5PCS, MORTON DOWNEY RECORDS, CHRISTMASGIFTS American, 20th century.Group of five Morton Downey Sr. records comprising 78 record, recorded January 20, 1950 by National Broadcasting Co. "How High the Moon" "Stardust"...
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A RARE ROTATING DANISH MODERN LP RECORDSTORAGE CABINET (Circa 1975)The Brazilian rosewood case with divided interior for storing LP's and 45 RPM records rotates on its chrome stand 180 degrees to conceal its contents...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS INCLUDING EARLYJAZZ AND SOULCollection of LP Records Including Early Jazz and Soul, From the Estate of Dr. James K. Hill...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS INCLUDING EARLYJAZZ AND SOULCollection of LP Records Including Early Jazz and Soul, From the Estate of Dr. James K. Hill...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS INCLUDING CLASSICALSYMPHONIESCollection of LP Records Including Classical Symphonies,...
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SIX BOXES OF LP RECORDS MOSTLY CLASSICALAND CONTEMPORARYSix Boxes of LP Records Mostly Classical and Contemporary,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, ADVERTISING,PHOTOGRAPHS AND TOOLSCollection of LP Records, Advertising, Photographs and Tools, Including The Beatles...
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COLLECTION WITH CHOIR LP RECORDS ANDMUSIC BOOKSCollection with Choir LP Records and Music Books,...
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COLLECTION OF MOSTLY JAZZ, SHOWTIMEAND CLASSICAL ASSORTED LP RECORDS AND 45RPM RECORDSCollection of Mostly Jazz, Showtime and Classical Assorted LP Records and 45RPM Records,...
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COLLECTION OF CLASSIC ROCK LP RECORDS,BEATLES, STONES, DYLAN, ZAPPACollection of Classic Rock LP Records, Beatles, Stones, Dylan, Zappa...
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THREE BOXES OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY CIRCA1960S-80SThree Boxes of LP Records, Mostly Circa 1960s-80s...
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GROUP OF LP RECORDS, EDUCATIONAL CASSETTESAND ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINESGroup of LP Records, Educational Cassettes and Architectural Magazines...
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BOX OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY CLASSICALBoxof LP Records, Mostly Classical...
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ONE BOX OF LP RECORDS AND TWO BOXESOF BOOKSOne Box of LP Records and Two Boxes of Books...
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BOX OF LP RECORDS OF MUSICALSBox ofLP Records of Musicals...
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FIVE BOXES OF LP RECORDS AND A BOX OFBOOKSFive Boxes of LP Records and a Box of Books,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY JAZZCollectionof LP Records, Mostly Jazz,...
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TWO BOXES OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY CLASSICAL,AND A BOX OF JAZZ AND CLASSICAL CDSTwo Boxes of LP Records, Mostly Classical, and a Box of Jazz and Classical CDs,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY CLASSICALAND POPCollection of LP Records, Mostly Classical and Pop,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY 70SROCKCollection of LP Records, Mostly 70s Rock,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, INCLUDINGJAZZ, POP AND FILM SOUNDTRACKSCollection of LP Records, Including Jazz, Pop and Film Soundtracks,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, INCLUDING1970S-80SCollection of LP Records, Including 1970s-80s,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY 70SROCKCollection of LP Records, Mostly 70s Rock,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, INCLUDINGROLLING STONES AND OTHERCollection of LP Records, Including Rolling Stones and Other,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, INCLUDING80S POP AND OTHERSCollection of LP Records, Including 80s Pop and Others,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, INCLUDINGJAZZ, ROCK AND ROLL AND OTHER GENRESCollection of LP Records, Including Jazz, Rock and Roll and other Genres,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY 70SROCKCollection of LP Records, Mostly 70s Rock,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY SHOWTUNESAND SOULCollection of LP Records, Mostly Showtunes and Soul,,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY CLASSICALAND SHOWTUNES, CDS AND VHS TAPESCollection of LP Records, Mostly Classical and Showtunes, CDs and VHS Tapes,...
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GROUP OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY SHOWTUNESAND CLASSICALGroup of LP Records, Mostly Showtunes and Classical,...
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GROUP OF LP RECORDS, INCLUDING MOVIESOUNDTRACKS AND POPGroup of LP Records, Including Movie Soundtracks and Pop,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS, MOSTLY SOULAND SHOWTUNESCollection of LP Records, Mostly Soul and Showtunes,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS INCLUDING JUDYGARLAND, HENRY MATHIS, FRANK SINATRA AND OTHERSCollection of LP Records Including Judy Garland, Henry Mathis, Frank Sinatra and Others,...
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LIBRARY OF LP RECORDS INCLUDING CLASSICROCKLibrary of LP Records Including Classic Rock,...
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FOUR BOXES OF LP RECORDS INCLUDING CLASSICAL(BEETHOVEN), SHOW TUNES AND OTHER MUSICFour Boxes of LP Records Including Classical (Beethoven), Show Tunes and Other Music,...
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COLLECTION OF LP RECORDS INCLUDING JAZZ,SHOW-TUNES AND CLASSICALCollection of LP Records Including Jazz, Show-Tunes and Classical,...
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