Books. Two and a half shelves of arthistory and some general stock, 20th c, including, illustrators, some crafts and design, etc., mixed bindings and sizes...
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Books. Five shelves of art history andsome general stock, 20th c, including Francis Bacon, illustrators, some crafts and design, etc., mixed bindings and sizes...
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Books. Seventeen shelves of generalstock, 20th c, non-fiction and fiction, including Penguin Paperback Classics, others mostly hardback, etc...
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Books. Four shelves of art history andother general stock, 20th c, including Lucian Freud, some crafts, etc., mixed bindings and sizes...
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Books. Two shelves of art history referenceand general stock, 20th c, including Russian visual and decorative arts, some antiques, etc., mixed bindings and sizes...
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Books. Four shelves of general stock,20th c and later, comprising art history, gardening, limited edition reprints of Rupert Annuals and others, further fiction and non-fiction, mostly hardback, mixed sizes...
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Books. Six shelves of general stock,late 19th c and later, including Folio Society, post-1917 and later Beatrix Potters, decorative pictorial bindings, Punch annuals, some children's books, literature, non-fiction,...
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Books. Six shelves of general stock,early 20th c and later, including Egyptology and papyrus studies, Classics and ancient civilizations, literature, travel and topography, decorative cloth bindings, etc.,...
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Books. One shelf of general stock, late19th c and later, including Derbyshire interest, topography and history, monumental brasses, English parish churches, Observer Books, architecture, etc., mixed bindings and...
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Books. One and a quarter shelves ofgeneral stock, late 19th c and later, including genealogy, Co-operative societies, architecture, two volumes of The Antiquaries Journal, Craft Freemasonry in Derbyshire,...
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Books. Four shelves of general stock,19th c and later, including literature, art history, occasional travel, Observer's Books, botanical painting, ancient and classical history, etc., mixed bindings and sizes...
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Books. Two shelves of antiquarian andgeneral stock, late 19th c and later, including children's, annuals, puzzles and games, etc., mixed bindings and sizes...
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Books. One and a half shelves of generalstock, 20th c, mostly natural history, botany, gardening, etc., mixed bindings and sizes...
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Books. Four shelves of general stock,early 20th c and later, including railwayana, The Aeroplane Journal, further transport, mountaineering, Cartier, Turner Prints, other art and antique reference, firearms,...
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Books. Miscellaneous general stock,early 20th c and later ...
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Books. Five shelves of general stock,20th c, including Sotheby's The Jewels of the Duchess of Windsor, April 1987, dj, hb, 4to, Christie's Nureyev Part III, November 1995, original wrappers, 4to, Christie's...
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Books. Two shelves of general stock,early 20th c and later, comprising Euripides and further Greek drama, Etruscans, classical and other archaeology, including the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Essex Archaeology...
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Books. Four shelves of general stock,20th c, including five unexamined Country Life folios, c. 1900, issues of The World of Interiors, country houses, their interiors and architecture, etc., mixed bindings and...
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Books. Five and a half shelves of generalstock, 20th c, including vintage Agatha Christie paperbacks, Giles annuals, Thoroton Society journals, further Nottinghamshire interest, art history, Folio Society volume,...
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Books. Four shelves of general stock,19th c and later, including European travel, Derbyshire interest and topography, Samuel Johnson, further literature, history and antiquarianism, further non-fiction, mixed...
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Books. Eleven shelves of general stock,20th c, fiction and non-fiction, various, mostly hardback, mixed sizes...
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Books. Three shelves of general stock,early 20th c and later, including The Story of the Renaissance, five-volume set, Folio Society, mixed dates, cloth, slipcase en suite, 8vo, two sets of Churchill's A History...
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Books. Five shelves of general stock,early 20th c and later, literature, including vintage and decorative bindings, first edition novels, some non-fiction, etc., mostly hardback, mixed sizes...
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Books. Nine shelves of general stock,20th-21st c, including Russell (Bertrand), Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, first edition, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1948, original dustjacket over cloth boards,...
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Books. Three shelves of general stock,mid-20th c and later, including Rupert annuals 1939, 1941 and 1944, mixed pictorial bindings, 4to, further children's and juvenile annuals and books, vintage film reviews...
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Books. Twelves shelves of general stock,including Rackham (Arthur, illustraor), The Ingoldsby Legends, London: J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1930, original pictorial cloth, 8vo, Fishe (John), The American Revolution, two-volume...
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Books. Five shelves of general stock,including Dickens (Charles), 20 volumes of works, London: Chapman and Hall, n.d. [early 20th c], original cloth, 8vo, Harmsworth's Universal Encyclopaedia, 8 volumes, n.d.,...
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Books. Ten shelves of general stock, includingliterature, vintage Penguin Classics paperbacks, reference, etc., principally hardbacks, mixed sizes...
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Books. Twelve shelves of general stock,19th c and later, including Cervantes, Don Quixote, four-volume set, London: Gibbings and Co., 1895, original red cloth, uncut, 8vo, Reade's The Cloister and the Hearth,...
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Books. Six shelves of general stock,including Eliot (George) & Thomson (Hugh, illustrator), Scenes of Clerical Life, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1906, colour and b/w plates, original pictorial cloth...
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Books. Five shelves of general stock, mostlyarchitecture and topography reference, including some country houses, art history and some Royal Academy exhibition catalogues, antique reference, mostly hardback, mixed sizes...
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Books. Six shelves of general stock, includingtextiles and antique embroidery reference, Nancy Mitford first editions, vintage Penguin Classics paperbacks, Folio Society, etc...
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Books. Miscellaneous general stock,including the Waverley editions of Dickens, 19th c and later decorative bindings, Scott's Waverley, etc., mixed sizes...
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Books. Four shelves of general stock,including Dickens (Charles), The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, two-volume set bound as one, Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1842, portrait frontispiece, 19th c cloth...
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BOSTON CUSTER'S COLT CARRIED AT LITTLEBIGHORNThis is quite possibly one of the most important Battle of the Little Bighorn firearms ever offered for public sale, a Colt U.S. Cavalry issue Single Action Army revolver...
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Salesman's Book of Fruit and FlowerColor Plates Some refer to these as Nurserymen's books but this one folds into thirds and slips into a 7.25 x 10 in. leather case - clearly for travel. The 5.25 x 8.5 in....
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