CARVED HARDWOOD SIDE CHAIRSSix QueenAnne-Style Carved Hardwood Side Chairs , tall upholstered back, cabriole legs, pad feet, h. 48 in., w. 23 in., d. 27 1/2 in...
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SIX AMERICAN CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRSSixAmerican Carved Mahogany Side Chairs , mid-19th c., foliate scrolled crest rail, acanthus knee, cabriole legs, needlepoint upholstery , h. 37 1/4 in., w. 19 1/2 in., d. 19...
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SIX RĂ©GENCE-STYLE CARVED OAK SIDE CHAIRSSixAntique RĂ©gence-Style Carved Oak Side Chairs, arched padded seat and back, serpentine seat rail, cabriole legs, scrolled toes, leather upholstery with brass nailhead trim,...
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SIX CONTINENTAL CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIRSSixAntique Continental Carved Walnut Side Chairs, foliate crest, pierced shaped splat, floral-carved knees, cabriole legs, turned stretchers, leather seats, h. 41 in., w. 20...
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DOMITALIA CHROME AND UPHOLSTERED DININGCHAIRSSix Domitalia Chrome and Upholstered Dining Chairs, labeled, Italy, incl. four black and two red, h. 39 1/4 in., w. 16 3/4 in., d. 18 in...
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GEORGE III-STYLE CARVED MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSix George III-Style Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs in the Hepplewhite Taste, late 19th c., incl. two armchairs and four side chairs, oval backs, swagged splats, shaped...
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SIX LOUIS XIV-STYLE CARVED BEECHWOODSIDE CHAIRSSix Antique Louis XIV-Style Carved Beechwood Side Chairs, serpentine crest rail, padded back and seat, shaped stretchers and legs, h. 46 in., w. 20 in., d. 18 in...
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SIX DIRECTOIRE-STYLE PAINTED CHAIRSSixDirectoire-Style Painted Chairs, shaped crest rail, serpentine seat rail, fluted tapered legs, faux snakeskin upholstery, h. 38 1/2 in., w. 20 in., d. 23 in...
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SIX REGENCE-STYLE CARVED FRUITWOOD SIDECHAIRSSix Regence-Style Carved Fruitwood Side Chairs, 20th c., shell carved arched crest, caned back and seat, volute cabriole legs, stretchers, h. 37 3/4 in., w. 19 in.,...
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SIX DIRECTOIRE-STYLE PAINTED SIDE CHAIRSSixAntique Directoire-Style Painted Side Chairs, scrolled crest rail, floral blocked seat rail, turned and tapered legs, silk upholstery, h. 34 1/4 in., w. 18 in., d. 19 in....
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SIX REGENCY-STYLE GILDED MAHOGANY SIDECHAIRSSix Regency-Style Gilded Mahogany Side Chairs, caned back, fluted seat rail, foliate-carved flared legs, h. 35 in., w. 20 in., d. 21 in...
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CENTENNIAL CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRSSix American Centennial Chippendale Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs , one arm, five side chairs, pierced splats, gadrooned seat rail, foliate knees, cabriole legs,...
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SIX WILLIAM IV CHERRYWOOD DINING CHAIRSSixWilliam IV Cherrywood Dining Chairs , shaped tablet crest, slat back, turned legs, h. 32 3/4 in., w. 17 1/2 in., d. 17 1/2 in...
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CARVED WALNUT AND MAHOGANY PARLOR CHAIRSSixAmerican Rococo Carved Walnut and Mahogany Parlor Chairs , mid-19th c., floral scrolled pierced crest, shell C scroll shoulders, shell and scroll medial rail, shaped floral...
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SIX GUILLERME ET CHAMBRON OAK DININGCHAIRSSix Guillerme et Chambron Oak Dining Chairs , curved shaped slats, shaped seat, tapered legs , h. 35 in., w. 17 in., d. 16 in...
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SIX INLAID MAPLE GONDOLA CHAIRSSix Restauration-StyleInlaid Maple Gondola Chairs , vasiform splat, birdseye maple veneered back and inner stiles, lappet knee, saber legs , h. 32 in., w. 19 in., d. 17 in...
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CARVED MAHOGANY SHIELDBACK DINING CHAIRSSixHepplewhite-Style Carved Mahogany Shieldback Dining Chairs , incl. one armchair and five side chairs, all with Prince of Wales feather splats, trapezoidal seats over upholstered...
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SIX CONTEMPORARY HANDCAST ALUMINUM KLISMOSCHAIRSSix Contemporary Handcast Aluminum Klismos Chairs , with cushions , h. 33 1/2 in., w. 20 in., d. 23 in. Provenance: Michael Taylor Designs...
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AMERICAN FEDERAL CARVED MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSix American Federal Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs in the Sheraton Taste, early 19th c., probably New York, incl. 1 arm and 5 sides, shield back with entwined splat...
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SIX LOUIS XV-STYLE CARVED OAK SIDE CHAIRSSixLouis XV-Style Carved Oak Side Chairs, serpentine crest rail centered by a rosette, caned back and seat, cabriole legs, h. 40 1/2 in., w. 21 1/2 in., d. 19 in....
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SIX GEORGE I-STYLE MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRSSixGeorge I-Style Mahogany Side Chairs, back-scrolled crest rail, vasiform splat, spherule stretchers, cabriole legs, pad feet, h. 40 1/2 in., w. 21 in., d. 19 in....
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CLASSICAL PAINTED, STENCILED FANCY CHAIRSSixAmerican Classical Painted and Stenciled Fancy Chairs, early 19th c., scrolled crest rail, slat back, caned seat, ring-turned legs, h. 32 1/2 in., w. 17 1/2 in., d. 18 in....
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SIX NEW ENGLAND BANISTERBACK SIDE CHAIRSSixNew England banisterback side chairs, mid 18th c.
Generally good with a few repaired breaks....
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SIX PENNSYLVANIA PAINTED BALLOON SEATCHAIRSSix Pennsylvania painted balloon seat chairs, 19th c.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent damages or repairs....
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SIX KNOLL BERTOIA CHAIRSSix Knoll Bertoiachairs.
NO in-house shipping for this lot....
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SIX NEW ENGLAND BOWBACK WINDSOR CHAIRSSixnear identical New England bowback Windsor chairs, ca. 1790, retaining older Spanish Brown surface.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent...
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SIX HOLLYWOOD REGENCY STYLE DINING CHAIRSSixHollywood Regency style dining chairs. 21st century. High back chairs with nailhead trim and faux floral design slip covers. Wear to slip covers. Fraying to threading on top...
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SIX LANE MID CENTURY MODERN DINING CHAIRSSixMid Century Modern dining chairs in the style of Milo Baughman (Goodland, KS, 1923-2003). Produced by the Lane Furniture company. Alta Vista, VA, 20th century. Two arm chairs...
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SIX BIEDERMEIER DINING CHAIRSSix Biedermeierdining chairs. Walnut, carved acanthus form splats, saber legs. Refinishing throughout all chairs. Splits and cracks to splats on three chairs, with repairs to carving on...
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SIX BLACK PAINTED WROUGHT IRON CHAIRSSixBlack Painted Wrought Iron Chairs,...
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SIX MID-CENTURY MODERN TEAK DINING CHAIRSSixMid-Century Modern Teak Dining Chairs,...
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SIX JACOBEAN STYLE CARVED OAK AND NAVYBLUE UPHOLSTERED SEAT SIDE CHAIRSSix Jacobean Style Carved Oak and Navy Blue Upholstered Seat Side Chairs,...
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SIX VERNER PANTON-STYLE CHAIRSSix VernerPanton-Style Chairs, after the original design from 1967, h. 33 3/4 in., w. 19 in., d. 21 in....
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AMERICAN RENAISSANCE MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRSSix American Renaissance Carved Mahogany Dining Chairs, late 19th c., scrolled crest, foliate crest rail with opposing dolphins, foliate stiles, tapered legs, blocked...
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SIX BARTOLOZZI & MAIOLI HAND CARVEDLEAF CHAIRSSix hand carved wooden leaf chairs by Bartolozzi & Maioli, Florence, Italy, c. 1970's. Chairs have been painted green over natural wood. Measures 32"H x 16"W x...
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SIX HAND CARVED BARTOLOZZI & MAIOLILEAF CHAIRSSix hand carved wooden leaf chairs by Bartolozzi & Maioli, Florence, Italy, c. 1970's. Chairs have been painted green over natural wood. Measures 32"H x 16"W x...
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