CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN FAMILLE ROSEBOX & DISHA Chinese export porcelain famille rose lidded box and dishThe box with character mark to underside.height of box 3 1/2in (9cm); width 7 3/4in (19.5cm); depth 3...
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5 PIECES OF CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAINPropertyfrom a Private Collection, Georgia comprising a pair of lidded urns (one urn broken and restored, the other with hairline crack to neck and chip to rim of lid), a lidded...
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THREE CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE BOXES ThreeChinese Famille Rose boxes comprising a four layer cabbage and butterfly box, of circular form, the lid decorated with one of the Eight Immortals surrounded by boys, the...
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A vintage Japanese lacquered dresserbox, 6.5”H x 5”W x 5”D. Vintage covered Chinese Famille Rose ginger jar, 5.5”H. Vintage yellow-ground and Famille Rose decorated Chinese porcelain ginger jar with...
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CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN STACKINGBOX Chinese famille rose porcelain round stacking box, in four compartments with lid, the exterior decorated with scenes of figures in landscape. 7.125" H x 5.75" diameter....
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CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN STACKINGBOX Chinese famille rose porcelain round stacking box, in four compartments with lid, the exterior decorated with scenes of figures in landscape. 7.125" H x 5.75" diameter....
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GROUPING OF ASIAN PORCELAINS. Includes(2) blanc de chine foo dogs; a repaired blue and white Cantn bowl - staple repairs; a small blue and white dish - signature to underside; a carved finial; a Chinese Famille...
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ASSORTED GROUPING OF CHINESE PORCELAINS.Includes a 19th century blue and yellow lidded box on a fitted stand; a 20th century Chinese enamel decorated lidded box with yellow ground; a signed Chinese Famille Rose...
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CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE FLORAL DECORATEDLIDDED BOX. Chinese Famille Rose enamel decorated lidded box with floral decoration. Apocryphal Qianlong mark to the underside. From a Long Island, NY estate. Dimensions:...
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COLLECTION OF (13) PCS. OF ASIAN OBJETS.Includes a Chinese blue and white prunus hat stand; a Chinese Famille Rose enamel decorated teapot displaying scholar's items - missing lid, with an apocryphal iron red Qianlong...
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CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN GROUPING.Includes (3) Chinese Famille Rose enamel lidded cricket cages with pierced lids; a Chinese Famille Rose enamel decorated lidded box; a Chinese Famille Rose enamel decorated...
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COLLECTION OF CHINESE PORCELAINS. Includesa red lacquered lidded box with blue and white porcelain insert to lid; a Chinese celadon blue and white vase displaying scholar's objects; and a Chinese Famille Rose hat...
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(LOT OF 8) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE BOXES(lot of 8) Chinese famille rose boxes, comprising a stacking box depicting floral blooms and birds, with inscription on the reverse; six circular ink paste boxes, one with...
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(LOT OF 2) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE STACKINGBOXES (lot of 2) Chinese famille rose stacking boxes, the first a four-tiered box with a lid, decorated with peony and other floral blooms, the body flanked by beast form...
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(LOT OF 2) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE LIDDEDCONTAINERS (lot of 2) Chinese famille rose lidded containers, first of drum form, depicting immortals and officials in a garden setting; second a box featuring an immortal...
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6 PCS OF ASIAN PORCELAIN, INCL. GRISAILLESix(6) pieces of Chinese Porcelain. 1st & 2nd items: Pair of Chinese Export Famille Rose porcelain vases, mounted as lamps, having orange, pink, and purple floral decoration...
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A Chinese famille rose porcelain circularbox with lid on a wooden stand, Qing Dynasty, depicting the Chinese character Shou (longevity) among peaches, bats and ribbon tied Wan (happy life and longevity) on a yellow...
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NICE GROUP CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAINSQing Dynasty (18th/19th c.), (6) pieces, incl. a pair of small rectangular vases, cricket box, joss stick holder, lidded divided box, etc., one piece with seal mark, one with...
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(6) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN LIDDEDBOXES(lot of 6) Group of Chinese famille rose porcelain lidded boxes, having figural and foliate reserves, all marked underfoot, comprising: (4) rectangular boxes, approx...
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(6) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN LIDDEDBOXES(lot of 6) Chinese famille rose porcelain lidded boxes, of rectangular form, having pained floral motifs on white ground, approx 3"h, 7.5"w, 4"d, 16.3lbs total...
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ASIAN: ASIAN ASSORTMENT, NINE PIECES,INCLUDING: FAMILLE ROSE CYLLINDER VASE, 10 1/4" H.; TWO SMALL CHINESE BOXES WITH LIDS, FIGURAL...ASIAN: Asian assortment, nine pieces, including: famille rose cyllinder vase,...
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(3) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE TABLE ITEMSQing Dynasty (19th c.), gilt and polychrome enameled porcelain, including a cricket box, the shaped lid with two pierced roundels and decorated with butterflies, over conforming...
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(SET OF 9) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE SWEETMEAT TRAYS (set of 9) Chinese famille rose sweet meat trays, each interior well featuring butterflies amongst peony, lotus, and other floral blooms, the cavetto painted with...
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CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE 'GUANYIN' BOX ANDCOVER Chinese famille rose 'Guanyin' box and cover, the box molded in the form of a double-lotus thrown above scrolling waves, the lid in the form of a Guanyin figure seated...
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(LOT OF 5) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE BOWLSAND DISHES (lot of 5) Chinese famille rose bowls and dishes, comprising two yellow-ground dishes each featuring "Wanshou Wujiang" medallions, each with an iron-red Guangxu...
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(LOT OF 2) CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE FIGURALLIDDED BOXES (lot of 2) Chinese famille rose figural lidded boxes, each depicting beauties in a courtyard setting, the reverse inscribed, dated, signed and with one artist...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG BOX & COVER W/ SCHOLAR,20THC. A rectangular Chinese Famille Rose porcelain box with lid showing a scholarly old man sitting beside a young child in a flowering garden. Four Chinese characters are written...
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QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY ? ?????????????each box painted with official figures confronted by a seated superior official to the exterior, the lids respectively adorned...
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TWO CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAIN BOXESTwo similar Famille Rose covered rectangular shaped porcelain boxes, one having erotic image inside lid and iron red seal mark on reverse underglaze, Chinese, c.1900; 3.5"H...
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Eleven pieces Chinese famille rose ,including lidded box, teapot, compote, plates, bowls; detailed listing available. All with minor wear to glaze and gilt....
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Chinese famille rose lidded box, interiordivider, several inscriptions with vessel, floral borders, goat, several figures including one man on floating tree stump, lid rim and box with flowers, fruit, insects, 19th...
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Chinese 19th century a group of sixfamille rose decorated boxes with pierced lids greatest length 6''....
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Three pieces Chinese export porcelain,famille rose : lidded armorial box, brass mounts, lid with crest, motto "ABSTITIT QUI DEDIT", base marked in red "CHINA", 2-3/4 x 4-7/8 x 3-5/8 in., firing...
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A Chinese Famille Rose Millefleur PasteBox of circular lidded form the underside having turquoise glaze retaining paste. Diameter 3 5/8 inches....
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Three pieces Chinese famille rose ,all rose canton: cylindrical vase, scrolling lotus rim border, 10 in., minor rim chips ; cylindrical lidded box, scrolling lotus border on lid, 4-1/2 in., minor rim chips...
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Pr. Chinese Famille Rose Covered JarsFinelypainted to depict warriors during a battle the lids with molded fruit and painted butterflies each with seal mark in should square to base with fitted silk box 6.5''H circa...
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