PHILADELPHIA CARVED MAHOGANY DININGCHAIRPhiladelphia carved mahogany dining chair, ca. 1770 , the shell and scroll carved crest over a tassel-back splat and gadrooned slip seat supported by cabriole legs terminating...
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LARGE 19TH C. CARVED HORNER DESK ANDCHAIRS. Ca. 1880 heavily carved mahogany partner’s desk, attributed to workshop of R.J. Horner NY, with fabulous lions head corners and carved pulls, acanthus carved cabriole...
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FINE 19TH C. MAHOGANY CARVED DESKFine19th C. mahogany carved desk. Every inch of this desk is carved. "Man of the Mountain" with extensive flowers and vines on the lid and sides, carved lion heads form the pulls,...
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19TH C AMERICAN MAHOGANY LAMP TABLE,ATTRIB TO R.J. HOR...19th c American mahogany lamp table, attributed to R.J. Horner, with carved edge band, frieze and sides and a lower shelf all supported by geometric and...
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R.J. HORNER MAHOGANY WINGED GRIFFINCARVED DESK, HAVING...R.J. Horner Mahogany Winged Griffin Carved Desk, having lion face drawers and faux drawer on reverse, all set on large claw feet, height 30 inches, top...
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MAHOGANY BLOCKFRONT DESK, HAVING CARVEDSLANT LID, ATTR...Mahogany Blockfront Desk, having carved slant lid, attributed to R.J. Horner, height 43 inches, width 35 inches.
All lots are sold "AS IS"...
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American, c. 1900. Carved and scrolling foliate frieze panel over the beveled mirror plate, flanked by three-quarter length columns holding...
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CARVED HORNER ERA MAHOGANY BOOKCASE:Mahogany bookcase having carved Greenman amongst scrolling foliate. 2 glass doors with a 4-shelf interior, flanked by carved lion heads & scrolling foliate. Attributed to...
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MAHOGANY HORNER QUALITY CARVED BOOKCASE:3 Glass doors reveal shelved interiors, each section having a Northwind Carved Masqueron Frieze, divided by rope twist columns, resting on carved claw feet, circa 1920. 67''...
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RJ HORNER CARVED MAHOGANY PARTNERS DESK:Form fitting glass top resting on an elaborately carved Mahogany partners desk, having 9-drawers each, at the observe & the reverse. Drawers carved with Greenman masque motif....
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HIGH VICTORIAN ROBUSTLY CARVED MAHOGANY,FIVE TUBE, TALL CASE CLOCKHigh Victorian Robustly Carved Mahogany, Five Tube, Tall Case Clock, the case likely carved by R.J Horner; the brass and steel dial marked: Joseph...
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MANNER OF HORNER MAHOGANY FALL FRONTGRIFFIN DESK Possibly American, late 19th to early 20th century, carved mahogany fall front desk in the manner of R.J. Horner, having a brass gallery rail, foliate decoration,...
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R.J. HORNER (ATTRIB.) CARVED MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDAmerican mahogany sideboard, attributed to R.J. Horner & Co., early 20th c., two drawers with lion's mask pulls, (one) with divided interior, over two cabinet doors...
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R.J. HORNER (ATTRIB) WINGED GRIFFINSMAHOGANY DESKAmerican Classical Revival mahogany slant-front desk, attributed to R.J. Horner & Co. (New York, 1886-1915), late 19th c., front panel carved with foliate scrolls,...
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R.J. HORNER (ATTRIB) WINGED LIONS WRITINGDESKAmerican Classical Revival mahogany desk, attributed by consignor to R.J. Horner & Co. (New York, 1886-1915), late 19th/ early 20th c., having spindled gallery ending...
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R.J. HORNER (ATTR.) RENAISSANCE REVIVALSETTEERenaissance Revival mahogany settee, attributed to R.J. Horner & Co. (New York, 1886-1915), 20th c., having carved foliate cartouche crest, ball finials, back and seat...
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SET OF FIVE ANTIQUE CARVED MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRS Circa 1880, in the manner of R.J. Horner, including one armchair and four side chairs, each with incised urn finials, carved mask crest rail, spiral turned stiles,...
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R.J. HORNER, AMERICAN RENAISSANCE REVIVALCARVED MAHOGANY BED AND DRESSER New York, late 19th century, including a relief carved bed with pronounced molded headboard flanked by fully turned reeded columns, conforming...
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ELABORATELY CARVED ART NOUVEAU DESK,C. 1900, MAHOGANY, IN THE MANNER OF R. J. HORNER, KIDNEY SHAPED WITH MASQUE AND FOLIATE CARVING...Elaborately carved Art Nouveau desk, c. 1900, mahogany, in the manner of...
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AMERICAN RENAISSANCE CARVED MAHOGANYBOOKCASEAmerican Renaissance Carved Mahogany Bookcase , late 19th c., partial label "R. Horner & Co, NYC", gadrooned top, two glazed doors, shelf interior, columnar supports,...
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R.J. HORNER & CO. MAHOGANY SLANT-FRONTDESKAmerican Chippendale style mahogany slant-front desk, R.J. Horner & Company, New York, early 20th c., having brass gallery, shell and foliate scroll carved drop front,...
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R.J. HORNER (ATTR.) CARVED MAHOGANYLIBRARY DESKAmerican Renaissance Revival mahogany library table, attributed to R.J. Horner & Company (New York, 1886-1915), late 19th/ early 20th c., having canted top, with...
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An Antique Carved Mahogany Four-PieceBedroom Suite late 19th c. labeled "R.J. Horner & Co. Furniture Makers" including bed tall chest with mirror large dresser with mirror and dressing table with three-part mirror...
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Pair R. J. Horner mahogany cabinets:each with finely carved acanthus leaf and scroll decoration, single curved glass door opening to interior fitted with four glass shelves, curved glass side panels, painted...
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Horner? 3 Piece Carved & UpholsteredParlor Set.A very good looking loveseat and pair of arm chairs in mahogany. Finely carved. From a Scarsdale NY estate. Dimensions: Loveseat - 54'' wide x 25'' deep x 32''...
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8 ft LONG HORNER TYPE CARVED MAHOGANYLIBRARY TABLE: Heavily carved trestles with gothic arched and columnar stretchers. Veneer inlaid top and ribbed apron. Please note there is some stress to the veneer. 8 ft...
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American carved music cabinet, mahogany,finely carved busts flanking two doors with hand painted courtiers in landscape, interior with seven bird's-eye maple lined drawers, possibly Horner, circa 1890s, 51-1/2...
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CARVED CENTER TABLE ATTRIBUTED TO RJHORNER. New York late 19th century mahogany. Four carved griffon legs and a foliate band on the oval top. Single dovetailed drawer. 29 1/2''h. 48''w. 30''d. Drawer...
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19th c. Victorian oval carved top mahoganywinged griffin base library table. Top 36'' x 59'' 30'' Ht. Attributed to Horner....
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CARVED MAHOGANY CABINET BOOKCASE inthe manner of R.J. Horner & Co. Manhattan New York late 19th century having an acanthus-carved cornice over a pair of glass-panel doors the cylindrical stiles headed by carved...
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An American Belle Époque Carved MahoganyBookcase late 19th/early 20th c. attributed to R.J. Horner New York molded cornice above scrolling vine frieze centered by a lion's mask pair of glazed doors enclosing adjustable...
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Carved Mahogany Center Table Full carvedwinged griffins 2 drawers. Probably Horner. Original finish. Ht 30'' W 47'' D 32''E...
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HORNER ERA CARVED MAHOGANY SOFA: Ornatelycarved straight back sofa solid panel arm supports. Later upholstery and side cushions. 35 1/2'' x 75'' x 30''...
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American Late Victorian Four-Piece MahoganyBedroon Suite, ca. 1900, of Art Nouveau inspiration, in the manner of R. J. Horner, comprised of a high-back bedstead, a cheval mirror, a dressing bureau and a tall chest,...
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* An American Carved Mahogany LibraryTable R.J. Horner having a rectangular top with rounded corners and carved foliate banding over the conforming frieze set with opposing drawers raised on four winged griffin...
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Victorian style carved mahogany lady'sslant-front desk, R.J. Horner & Co., New York, 20th century with carved north wind face door, fitted interior, and brass and wood gallery top, maker's tag on back, 44 in....
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