PAIR CHINESE BLUE & IRON RED DRAGONBOWLS, 19TH C. A pair of Chinese blue and ion red dragon bowls, dating from the 19th century. Each deep bowl has 2 iron red dragon decorated exterior with Ruyi & foliate border...
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CHINESE BLUE, WHITE & IRON RED DRAGONFISH BOWL Chinese blue, white, and iron red dragon and bat fish bowl, of classic from, having a flat rim with a leiwen band, above an ovoid body with a ruyi band at the...
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CHINESE IRON RED FIVE CLAW DRAGON FLOORVASE Chinese iron red dragon floor vase, of baluster form, decorated with five clawed writhing dragons contesting a flaming pearl of wisdom amidst auspicious cloud forms,...
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CHINESE BLUE, WHITE, AND IRON RED DRAGONVASE Chinese blue, white, and iron red dragon vase, of bottle form, having a globular body decorated with an iron red five clawed writhing dragon, a flaming pearl of wisdom,...
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CHINESE IRON RED DRAGON JAR WITH CARVEDLID. Chinese squat jar with iron red dragons chasing flaming pearls. With a carved wood lid and pierced ball form finial. Jar displaying an apocryphal Jiajing mark to the...
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CHINESE IRON RED ENAMELED BLUE AND WHITEDRAGON DISH Chinese iron red enameled blue and white dragon dish, Qianlong mark and period, the interior featuring a medallion enclosing a five-clawed dragon painted in iron...
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(LOT OF 10) CHINESE ENAMELED DISHES(lot of 10) Chinese enameled dishes, comprising first a famille verte dish depicting phoenix and dragon medallions, the underside with four iron-red bats and an underglaze...
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SIX PIECES OF CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAINQingdynasty/Republic period, squared vase with iron red Qianlong mark, enameled flower decoration, 5 in.; bowl with underglaze blue Kangxi reign mark, iron red dragon decoration;...
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PAIR OF CHINESE IRON-RED 'DRAGON' BALUSTERVASES AND CO...Pair of Chinese Iron-Red 'Dragon' Baluster Vases and Covers paint decorated with 5 claw dragons & flaming clouds Qianlong mark, 19th - 20th century each, height...
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Chinese, late 19th/early 20th century, porcelain. A single three-claw dragon and applied handle to the small teacup with unglazed foot rim,...
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CHINESE IRON RED DRAGON & PEARL FENGWEIZUNVASE Chinese. Parcel gilt iron red fengweizun or phoenix tail footed porcelain vase, decorated with dragons in a cloudy sky with bats chasing a pearl, and waves at the base....
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CHINESE IRON RED DRAGONS PORCELAIN LOBEDBOWLChinese porcelain bowl, lobed rim, turquoise-glazed interior, exterior decorated with iron red dragons pursuing flaming pearl, above stylized waves, apocryphal Qianlong...
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CHINESE MING STYLE IRON RED DRAGON MEIPINGVASE Chinese Ming style Iron Red dragon Meiping vase, having a short neck above a tapering oval form with an Iron Red underglaze, six character Xuande style mark at the shoulder,...
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CHINESE IRON RED DRAGON DISH, DAOGUANGPERIOD A Chinese iron red dragon dish. dated to Daoguang Period, Square red six character stamp on the slightly recessed base. The dish has five sections with raised dividers...
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CHINESE GREEN & IRON RED DRAGON PLATE,ROCPERIOD A Chinese green and iron red dragon plate,dating from the Republic period. Flat base with iron red dragon and cloud design and deep inclined sides with multiple panels,...
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CHINESE TURQUOISE IRON RED DRAGON SNUFFBOTTLE A Chinese turquoise iron red dragon snuff bottle. Two sides with iron red dragon decoration. Four red Chinese characters on base, with intact jade stopper with spoon...
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CHINESE BLUE & IRON RED DRAGON PLATEXIANFENG MARK A Chinese blue and iron red dragon plade, with an Xianfeng mark. White interior and on outside two iron red dragons curving over a blue scallop background. Within...
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CHINESE TURQUOISE& IRON RED DRAGON PLATE,GUANGXUP Chinese turquoise and iron red dragon plate, Guangxu period (1875-1908). Multiple circular "Shou" symbols and bats in iron red scattered throughout the inside, around a...
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CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE & IRON RED DRAGONVASE,19TH C A Chinese famille rose and iron red dragon vase, dating from the 19th century. Two circular medallions with raised decoration of stylized, curved iron red dragons....
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CHINESE IRON RED &GILT BLUE DRAGON MOONFLASKVASE A Chinese iron red and gilt blue dragon moonflask vase. A colorful and animated iron red glaze dragon on each side of vase, amongst clouds. Cloud theme continues around...
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2 CHINESE GILT IRON RED DRAGON CUPS,GUANGXU MARK A pair of Chinese gilt iron red dragon cups, Guangxu Mark Two small but deep and wide mouth cups that taper into a tiny round base. Each cup features two gilt...
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CHINESE IRON RED DRAGON BOWLS W/ GOLDFISH,19TH C. A pair of Chinese famille rose dragon bowls with inside goldfish theme, dating from the 19th century. Over a footed, recessed base the bowl area has a rounded basin,...
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CHINESE IRON RED "DRAGON" CUP,GUANGXUMARK A Chinese, Guangxu mark and possible of the period, porcelain, iron-red glazed cup, decorated in iron-red to the exterior with two striding dragons amongst flame scrolls...
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CHINESE IRON RED "DRAGON" PAPERWEIGHT,20TH C. A rectangular porcelain paperweight, the sides a white latticework enveloped by a minutely detailed red, green, & yellow pattern, the top with a pair of dragons &...
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PAIR OF CHINESE IRON-RED "DRAGON"CUPS,GUANGXUMARK Chinese ,Guangxu mark and possible of the period, each painted with two five-clawed dragons vying for flaming pearls above cresting waves
H: 2"(5cm) D: 2.4"(6cm)
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PAIR OF CHINESE IRON RED DRAGON PLATES,KANGXIP. Chinese ,Kangxi Period, decorated with flowering plants to the center with lavishly decorated vase, surrounded with floral scrolls within a double circled roundel, interior...
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PAIR OF CHINESE IRON RED DRAGON VASE,ROC PERIOD Chinese ,Guangxu mark but of Republic period, pair of famille rose vases painted with roundels of iron red dragons pursuing flaming pearls amidst scrolls on a white...
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CHINESE GREEN & IRON RED DRAGON PLATE,ROCPERIOD A Chinese green and iron red dragon plate,dating from the Republic period. Flat base with iron red dragon and cloud design and deep inclined sides with multiple panels,...
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PAIR IRON RED DRAGON & PHOENIX BOWL,GUANGXUPERIOD Pair of imperial Chinese iron red dragon & phoenix bowls, Guangxu mark and of the period ,the deep rounded sides rising from a short foot to a gently flaring rim, the...
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CHINESE IMPERIAL IRON RED DRAGON ZHADOU,18THC. Chinese ,imperial iron red dragon Zhoudou,dated to 18th C(possible of JiaQing Period) The globular body below a flaring neck, supported on a short foot, painted around...
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CHINESE IRON-RED 'DRAGON' CHARGER Chineseiron-red 'dragon' charger, the interior well depicting a pair of dragons pursuing a flaming pearl among scrolling clouds, the underside decorated en suite, the recessed base...
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(LOT OF 7) CHINESE PORCELAIN DISHES(lot of 7) Chinese porcelain dishes, comprising a pair featuring three iron-red dragon medallions on the interior well, the base with an iron-red Guangxu mark; a pair featuring...
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CHINESE IRON RED DRAGON CUP W/ XUANTONGMARK A Xuantong Mark,Chinese, porcelain, iron-red dragon cup, with bell-shaped sides rising from a slightly tapered low foot, the exterior painted with two five-clawed dragons...
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CHINESE IRON-RED DRAGON CUP W/ XIANFENGMARK A Chinese, porcelain, iron-red glazed cup, decorated in iron-red to the exterior with two striding dragons amongst flame scrolls chasing the flaming pearl, all above...
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CHINESE IRON-RED DRAGON GINGER JAR ONSTAND Qing Dynasty (19th c.), gilt and red enameled porcelain, decorated in the round with two writhing dragons on a geometric vine ground, six character Yongzheng mark to...
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Chinese Iron Red Dragon VaseFinely paintedto depict dragons playing with flaming pearls amidst ruyi clouds the base bearing four character Qianlong mark n underglaze red 9.125''H.Private collection Portland Oregon....
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