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CHINESE BRASS BOXChinese Brass Box, mounted with center carved white jade 4" x 4 3/4" box, along with turquoise and various stones, some missing, late...
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CHINESE BOWL, VASE, AND BOXChinese porcelainbowl and vase (modified as lamp). 1st item: Chinese Export Famille Rose Bowl with finely lobed sides, gilt diaper border over a floral garland decorated interior rim with...
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CHINESE HARDWOOD BRASS BOUND BOXChinesehardwood brass bound box, the box possibly Zitan and containing a disbound Japanese booklet concerning seals, together with a small Chinese hardwood mirror. Wear and edge...
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CHINESE BRASS BOXChinese Brass Box,mounted with center carved white jade 4" x 4 3/4" box, along with turquoise and various stones, some missing, late 19th century box, 5 1/8" x 6 1/2".
All lots...
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CHINESE CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANELAND A KOREAN WOOD AND BRASS JEWELRY BOX AND A KOREAN WOOD AND BRASS JEWELRY BOX, the framed panel with two children by a tree, image size: 6 x 4 in.; and a brass-mounted Korean...
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CHINESE HARDSTONE MOUNTED TEAK HINGEDBOX AND A HARDSTONE MOUNTED BRASS BOXChinese Hardstone Mounted Teak Hinged Box and a Hardstone Mounted Brass Box...
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CHINESE CARVED SERPENTINE AND WHITEBRASS OVAL BOXChinese Carved Serpentine and White Brass Oval Box...
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CHINESE SOAPSTONE AND BRASS MOUNTEDLACQUERED JEWELRY BOXChinese Soapstone and Brass Mounted Lacquered Jewelry Box...
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CHINESE BRASS MOUNTED FRUITWOOD JEWELRYBOXChinese Brass Mounted Fruitwood Jewelry Box...
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CHINESE PIERCED PALE HARDSTONE AND BRASSBOXChinese Pierced Pale Hardstone and Brass Box...
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CHINESE BRASS JARDINIèRE AND FAUX WICKERHINGED BOXChinese Brass Jardinière and Faux Wicker Hinged Box,...
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CHINESE BRASS AND BOXWOOD MOUNTED HARDWOODBOXChinese Brass and Boxwood Mounted Hardwood Two-Tier Carrying Box , probably zitan, humpback handle, transverse uprights with locking rod flanked by open work spandrels,...
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CHINESE BRASS OCTAGONAL BOXChinese BrassOctagonal Box , "jeweled" finial, incised overall with foliage, bracket feet, h. 6 3/4 in., dia. 12 3/4 in...
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CHINESE BRASS MOUNTED HARDWOOD JEWELRYBOXChinese Brass Mounted Hardwood Jewelry Box,...
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