TWELVE ASIAN CARVED HARDSTONE DECORATIONSAgroup of twelve Asian carved hardstone decorationsComprising a bowl, a disc and stand, two scholars rocks, a lidded box, a wrist rest, three animal stamps and two additional...
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CHINESE HARDSTONE ANIMAL GROUP CARVINGChinese hardstone animal group carving. 1.625" across....
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COLLECTION OF CHINESE ARCHAIC STYLECARVED OBJECTS Includes a carved hardstone vessel with animal form handles; a carved hardstone figural pendant; an archaic style carved bell form pendant; an archaic carved...
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THREE CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMALS, LAPISAND JADEITE 20th century, including a sodalite rabbit, a lapis in grey matrix bear holding a serpentine fish in its mouth, and a spinach green jadeite bear climbing a boulder....
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(LOT OF 2) CHINESE HARDSTONE CARVINGSOF ANIMALS (lot of 2) Chinese hardstone carvings of animals, 6" and 5.5"w....
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(LOT OF 5) CHINESE ARCHAISTIC HARDSTONEANIMAL CARVINGS (lot of 5) Chinese archaistic hardstone animal carvings, the largest 3.5"w....
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40 STONE AND CERAMIC FETISHES, NATIVEAMERICANGroup of 40 Native American stone and ceramic fetish figures. Includes a Zuni carved stone bird with mother of pearl feet and turquoise ornament, labeled Evalene Boone,...
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CHINESE HARDSTONE LAMP & CENSER1st item:Carved Chinese celadon hardstone covered vase having carved and pierced flowering branch and bird decoration with conforming carved lid. Mounted onto a bronzed metal base...
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9 CHINESE DECORATIVE ITEMS1st item:Chinese carved cinnabar box with inset carved white hardstone plaque to the top. 2" H x 5" W x 3 1/2" D. Late 19th century. 2nd item: Carved Chinese celadon hardstone bowl...
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CHINESE HARDSTONE HORSE, SEALS, ZODIACINKSTONES AND PA...Twenty (20) carved Asian items. 1st item: One (1) carved Chinese green hardstone sculpture of a Tang style horse, fitted with a hardwood stand. 5 1/4" H...
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MONGOLIAN CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMAL GROUPwithcamel and tiger on a slab base. 8" high, 12" wide, 4" deep.
Any condition information included in our lot descriptions is not the equivalent of a written condition...
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MONGOLIAN CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMAL GROUPwithhorse and tiger on a plinth base. 8" high, 8" wide, 2 1/2" deep.
Any condition information included in our lot descriptions is not the equivalent of a written...
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A GROUP OF FOUR CHINESE MINIATURE HARDSTONEANIMAL AND ... ANIMAL AND FRUIT CARVINGS, MODERN, comprising a carnelian elephant, height: 1 1/2"; a pale amethyst figure of a recumbent sad eyed cub, length: 1 3/4"; a reticulated...
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70 CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMAL FIGURES ANDOTHERS20th century, comprising examples of turquoise, rose quartz, agate, malachite, jadeite and others, including: five rabbits, 12 goldfish, three dogs, seven roosters,...
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TWO CHINESE CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMALGROUPSeach pale green with brown inclusions, comprising: water buffalo and man, 1-1/2 x 2 x 1 in.; two mythical beasts, 1-1/4 x 2-1/2 x 1-1/4 in.
Note: These items tested...
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FOUR CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMALS Secondhalf 20th century, including a carved and polished rose quartz elephant with raised trunk set on a custom carved wood stand (4 in., without stand); carved rose quartz standing...
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TWENTY CHINESE HARDSTONE ANIMAL CARVINGSTWENTYCHINESE HARDSTONE ANIMAL CARVINGS, including water buffalo, turtles, rooster, owl, monkey, foo lions, and other stylized forms. Length range: 1 to 3 inches....
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COLLECTION OF SIX HARDSTONE ANIMAL CARVINGSCollectionof Six Hardstone Animal Carvings,...
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CHINESE CARVED HARDSTONE MYTHOLOGICALANIMAL, L: 3 INChinese Carved Hardstone Mythological Animal, L: 3 in...
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TWELVE MINIATURE CARVED JADE AND HARDSTONEANIMAL FORM PENDANTS IN CASETwelve Miniature Carved Jade and Hardstone Animal Form Pendants in Case...
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CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMALS AND FIGURE,20TH C., SIX PIECES, INCLUDING: LARGEST OF ELEPHANT AND CALF, SCRATCHES TO TRUNK, TAG WITH "MAD...Carved hardstone animals and figure, 20th C., six pieces, including: largest...
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CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMALS, 20+ PIECESINCLUDING: CATS, DOGS, ROOSTERS, PIGS, HORSES, CAMEL, ETC., MANY SMALLER IN SIZE, STONES INCLUD...Carved hardstone animals, 20+ pieces including: cats, dogs, roosters, pigs,...
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CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMALS, TWELVE PIECES,AFRICAN THEMED, 20TH C., INCLUDING: TIGER'S EYE LION; TWO RECLINING HIPPOS, BOTH WITH PAPER..Carved hardstone animals, twelve pieces, African themed, 20th C., including: Tiger's...
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CARVED HARDSTONE ANIMALS, 20TH C., TENPIECES, INCLUDING: THREE BEARS, ONE WHITE SITTING, ONE RED STRIPED STANDING, AND ONE YELLOW V...Carved hardstone animals, 20th C., ten pieces, including: three bears, one...
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THREE CHINESE CARVED HARDSTONE PENDANTS,OF OVAL F of oval form with one-side featuring relief of various carved animals, the other with incised motif. Dimensions of largest: 1.75" x 3.25" x 2.5"....
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TWO CHINESE HARDSTONE BRUSH WASHER POTS20th century, includes a white carved hardstone brush washer with golden brown inclusions carved with leaves and a plum blossom bloom, raised on three round feet, and a smaller...
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Group of three Chinese carvings includinghardstone covered circular form vessel with calligraphy and floral designs, antique Chinese carved jade animal toggle, and together with Chinese hardstone carving mounted...
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11PC EXQUISITE ASIAN CARVED HARDSTONEJEWELRY Asia,19th CenturyIncludes two green hardstone fang shaped pendants, a fang shaped tiger's eye pendant, an animal tooth pendant, a carved mother of pearl pendant, a...
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Three carved hardstone animals beinga pig a monkey and a cockerel tallest 8 cm also a glass horse head....
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Archaic form Chinese carved hardstonecup with dragon handles, approximately 4 1/2" wide, late 19th - early 20th c, together with a carved hardstone animal figurine with teak stand, minor roughness to ears and...
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Assortment of Chinese carved hardstoneanimal pendants and amulets Estimate $ 150-250 No condition report supplied....
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Six Chinese carved hardstone animalfigures figures include: two elephants pair of water buffalo rabbit and a bird with carved wood stands 3 in. H. of tallest Estimate $ 200-300 Chips and wear to animals wear...
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Five Chinese carved hardstone animalfigures figures include: two roosters on carved wood stands pair of horses and a goose 2 1/2 in. H. of tallest Estimate $ 200-300 One rooster with chipped tail feathers....
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Three Chinese carved hardstone animalsincluding: sacred deer horse and rhinoceros all approximately 4 in. H. Estimate $ 150-250 Deer - chip on tail; horse - chip on base....
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