LARGE CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE GUANYIN FIGURE,ROC P. Large Chinese famille rose Guanyin figure, dated to Republic Period, heavily potted figure standing over a triple lotus platform with ocean wave underneath, step up...
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EIGHT HEREND CHINA ARTICLES Includesa pair of "Grapevine" toothpick urns, small nut basket, "Chinese Rust Bouquet" pomegranate box, nut basket, "Chinese Green Bouquet" nut basket, box, 4 1/2 in. H. and a pair...
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CHINESE EXPORT ROSE MEDALLION PORCELAINBASKETChinese Export rose medallion porcelain reticulated chestnut basket and underplate, ground with green and pink flowers and foliates, alternating enameled reserves of...
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HEREND GREEN CHINESE BOUQUET PLATES& OTHER PIECES includes 12 mixed pattern Green Chinese Bouquet lunch plates, square vanity basket, small circular basket, Rothschild Bird leaf form dish and Queen Victoria...
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Collection of Ten Elaborately CarvedChinese Jade Pendants, in the traditional style, comprised of a small elliptical cinnamon and white jade pendant with a cobra; a Sincai example carved with fruits; a russet...
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(2 PC) PAIR OF CHINESE FIGURAL PORCELAINLAMPSDESCRIPTION: (2 Pc) Pair of Chinese Figural Porcelain Lamps. Hand Painted porcelain depicting a female and male chinese figures dressed with colorful costumes with flowing...
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2PC HEREND PORCELAIN SUGAR BOWL ANDSUGAR SHAKERWhite porcelain with hand painted green floral designs, gold gilded edges, and basket weave textures. Each piece has a green hand modeled rose at the top. Sugar...
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28 PCS. HEREND TABLEWARE, INCL. INDIANBASKET, WALDSTEI...Twenty-eight (28) Herend hand-painted porcelain tableware items, including Indian Basket Green, Waldstein Blue, and Chinese Bouquet Multicolor patterns....
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44 PCS. HEREND CHINESE BOUQUET GREENCOFFEE SET & MISC....Forty-four (44) pieces of Herend Apponyi, Chinese Green Bouquet pattern hand-painted porcelain coffee service and table items, including one (1) coffeepot...
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22 PCS. HEREND CHINESE BOUQUET GREENSERVING ITEMSTwenty-two (22) Herend Apponyi, Chinese bouquet pattern porcelain assorted serving items, in green with gilt highlights throughout. Includes: four (4) service...
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A QING DYNASTY STYLE PEKING GLASS FIVECOLOR "CHINESE I... COLOR "CHINESE IMMORTALS" BOTTLE VASE, MARKED, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURY, translucent clear bubble glass ground cut to an overlaid cobalt blue ringed...
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A GROUP OF TWO CHINESE HARDSTONE CARVINGS,AGATE CRAB B... AGATE CRAB BASKET AND LANDSCAPE BRUSH REST, 20TH CENTURY, comprising a red-orange agate sculpture of a rope twist trimmed bamboo basket with blossoming lily...
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LARGE GROUP OF ASSORTED ITEMS, TO INCLUDEA MAHOGANY TE...Large Group of Assorted Items, to include a mahogany tea box on brass ball and claw feet, pair of Belleek vases, pair of Roberta signed vases, two art glass...
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TEN SILVER AND SILVER MOUNTED PERFUMES19thand 20th centuries, comprising: Chinese green glass globe, silver overlay with dragon and floral pattern, stopper with Union Jack design, cork stopper, marks to base, 4-1/4...
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TWO CHINESE EXPORT ARMORIAL PORCELAINTANKARDS, SNODGRA...comprising: circa 1800, tankard centered with arms of Snodgrass, having gilt shield, two black stripes, center with three green trefoils, flanked by iron...
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1930S AMERICAN FOLK ART PAINTED WOODBEAD BASKETUnited States, ca. 1930s. A hand-made folk art basket made with wooden balls strung on metal interior supports and painted in a beautiful palette of petal pink,...
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10) HEREND 'NANKING' PLATES, 'CHINESE'MINI TUREEN(lot of 10) Herend hand-painted porcelain table items, including: (1) miniature lidded tureen, in the "Chinese Bouquet" raspberry pattern, with lemon finial, approx...
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A Chinese Green Enameled Yixing ZishaPottery Basket-Form Vase
the vessel imitating a bamboo basket, the shoulder molded with a pair of green glazed crabs.
Height 10 in., 25.4 cm....
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GROUP OF GREEN POTTERYGROUP OF GREENPOTTERY, two majolica pieces, a continental plate and basket and bamboo form pitcher, h: 8.5 in.; Korean celadon bowl, dia: 8.25 in.; signed oval form vase, h: 9.5 in.; handmade...
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COLLECTION OF RUSSIAN AND CONTINENTALFIGURAL GROUPS FIGURAL GROUPS, including a figure of a seated young sailor, with empty baskets to either side, incised Roman numerals under base, h: 5.25 in.; a Continental...
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GROUP OF CHINESE MALACHITE SNUFF BOTTLESone green glass, decorated with green and black swirls in gradation, with a jadeite stopper crowned with a metal and one green glass figurative bottle, depicting a female...
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CHINESE LAVENDER & GREEN CARVED JADEFLOWER POTChinese carved and polished lavender and green jade composition of various flowers, foliage and grapes in carved basket. Mounted on wood base. Measures 11.25"H x...
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CHINESE EXPORT GREEN FITZHUGH BASKET,UNDER TRAY c. 1810, China, gilt and green enameled porcelain, oval basket with reticulated sides, decorated with floral fields and geometric border, with conforming tray,...
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TWO CHINESE EXPORT PLATES INCL. FAMILLEVERTE Two Chinese Export plates, early to mid-19th century, the first a Famille Verte example centering a basket of flowers with auspicious coins, framed by a green band with...
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CHINESE CRAYON PAINTING ON FABRICS aChinese crayon painting on fabric, framed. Depicting painting with geometric patterns of a female figure carrying two baskets of food on her shoulder with red, black, brown...
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4PC CHINESE ROSE MEDALLION PORCELAINTEAPOT GROUP China,19th CenturyIncludes a small, medium, and large teapot of varying shapes and a tea set comprised of two teacups and a teapot in a wicker basket decorated...
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5PC CHINESE & JAPANESE CLOISONNE UTENSILGROUP China, Japan19th CenturyIncludes a small baluster vase decorated with butterflies and flowers, a miniature cloisonne vase decorated with floral medallions over black,...
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Group of Three Asian Carved Jade andAgate Items, consisting of a Chinese carved green jade group of a cat crouched on an overturned basket, peering at a cricket perched on a radish, on a custom Chinese carved...
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Chinese Figural Carvings Chinese twofigural carvings including a green hardstone carving of two women with flowing robes one holding a basket of fruit and the other a fan on a wooden stand and a carved alabaster...
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Good Chinese green jadeite grouping19th century Single section carving, showing two female attendants supporting a basket, wood stand. Jade H: 8 in. ,200-2,000 basket sectional overall cond...
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Chinese carved nephrite jade writer'scoup carved as a basket with a rat on the rim 20th century; stone carved to accentuate pale green lavender and dark green stone; 2 7/8 in. H. Estimate $ 100-200...
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ART DECO ERA NICHOLS CHINESE HAND KNOTTEDWOOL RUG 8'2'' x 9'10'': This Art deco rug has an attractive palette of colors of pale raspberry yellow pale and deep blue and a turquoise green field. There is a hanging...
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Chinese Export Fitzhugh porcelain chestnutbasket on stand 19th century reticulated oval form with flared rim with gilt and green decorated floral sprays and medallions. basket H3 1/2'' L9 1/4'' W8 1/4'' and stand...
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Late Chinese Export green Fitzhughreticulated fruit basket, marked, made in China, c 1910, 81/2"W Estimate $100-150...
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GROUP OF POTTERY ARTICLES Comprisinga purple glazed tureen and cover a salt-glazed pentagonal ''bamboo'' teapot green-glazed relief-decorated basket Italian green-glazed charger and a porcelain plate together...
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