ANTIQUE CONTINENTAL FIGURAL PUG DOGCERAMIC MAJOLICA TOBACCO JAR. 8"H X 6" X 6"Antique Continental figural Pug dog ceramic majolica tobacco jar., Dimensions: 8"H x 6" x 6"...
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TWO ENGLISH VICTORIAN OAK TOBACCO CORNERCABINETSwith brass mounts and bevelled doors, smaller with key, larger with majolica tobacco jar. Finish wear, loss, small stains, a few small edge losses. 18 1/2" high, 15...
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AUSTRIAN MAJOLICA ALLIGATOR TOBACCOJAR, C 1880Austrian Majolica Pottery Alligator Tobacco Jar, circa 1880, smoking a pipe
Dimensions: 7" H x 4 1/2" W
Minor stains and chips, really...
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FIGURAL NATIVE AMERICAN MAJOLICA TOBACCOJAR United States,Early 20th CenturyBear and totem finial over feather patterned lid over figural repeated pattern of Native American chief with elaborate headdress....
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ENGLISH MAJOLICA FIGURAL DOG TOBACCOJAR HUMIDOREnglish majolica tobacco jar/ humidor, late 19th c., modeled as a seated pug/ bulldog, with a ribbon around her neck, pink glazed interior, approx 8"h, 5"w, 6.25"d,...
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THREE PIECES OF MAJOLICA 20TH CENTURYHEIGHTS FROM 2.5” TO 8”.THREE PIECES OF MAJOLICA, 20th Century, A plate with lobster decoration, a two-part figural tobacco jar and a Sarreguemines figural pitcher....
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Two Majolica Cigar Smoking Mens' HeadTobacco Humidors Two majolica glazed pottery humidor heads of of middle-aged men with cigars hand decorated in polychrome glossy glazes the first with a blue hat and a frown...
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Two Whimsical Majolica Character HeadTobacco Humidors One large and one small of the same Art Nouveau style design; a man in the moon type character wearing an unusual cowl and cap hand decorated in glossy majolica...
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Small Majolica Man's Head with BlackCap Tobacco Humidor Jovial head of a man wearing a black smoking cap in glossy majolica glaze pottery naturalistically colored unmarked apart from vague numerals impressed...
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Three Majolica Character Head TobaccoHumidors By the same manufacturer three variants of young mens' head pottery tobacco humidors in colorful majolica glazes; the first a bearded sailor with sou'wester hat the...
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A Majolica Jester Head Humidor Majolicaglazed pottery tobacco humidor in the form of the head of a bearded jester impressed numerals on the underside. Hand decorated in gloss and matte polychrome....
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Majolica Tobacco Humidor Goggled Automobilist'sHead Amusing image of a man's head wearing goggles cap and scarf; molded pottery humidor with colorful majolica glazes stamped marks on the underside "9522" "78" and decorator's...
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Majolica Man's Character Head TobaccoJar Colorful majolica glazes are a feature of this molded pottery man's head tobacco jar with features in a caricaturization of an Eastern European Jewish man; with missing...
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A Majolica Glazed Sailor's Head TobaccoHumidor Polychrome majolica glazed pottery tobacco humidor in matte and glossy colors in the form of the head of a young sailor with his collar pulled up sailor's cap and...
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A Large Majolica Man's Head with BlackCap Tobacco Humidor Jovial head of a man wearing a black smoking cap in glossy majolica glaze pottery naturalistically colored unmarked apart from "3979" impressed near the...
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A Majolica Tobacco Humidor TyroleanMan's Head Colorful majolica glazes on a pottery humidor in the form of a Tyrolean man's head wearing a feather in his hat impressed marks underneath "6579" and "28"....
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A Female Head Majolica Tobacco HumidorAustria Pretty blonde miss with rosy cheeks wearing a blue tam and a pink bow porcelain humidor marked on the underside with Austrian factory mark hand decorated colors....
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Two Majolica Child Head Tobacco ContainersThe first a crying baby in a cap humidor impressed marks on the underside "3664" and "64" 5-3/4"H the second a child in a fancy bonnet and lace collar incised mark on the...
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Black Americana Figural Majolica TobaccoJar ca. 1890's Seated black boy in period dress seated on a mellon polychrome glazes with high fire gloss finish. Illegible numerals stamped underneath....
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Two Majolica Men's Heads; One a Humidorone a Tobacco Jar Both smiling men of a similar character with mutton chops and tams colorful majolica glazed pottery tobacco containers (the one with the plaid tam a humidor)...
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A Figural Tobacco Humidor Lady withLifesaver Amusing molded ceramic tobacco humidor of a rotund woman in a green hat draped with a net and carrying a life saver in front in polychrome majolica glazes marked...
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Two Tobacco Humidors: Bagdad Tri-FaceGlazed ceramic humidor with a portrait within a reserve and the word "Bagdad" printed on one side partial label on the underside background in two shades of blue 6-1/4"H....
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An Austrian Majolica Tobacco Jar ofan Eagle Terracotta lidded jar with polychrome glazes bottom stamped in orange mark crouching gray eagle with tree stump holder match holder and ashtray....
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Large Majolica Tobacco Humidor withAlpine Boy Atop Large Log Porcelain lidded container with high fire glaze over polychrome decoration resting Alpine boy in traditional cloth on top of a large cut log. Impressed...
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Majolica Tobacco Box With Country Boyon Wove Basket Porcelain with gloss glazes smiling boy with hat resting on top lid of square shaped wove basket. Impressed 3588/56....
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Gerbing & Stephan, Austrian, majolicatobacco jar early 20th century; with molded sphinx and plant decoration, 6 in. H., 4 1/2 in. base Diam....
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A Majolica Figural Elephant HumidorA majolica polychrome glazed pottery tobacco humidor in the form of a seated elephant wearing a waistcoat and with a large pipe in its mouth impressed on the underside "6044"...
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A Majolica Bison Head Humidor Polychromemajolica glazed pottery tobacco humidor in the form of the head of a bison impressed numerals on the underside "3944" and "89"....
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A Majolica Humidor in the Form of aBison Large version of a pipe smoking bison dressed in a green coat and holding a pipe in Human form hand majolica glazed pottery tobacco humidor marked on the underside "4645"...
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A Majolica Humidor of a Costumed BullA small majolica polychrome glazed pottery tobacco humidor in the form of a standing bull wearing a greatcoat holding an umbrella and with a large pipe in its mouth impressed...
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A Majolica Bear Form Tobacco HumidorMajolica polychrome glazed pottery figural humidor of a seated bear holding a large smoking pipe and wearing a suit coat impressed numbers underneath "6676" and "45"....
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A Majolica Hippo Tobacco Humidor Smilingseated hippo shape pottery tobacco humidor with majolica glaze in gray pink and white decorator's mark in black underglaze underneath "33"....
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A Majolica Tiger Head Tobacco HumidorMajolica glazed pottery humidor with polychrome coloration in the form of a snarling tiger head marked on the underside "4670" and "18"....
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A Majolica Monkey Figural Tobacco JarMajolica glazed ceramic seated monkey tobacco jar wearing a tasseled fez and holding a long pipe unmarked polychrome glazes....
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Boy on Fruit Majolica Covered TobaccoBox Apprx. 7-1/2"H x 5-1/2"W x 3-1/2"D glazes of green pink brown blues; matte finish on face and hands impressed numbers on the underside 6659 and 25....
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A Bernard Bloch Figural Tavern ServerMajolica Tobacco Jar Ashtray Match Holder Polychrome majolica glazed pottery tobacco jar in the form of a tavern server holding a tray impressed marks on the underside "BB"...
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