMESE BUDDHA,19THC . BurmeseBuddha over a crisply cast hairline and facial features, in a seating position on a wood platform. The wide almond shaped eyes and aquiline nose above fleshy, full lips, the...
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19TH C. BURMESE BUDDHIST BRONZE DANCERFIGURE Thailand (Burma) Rattanakosin Period Cast Bronze Standing Female Dancer, on integral lotus base. 10" tall....
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BURMESE RED BRONZED CAST BRASS BUDDHAShan (Tai Yai) style Bhumisparsha mudra, 20th c. Myanmar, on integral lotus throne. Having stylized ushnisha flame, snail curls, elongated slotted ear lobes, tattoos on palms...
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19TH C. BRONZE BURMESE STATUE Parvatidancing Lasya for Shiva, cast in two parts, joined at the waist, 15 1/4" tall....
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BURMESE BRONZE RECUMBENT BUDDHA 19thc., dark patinated and gilt cast bronze with remnant polychrome paint, inset semi-precious stones and glass beads, the reclining Buddha represented as a prince in splendid...
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SOUTHEAST ASIAN BRONZE FIGURE OF BUDDHASoutheast Asian bronze figure of Buddha, heavily cast in the Burmese style, the figure dress in flowing robes and seated in the dhyanasana, shown holding his right hand in...
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Antique Burmese Cast Bronze Temple BellBracket. 19th century or earlier. This temple bracket was likely made via the lost wax method, with what appears to be a pair of Naga on each side, meating in the with an...
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Unusual Burmese Cast-Bronze Opium Weight,19th century, of unusually large size, cast in the form of a stylized peacock standing on a ribbed bell-form base and weighing thirty pounds, h. 11-1/4"....
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Dramatic Pair of Burmese Cast-BronzeTemple Guardian Lions, each cast as standing foursquare lions with open mouths, flaming manes and elaborate breastplates, the bodies with green patina and gilded manes, breastplates...
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