CHINESE POWDER BLUE GLAZED MEIPING VASEPossibly Kangxi Era (17th c.), China, dark blue glazed heavily potted porcelain, blue underglaze open double circle to underside, 8.5"h x 5"dia...
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CHINESE MONOCHROME BLUE PORCELAIN VASE19th c. Baluster Vase, with even powder blue glaze over white porcelain, base with underglaze blue double concentric circles, 13 3/4" high, 6" diam. Top rim chip....
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CHINESE CLAIR DE LUNE SHILIUZUN VASELAMP Qianlong mark and possibly of the period (1736-1795), China, powder blue glazed porcelain, decorated with elephant head handles, silvered wood mounts, with chromed double...
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CHINESE POWDER BLUE PORCELAIN VASEDESCRIPTION:A Chinese light powder blue glazed porcelain vase. Of meiping form. Stamped with six character mark. CIRCA: Late 19th / Early 20th Century ORIGIN: China DIMENSIONS: H. 7"...
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14 SMALL CHINESE PORCELAIN AND METALTABLE ITEMSQing dynasty, including eight pieces of blanc de chine porcelain: five cups/libation cups; planter with stand; small mouse; pierced incense cover and stand, 2-5/8...
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CHINESE POWDER-BLUE GLAZED PORCELAINJARQing dynasty, ginger jar painted in underglaze blue with four quatrefoil reserves of mountainous seascapes, powder blue ground, with carved wood lid, 9-1/4 x 8-1/2 in.
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THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN VASES, TO INCLUDEA POWDER BLUE...Three Chinese Porcelain Vases, to include a powder blue with gold decoration, vase height 10 inches; a red glazed pear shaped vase, vase height 10 1/2 inches;...
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SEVEN PIECE GROUPSeven Piece Group,two carved agate pieces, to include a covered foo dog urn having foo dog finial and handles with rings, on tripod base; align with a leaf form brush washer; tallest 9 inches,...
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FOUR ASIAN POTTERY OBJECTSpowder boxand larger saucer dated Ming dynasty, 14th-15th century by Republic of the Philippine National Museum, Rizal Park, Manila, other possibly Ming dynasty, comprising: lidded...
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CHINESE POWDER BLUE PORCELAIN VASE WITHSTANDbulbous body with long tapering neck, white glaze interior, 9-1/2 x 7 in.; carved wood stand, 1-1/2 x 6-1/2 in.
anomalies and pinholes, firing crack on...
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CHINESE POWDER BLUE GLAZED PORCELAINBOWL Qing Dynasty, finely potted, bears underglaze blue seal mark to underside of foot, 2.5"h x 5.5"w...
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(2) ANTIQUE CHINESE PORCELAIN VASESQing Dynasty (19th c.), incl. a sang de boeuf glazed bottle vase, with six character Kangxi mark in double ring, and a powder blue glazed rouleau vase, unmarked, 8.5"h x 3.25"w...
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CHINESE POWDER-BLUE GLAZE PORCELAINBOTTLE VASE Chinese. Large porcelain mottled powder-blue glazed bottle vase. Unmarked. Approx. h. 12"....
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CHINESE POWDER BLUE PETITE PORCELAINVASE Chinese. Petite blue glazed porcelain bottle vase. Apparently unmarked. Approx. h. 4.75"....
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TWO CHINESE POWDER BLUE PORCELAIN PLATTERSTwo Chinese monochrome blue glazed porcelain circular platters. Apparently unmarked. Measurements: Approx. diam. 10.375" (smallest), diam. 11.375" (largest)....
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Three Chinese Powder Blue Glazed PorcelainArticles
19th Century
with open reserves of figures and landscapes; comprising a covered jar and two rouleau-form vases.
Height of taller, 13 3/4 inches....
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CHINESE GILT POWDER BLUE GLAZED JAR,19TH C. A Chinese porcelain gilt blue glazed jar. High shouldered, rounded base that tapers into a small neck. Gilt glaze features fine designs of flowers and Chinese fortune....
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CHINESE POWDER BLUE PORCELAIN BOTTLEVASESPair of Chinese Powder Blue Porcelain Bottle Vases, overall pale lavender blue glaze thinning to white around the rims, h. 9 in...
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19TH C. CHINESE POWDER BLUE PORCELAINJAR. Mid-19th C. Chinese porcelain covered jar, in a powder blue glaze with gilt decoration, under glazed blue double ring mark on bottom. 14”H x 9” dia. ....
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A Chinese Powder Blue Glazed PorcelainBaluster Vase
19th Century
faint remnants of maker's mark to underside.
Height 9 7/8 inches....
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CHINESE POWDER BLUE AND GILT BOWL QingDynasty (possibly 18th c.), gilt decorated blue glazed porcelain, celadon interior bowl, painted in the round with two writhing dragons amongst flaming clouds, blue underglaze...
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A CHINESE ROULEAU POWDER BLUE GLAZEDVASE LAMP 19th century, porcelain with powder blue monochrome glaze rouleau shaped vase, gilt rim and light turquoise glaze to the interior of the rim, drilled and fitted...
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A CHINESE POWDER BLUE PORCELAIN VASELAMP Qing dynasty (1644-1912), 19th century, large finely glazed blue monochrome vase with elegant neck and well potted body, drilled and fitted as a lamp in old bronze mounts...
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3 MINIATURE CHINESE GLAZED PORCELAINBOTTLE VASES China,19th CenturyMiniature bottle form with powder blue, powder pink, and green glaze finish....
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A PAIR OF CHINESE PORCELAIN POWDER BLUEDOGS Seated dogs in vivid powder blue glaze, 5 1/2 in. H....
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Two Antique Chinese Porcelain MiniatureVases the first of flattened baluster form with loose ring handles and allover raised decoration with 18 figures amid clouds and dragons on a powder blue ground the base with...
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Pair Bronze-Mounted Porcelain VasesChinese: baluster form with powder blue glaze, encased in gilt bronze fittings, 11-1/4 in.,...
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Chinese Powder Blue Porcelain Inkwellprobably 20th century, everted rim with 3/4 in. opening, exterior with powder blue glaze over white porcelain with three circular designs under glaze, bottom with six character...
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Powder Blue-Glazed and Gilt- DecoratedPorcelain Plate Chinese, possibly Kangxi (1662-1722), scalloped rim, gilt decoration with two dragons grasping for central pearl, 8-1/4 in.,...
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A Chinese Porcelain Pink Tea Bowl Verythinly potted tea cup raised on a small circular foot exterior decorated with matte powder pink glaze; underside with a blue mark; measures apprx. 1-1/3"H x 3-1/8"W....
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Pair of Chinese Export Powder Blue GlazedPorcelain Lamps
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Powder Blue-Glazed and Gilt- DecoratedPorcelain Bowl Chinese, probably 19th century, finely potted, rim and base ring with brown-glazed banding, body with traces of gilt decoration, 2-1/2 x 6-1/4 in.,...
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Chinese Powder Blue Glazed PorcelainRouleau Vase
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