MENNONITE 4 PATCH BLOCK PATTERN QUILTca.1870-1880; uncommon form 80 patchwork of four patch blocks of unmatched fabrics, placed in field of red calico print field, the top with green calico border and fine backing...
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A 19TH CENTURY FOUR PATCH BROKEN DISHESPATTERN QUILTThe unwashed quilt with alternating Broken Dishes and Basic Four-Patch blocks is very finely stitched in tight diagonal lines, the border of polished chintz is...
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UNWASHED 1840S POLISHED CHINTZ MARINER'SCOMPASS QUILTThe thirty sharply-serrated compass pattern blocks with polished chintz borders is elaborately hand quilted with homespun backing. A note states that this quilt...
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2 Antique Quilt Tops As Is. Includesa c1880 hexagon flower quilt top measuring 91x94''. The flowers are hand appliqued to a 4x4'' square. There are 400 of these squares , set straight, 20x20, with a 6'' red...
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Antique c1810 Chintz Quilt is in 2 Pieces.Larger piece measures 69x82". Comprised of 10" squares with 2 alternating chintz fabrics. There are setting triangles along 3 sides and partial blocks along another. There...
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Antique c1880 Album block quilt measuring79x83''. Comprised of 36 blocks, 11x11'', set straight, 6x6. There is a 1.5'' scrappy print sashing and border. It is hand pieced and hand quilted there is a thin cotton batting...
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LANCASTER COUNTY FOUR COLOR JACQUARDCOVERLET.Lancaster County 19th Century Four Color Two Part Jacquard Coverlet. Corner block "J. Witmer, Manor Township, For Mary Forrey, 1836". Floral field with bird border....
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MID-ATLANTIC SUNBURST QUILT C. 1830Americanpieced cotton quilt, Sunburst pattern, comprised of lapis blue and red printed cotton with alternating medallions of brown and rose cotton chintz within ivory squares; embroidered...
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SOUTHERN APPLIQUE QUILT W/ RARE CHINTZBUTTERFLY PANEL,...North or South Carolina hand-pieced and hand-appliqued quilt in a 9-block design album layout, mariner's compass primary pattern with a chintz border around...
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TEXTILE: CUT-OUT CHINTZ APPLIQUE UNFINISHEDCOTTON QUILT, C. 1880S, WITH C. 1920S PINK CHINTZ BORDER ADDED ON THREE SIDES, THE FURNI...TEXTILE: Cut-out chintz applique unfinished cotton quilt, c. 1880s, with c. 1920s...
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TEXTILE: PIECED CALICO QUILT WITH PINWHEEL-TYPEBLOCKS ON POINT, C. 1840S, COTTON, ALTERNATING WITH SQUARE BLOCKS THAT ARE DIVIDED D...TEXTILE: Pieced calico quilt with pinwheel-type blocks on point, c. 1840s, cotton, alternating...
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CHINTZ BORDER "NINE PATCH BLOCK" PATTERNPATCHWORKca. 1870-1900; printed cotton fabrics in calicos and chintz with red and yellow nine patch blocks in green fabric field within center of quilt, bordered with brown,...
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RARE SILK FABRIC "LOG CABIN" QUILT WITHDARK BLUEca. late 19th century-1910; "Barn Building Variant" pattern with angular design of dark set and bright color fabrics, the top assembled with patchwork blocks that...
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CHINTZ & COTTON CALICO PRINT PIECEWORK"DIAMOND BLca. 1840-1870; quilt with eight rows of seven piecework "Diamond Block Star" in blue in white cotton diamond set blocks with brown floral print calico fabric blocks,...
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VINTAGE PATCHWORK QUILT Hand StitchedSawtooth Block Pattern Quilt, circa 1920s, in yellow, white and pink cotton chintz, later added yellow border, white backing, fabric fading, 69" x 98". Minor stains, one small...
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