A CHINESE WHITE METAL MODEL OF A THREEMASTED JUNK on carved hardwood plinth, 38.5cm high, marked to the sail...
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CHINESE PORCELAIN FAMILLE ROSE SALTAND INK WELL. Chinese porcelain famille rose footed and lidded salt with four character mark on bottom, on carved hardwood stand, 2”H x 2.5” dia., overall with stand 3.5”H,...
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CHINESE DRAGON BANGLE, BRONZE CENSER& BOOKENDS1st item: Chinese hardstone and white metal dragon bangle, comprised of reddish hardstone bangle (possibly carnelian) with white metal bands accented with goldtone...
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SNUFF BOTTLE COLLECTION AND DRAGON,12 PCSA collection of 11 Chinese snuff bottles and 1 carved hardwood dragon. Includes a blown and molded glass bottle with polychrome fish decoration; Peking Glass bottle...
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2 CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES INC. AMBER1stitem: Chinese hardstone snuff bottle, possibly carnelian, urn form with naturalistic carving, openwork at shoulder area, carved rose lid; 2 3/4" H (not including small hardwood...
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CHINESE HARDSTONE LAMP & CENSER1st item:Carved Chinese celadon hardstone covered vase having carved and pierced flowering branch and bird decoration with conforming carved lid. Mounted onto a bronzed metal base...
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CHINESE MINIATURE CHEST OF DRAWERS &SIDE TABLE W/ SHEL...1st item: Chinese carved, gilt and polychrome decorated miniature chest of drawers, with a three over two over one drawer configuration. The drawer fronts...
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11 ASIAN DECORATIVE ITEMS, CARVED FIGURES,BUDDHAS, TRA...Eleven (11) Asian decorative items. 1st-6th items: Six (6) assorted carved Asian figures, including one (1) carved and polychrome painted seated scholar, three...
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A CHINESE GREEN JADE MOUNTED HARDWOODKEEPSAKE BOX, KEEPSAKE BOX, the removable rectangular top with molded trim enclosing an oval reticulated translucent green carved jade plaque, above conforming sides continuing...
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AN ANTIQUE CHINESE POLYCHROME ON BLACKGROUND ENAMELED ... GROUND ENAMELED CLOISONNÉ BOTTLE FORM MELON VASE LAMP, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, the circular flat rim above a lobed neck and bulbous body ending over a conforming...
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A CHINESE ARCHAISTIC STYLE CELADON JADECENSER LAMP, RE... CENSER LAMP, REPUBLIC PERIOD (1912-1949), of circular tripod form topped by a pierced giltwood lid and gilt metal collar, on censer's flat rim flanked by...
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TWO CHINESE CARVED MOTHER OF PEARL INLAIDSTANDSlate Qing dynasty, each of rectangular form, carved hongmu or other hardwood with mother of pearl inlaid decoration, floral sprays, scrollwork, and auspicious objects,...
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CHINESE CARVED HARDWOOD CELLARETTE ONSTAND19th century, pierced top, molded case with metal liner, bail handles, stand with serpentine apron, scrolled cabriole legs, stretchered base, 28-1/4 x 18 x 18 in.
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CHINESE CARVED PAW FOOT SIDE TABLEChinesecarved hardwood side table, 20th c., circular tabletop, carved and pierced apron with metal foo lion heads, curved legs joined by cross stretcher, ending in paw feet, approx...
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SMALL CHINESE CARVED HARDWOOD THREE-DRAWERCHESTSmall Chinese carved hardwood chest, 20th c., fitted with three fabric-lined drawers, accented with painted metal oval mounts stamp decorated with script characters,...
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CHINESE HARDWOOD & APPLIED BONE 4-PANELSCREENChinese hardwood four panel folding screen, applied bone carvings featuring courtiers, temples, scenes of nature, trimmed by scrolling foliate motifs, all on hard wood...
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CHINESE EXPORT MANTEL CLOCK MID-19THCENTURY HEIGHT 19.5”. WIDTH 10.75”. DEPTH 9.875”.CHINESE EXPORT MANTEL CLOCK, Mid-19th Century, Carved rosewood case on a two-part carved hardwood stand. Enamel Roman...
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A CHINESE CARVED QUARTZ TABLE LAMP 19thcentury, a green quartz lidded jar converted to a table lamp, the elaborately relief carved green quartz urn has two shaped handles and is carved with lotus blossoms and birds...
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A CHINESE HARDWOOD DESKA Chinese hardwooddesk, Mid/late 20th century With metal plaque to underside: J.L. George & Co. / 3 Cameron Rd. / Kowloon / Made in Hong Kong The carved wood desk comprising two trapezoidal...
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THREE PORCELAIN TABLE LAMPS, 1 CHINESEPORCELAIN TTHREE PORCELAIN TABLE LAMPS, 1 Chinese porcelain table lamp featuring hand painted blue figures in a garden on craquelure celadon ground, with two-lights, raised...
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CHINESE CARVED STONE & HARDWOOD TABLESCREENCondition: disc repaired and with visible cracks; lifting to metal inlay on frame; wear to edge of disc under frame; Provenance: The Terry & Debbi Lanni Collection,...
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CHINESE CARVED HARDWOOD AND METAL MOUNTEDSIDE CHEST, 34 1/4 X 50 1/2 X 19 3/4 IN. (87 X 128.27 X 50.17 CM.)Chinese Carved Hardwood and Metal Mounted Side Chest,, Dimensions: 34 1/4 x 50 1/2 x 19 3/4 in. (87 x 128.27...
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(3) CHINESE CARVED ROSE QUARTZ TABLELAMPS 19th/20th c., incl. a Guanyin and a pair of bird carvings, each on carved hardwood stands, mounted as lamps, on metal bases, birds: 7"h x 3"w x 1.5"d (carving), 22"h...
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GEORGE ZEE, CHINESE CARVED WOOD ALTARTABLE 20th c., two tier hardwood table with bird and prunus carved apron, metal tag label, 30.25"h x 32.5"w x 13"d...
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A CHINESE TABLETOP HARDWOOD SCREEN WITHINLAID STONES 20th century, hardwood folding screen with four panels, top and bottom have carved reticulated key motif, the front of the panels are inlaid with Nephrite, Serpentine,...
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A CHINESE HARDWOOD CABINETA Chinesehardwood cabinet, 20th century With three drawers and a central double-door cabinet decorated with openwork carved brackets and metal hardware Dimensions: 34.75" H x 73.25"...
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A late 19th Century Chinese shell tablescreen, applied with a gilt metal dragon pursuing a pearl, on a floral carved hardwood stand, total height 28cm, a Chinese pewter cocktail shaker, engraved dragons, marked...
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LARGE CHINESE INLAY-DECORATED HARDWOOD'DOUBLE GOURD' WALL PANEL Large Chinese inlay-decorated hardwood 'double gourd' wall panel, the wood frame formed as a ribboned double gourd, carved with bats suspending coins...
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CHINESE HARDSTONE TREE & WOOD BASE RepublicPeriod, 1912-1949; wood pulp tree trunk with carved pink quartz and soap stone petals, and other hardstone leaves and buds, in gilt metal enamel planter having raised floral...
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A Chinese silvery metal model of anarmed junk with three sails and ten oars various flags canons figures etc 12.25ins (310mm) overall on carved hardwood stand for same 12.25ins (310mm) high overall...
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Chinese Hardstone Embellished TableScreen19th century the circular gilt metal plaque embellished with hardstones featuring figures gathered beneath a pine tree and clouds a single stag standing sentinel to...
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(15) Chinese Hardwood Stands IncludingBox Tray aTen various size hardwood reticulated and lacquer stands largest is 11'' Square along with a gilt wood box with figural carvings on top a framed gilt wood figural...
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A Chinese Carved and Metal Inlaid HardwoodDisplay Stand vasiform multiple stepped shelves pierced apron of geometric design height 30 1/2 in. width 21 5/8 in. depth 7 7/8 in....
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TWO-PANEL CHINESE SCREEN - Late 19thc Chinese Two Panel Screen in ornately carved hardwood frame with reticulated figures finished ends set on metal casters having lacquered panels in black and cinnabar with...
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TWO-PANEL CHINESE SCREEN - Late 19thc Chinese Two Panel Screen in ornately carved hardwood frame with reticulated figures finished ends set on metal casters having lacquered panels in black and cinnabar with...
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A Chinese silvery metal figure of acoiled dragon on fretted and carved hardwood stand 3.5ins (89mm) high overall...
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