FOLK ART DISPENSER BOTTLE BY DOUG SHAWca.contemporary; square shaped bottle with brass tap dispenser and folk art carved accents, square block stand with carved trim limbs and chip carved man with white painted beard...
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SMALL FOLK ART CARVED POODLE ATTRIBUTEDTO DIERWECca. contemporary; fret sawn and chip carved dog painted tan/brown with black painted incised tail, floppy ears, lion mane head and shoulders, carved eyes and stick...
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FOLK ART SCHIMMEL-TYPE CARVED ROOSTERATTRIBUTED Tca. contemporary; simply marked with punch strike "D", the small size rooster is fret-sawn and chip carved standing on domed base, large raised tail feathers,...
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G&G HOSFELD FOLK ART CARVED & PAINTEDWOOD SHEEP G&G Hosfeld Pennsylvania contemporary Folk Art carved and painted wood sculpture of a sheep, signed and dated 1982 underside. 9.5" H x 9" L x 3.5" W....
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25 x 15 x 15 1/2 in.
Not withstanding this report or any discussion concerning condition of a lot, all...
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FOLK ART SCHIMMEL-TYPE EAGLE CARVINGca.19th-20th century; primitively chip carved eagle standing on rounded block with rounded beak and placed with mounted outstretched wings, block base appears to be very old...
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FOLK ART MERGANSERS SCULPTURE BY BILLSOWERSA folk art sculpture of a pair of carved mergansers mounted on a plank -- one with tail up and the other with head up and having a fish in its beak. Signed Bill Sowers,...
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CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART LIFE SIZE TURKEYFIGURE.Contemporary Folk Art Carved and Painted Wood Life Size Turkey Figure. Signed Wm. Ellis, mounted on a slab wood platform base. 35-1/2"h. overall. Condition: : Very...
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CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART CARVING OF A CARDINAL.ContemporaryFolk Art Carving of a Cardinal. Painted in natural colors, J.E. Robbins on base. 5-3/4"h. Very good.
Very good....
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2 FOLK ART SANTA CARVING BY JOHNATHONBASTIAN.Two contemporary Folk Art Santa carving by Johnathon Bastian. 6-1/2" dated 1988 and 11" dated 2003. Condition: : Very good....
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GROUP OF CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART.Groupof Contemporary Folk Art Whimsy and Bird Carving. Small rooster signed R. Treshler, 1967; tweezers signed R. Treshler, 1969; Unsigned spice box, 13"l. Condition: : Good with...
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STRAWSER CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART EAGLEDanand Barbara Strawser Carved and Painted Contemporary Folk Art Eagle. Signed on base "D-BS 73 PA". 5-1/4"h. Condition: : Very good with minor wear.
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CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART EAGLE AND SHIELDCARVING.Contemporary Folk Art Eagle and Shield Carving. 44"w. Condition: : Very good with minor wear.
Condition: : Very good with minor wear....
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STRAWSER FOLK ART FIGURE OF A SHEEPDATED 2009.Strawser Carved and Painted Wood Contemporary Folk Art Figure of a Sheep. With tack decoration. Dated 2009. 5"h. x 8"l. Condition: : Good with minor wear.
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CAT PULL TOY BY JUNE & WALT GOTTSHALL,1995.Carved and Painted Wood Contemporary Folk Art Cat with Ball Pull Toy. Signed "June & Walt Gottshall, 1995". 5"h. x 6"l. Condition: : Good with minor wear.
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FOLK ART HOLSTEIN COW BY W. GOTTSHALL,1984.Carved and Painted Wood Contemporary Folk Art Holstein Cow. Signed "W.G. 1984". (William J. Gottshall). 6"h. x 7-3/4"l. Condition: : Good with minor wear.
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FOLK ART BIRD TREE BY JUNE & WALT GOTTSHALL,2000.Carved and Painted Wood Contemporary Folk Art Bird Tree. Signed "June & Walt Gottshall, 2000". 14-1/4"h. Condition: : Good with minor wear.
Condition: :...
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W.J. GOTTSHALL FOLK ART MINIATURE ROCKINGHORSE.Carved and Painted Wood Contemporary Folk Art Miniature Rocking Horse. Signed W.J.G. (William J. Gottshall). 8"h. x 10-1/4"l. Condition: : Good with minor wear.
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FOLK ART BIRDS IN CAGE BY W.J. GOTTSHALL.Carvedand Painted Wood Contemporary Folk Art Birds in Cage. Signed W.J.G. (William J. Gottshall). 14"h. Condition: : Good with minor wear.
Condition: : Good with minor...
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6 CARVED FOLK ART ITEMS, CANES & CHAINS1stitem: Folk Art Figural Indian cane, depicting a carved Native American brave with touch of red polychrome paint in hair. 36 1/2" L. 20th century/Contemporary. 2nd item: Burl...
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FIGURAL "DOLLY PARTON" FOLK ART CANE& SEWER TILE HIPPO...1st item: Contemporary folk art hippo sewer tile sculpture, painted blue. 10 3/4" H x 23 7/8" L x 7 3/4" W. 20th century. 2nd item: Carl McKenzie (1905...
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LEROY ALMON, SR. CARVING, ADAM AND EVELeroyAlmon, Sr. (Georgia, 1938-1997) painted wood folk art carved relief depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with the Devil in the form of a serpent wrapped around a tree....
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CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART 3-DIMENSIONALCARVING "MOBY DICK"...Contemporary Folk Art 3-Dimensional Carving "Moby Dick" , depicting Ahab and crew going on the white whale
Overall 24 in. x 42 in.
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GROUP OF SEVEN FOLK ART FIGUREScomprising:bride marionette, having papier mache head and hands, carved wood feet, fabric gown and flowers, mesh veil, raised on wood plinth, right foot stamped "Mexico", figure 14-1/2...
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CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART WHIRLIGIG Mixedmedia, composed of a three painted and carved wood torsos in column form resting upon riveted metal base, below a metal cap and four blade propeller, unmarked....
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TWO CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART CARVINGSTwocontemporary folk art carvings, 22" h. and 25" h.
Good condition. No apparent damages or repairs....
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CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART CARVED RABBIT,SCULPTURE (20th century). Carved wooded rabbit in repose, no signature, identifying numbers on bottom, 9 in. H., 16 in. W., 8 in. D....
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CONTINENTAL CARVED FOLK ART CHESS SETCirca late 1940s; carved and painted whimsical chessmen, a mix of traditional and contemporary characters, with painted wood shaped chessboard, board, 18 in. Sq....
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CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART ROCKING HORSETOY. Late 20th century, wood. Carved horse on rockers with distressed paint. 13.5"h. 24"l....
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THREE CONTEMPORARY MEXICAN FOLK ARTWOOD CARVINGS Circa 2000, carved and painted wood, including a black cat-like sculpture signed by Oaxacan artist Moises Jimenez (11 1/2 x 14 x 8 in.), and two figural masks...
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PRIMITIVE CLASS CARVED TERN ON POSTTOP BY VERNONca. contemporary; folk art carved gull or tern bird with pointed tip beak, glass eyes, tipped wings and flat paddle tail, placed atop primitive crafted pointed...
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FOLK ART SCHIMMEL-TYPE CHIP CARVED &PAINTED ROOSTca. contemporary; small size figure with bold chip carved form, raised tail feathers, cocks comb and wattles, white and black accent painted body and green painted...
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BRADFORD NAUGLER (CANADA, 1948- ) FOLKART SCULPTURE "Seagull on a House", contemporary carved and painted wood sculpture, signed and dated 2004, with artist name and title on a Harvest Gallery label affixed to...
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JEFF BARRETT (MONROE, ME, CONTEMPORARY)Folk Art Whale, carved and painted wood sculpture, unsigned, depicting a whale with nail teeth swimming above a driftwood base, with letter from artist confirming that this...
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SIX CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART WOODEN CARVEDBIRDS. American 2nd half-20th century. Two flatty shorebirds the taller is a curlew. 11.5'' 9.5''h. And four miniature carvings on driftwood signed by Dorothy Brown (North...
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FOLK ART WHIRLIGIG - Contemporary UncleSam Whirligig in Carved and Painted Wood by Janice Fennimore Madison NJ. 10'' tall repaired at ankles. One like it in Ketchum Folk Art book 1985....
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