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© ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON, Inc., Washington, DC, USA
COLLECTION OF RATTAN TRAYSCollection of Rattan Trays...
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COLLECTION OF BARWARES AND TRAYSCOLLECTIONOF BARWARES AND TRAYS, including a contemporary pair of tongs, l: 8 in.; an Italian plated cocktail strainer, l: 7 in.; a plated pair of tongs with ribbed handles and parcel-gilt...
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COLLECTION WITH FIVE SILVERPLATE TRAYSCollectionwith Five Silverplate Trays,...
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COLLECTION OF 18 STERLING SILVER MOUNTEDCOASTERS AND ASH TRAYSCollection of 18 Sterling Silver Mounted Coasters and Ash Trays,...
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COLLECTION OF GREEN MARBLE COASTERSAND TRAYSCollection of Green Marble Coasters and Trays...
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COLLECTION OF WOOD CANDLE BOX, SEWINGBOX, BRASS PAIL, WOOD BUCKET, PAIR OF BELLOWS AND TWO TOLE TRAYSCollection of Wood Candle Box, Sewing Box, Brass Pail, Wood Bucket, Pair of Bellows and Two Tole Trays...
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COLLECTION WITH 40 CHINESE CARVED BONEFIBULA-TYPE DRESS ARTICLES IN FOUR DISPLAY TRAYSCollection with 40 Chinese Carved Bone Fibula-Type Dress Articles in Four Display Trays...
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COLLECTION OF RATTAN TRAYSCollectionof Rattan Trays...
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COLLECTION OF TEN SILVER PLATED SERVINGTRAYSCollection of Ten Silver Plated Serving Trays...
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COLLECTION WITH GLASS BARWARE, BOWLSAND TRAYSCollection with Glass Barware, Bowls and Trays...
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COLLECTION OF CERAMIC KITCHEN GLASSWAREAND WOOD TRAYSCollection of Ceramic Kitchen Glassware and Wood Trays,...
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COLLECTION OF SILVERPLATE TRAYSCollectionof Silverplate Trays,...
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COLLECTION OF WICKER, SPLIT BAMBOO ANDOTHER WOVEN BASKETS AND TRAYSCollection of Wicker, Split Bamboo and other Woven Baskets and Trays,,...
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COLLECTION OF SILVERPLATE TRAYSCollectionof Silverplate Trays,...
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COLLECTION OF CHINESE AND SOUTHEASTASIAN PORCELAIN, CERAMIC, LACQUERED AND OTHER VASES, BOWLS AND TRAYSCollection of Chinese and Southeast Asian Porcelain, Ceramic, Lacquered and other Vases, Bowls and Trays,,...
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