A Pair of Sèvres Style Biscuit PorcelainBust Sculptures
After the Models by Etienne-Maurice Falconet, 19th/20th Century
Le Baiser Donné et Le Baiser Rendu, raised on marble plinths.
Height 7 x width 4 x depth...
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CLASSICAL STYLE BUST SCULPTURES OF DIANA& HERMES Two Classical style gilt plaster bust sculptures of Hermes of Praxiteles and Diana the Huntress, after the antique, each figure mounted to round socle base, gold...
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19TH C. GILT BRONZE BUSTS OF DOMITIANAND NERVA 19th century Grand Tour gilt bronze bust sculptures depicting the Roman emperors Domitian and Nerva; each bust on ormolu socle and cylindrical white marble pedestal,...
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HAGENAUER ATTRIB. ART DECO BUST SCULPTURES,PAIR Franz Hagenauer attributed Austrian Art Deco sculptural umbrella stands, depicting corresponding male and female busts in profile, worked in mixed metal. Each: 20.25"...
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FOUR FRED BENTLEY HANDMADE BUST SCULPTURESFred Bentley (American 20th century), 'Four Handmade Busts' included three of Abraham Lincoln and one of George Washington, mixed media, all inscribed en verso. Approximate...
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(2 PC) JULIUS CAESAR & EMPEROR NEROBUST BRONZESDESCRIPTION: (2 Pc) A Pair of italian bronze bust sculptures depicting two historical figures from the Roman Empire, Gaius Julius Caesar and Emperor Nero. Both...
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(3 PC) GREEK & ROMAN BUST GROUPING SETDESCRIPTION:(3 Pc) A Greek & Roman bust sculpture grouping set. This set includes two (2) resyn bust sculptures depicting Hermes, the Olympian deity in ancient Greek religion and mythology,...
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(2 PC) LUCA MADRASSI (ITALIAN, 1848)GILT BRONZE SCULPT...DESCRIPTION: (2 Pc) A Pair of Luca Maddrassi (Italian, 1848-1919) gilt bronze bust sculptures depicting a male and female young couple busts with smiling...
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(2 PC) PAOLO MARIONI ROMAN EMPEROR BUSTSCULPTURESDESCRIPTION: (2 Pc) A pair of large Paolo Marioni (Italian, 20th Century) bust sculptures of a Roman emperor in terracotta, with a bronze patina finish and partially...
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3 ITALIAN CLASSICAL MARBLE BUSTS, HOMER,HERMES, & NARC...Three (3) Italian marble bust sculptures depicting Greek figures. 1st item: Bust depicting the blind Greek poet Homer, titled OMERO along the lower front...
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COLLECTION OF 32 ETHNOGRAPHIC SCULPTURES& MASKS, MOSTL...A collection of thirty-two (32) ethnographic carvings and sculptures, including items from Mozambique, Madagascar, and Cuba plus a lidded basket, thirty-three...
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SUSAN KLIEWER BRONZE BUST SCULPTURE,KEEPER OF THE EAGL...Susan Kliewer (Arizona, b. 1940) cold-painted bronze portrait bust sculpture titled "Keeper of the Eagle" depicting a middle aged Zuni man wearing a red...
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2 ALVIN MARSHALL ALABASTER SCULPTURESTwo(2) Alvin K. Marshall (New Mexico, b. 1959) carved alabaster sculptures. 1st item:Carved alabaster sculpture titled "Narrow Bust" depicting a bust of a Native American wearing...
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TWO BRONZE SCULPTURES, TO INCLUDE ASMALL BRONZE BUST O...Two Bronze Sculptures, to include a small bronze bust of a hooded child, unsigned, base is unattached, height 9 inches; along with a horse with jockey...
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FIVE PIECE AFRICAN CARVED WOODEN SCULPTURALLOTFive Piece African Carved Wooden Sculptural Lot, to include a rosewood carved bust, signed "S. MBuraka"; a bust of a man; a "Happy God" carved full length figure, (repaired),...
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Bob Willoughby (American, 1927-2009). "Elisabeth Frink, Sculptress in her Chelsea, London Studio - 1956" - silver gelatin print,...
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MARIO VILLA, NEFERTITI SCULPTURAL LAMP(Italian, 1953- 2021). Assembled sculptural lamp,with bronze female bust, and patinated metal coiled wire mounted to circular metal base, signed on bust and base, 25 in. H.,...
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(4) SCULPTURES: MOLIERE BUST, TERRACOTTA(lotof 4) Sculptures, highlights include: (1) plaster bust, Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, French, 1622-1673), on socle, marked JP MD 308, approx 12.5"h, (1) terracotta bust,...
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(3) SCULPTURES BRONZE & COMPOSITE PORTRAITBUSTS(lot of 3) Sculptures, including: (1) bronze, Bust of Homer, Susse Freres foundry mark, stamped GG, approx 4"h, 2.25"w, 1.75"d, (1) bronze, Bust of a WWI-era Artillery...
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JEAN BULIO (FRENCH, 1827-1911), A PAIROF BRONZE BUST SCULPTURES Depicting the Virgin Mary and Christ, both signed "Bulio" to the reverse, and mounted upon a red hardstone base....
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GROUP WITH 10 ASSORTED PLASTER AND COMPOSITEFIGURAL BUSTS AND SCULPTURES, H OF TALLEST: 20-3/4 INCHESGroup with 10 Assorted Plaster and Composite Figural Busts and Sculptures, H of tallest: 20-3/4 inches...
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GROUP WITH AFRICAN, ASIAN AND OTHERWOOD, BONE AND COMPOSITION BUSTS AND SCULPTURES, HEIGHT OF LARGER: 32 INGroup with African, Asian and other Wood, Bone and Composition Busts and Sculptures, Height of Larger:...
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LOUIS MENDEZ ART POTTERY FIGURAL SCULPTURES,10 Group of ten Louis Mendez (American, 1929-2012) diminutive Studio Art Pottery ceramic sculptures comprising two horned busts, two glazed ceramic abstracted heads, one unglazed...
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LOUIS MENDEZ ART POTTERY BUST SCULPTURES,3 Three Louis Mendez (American, 1929-2012) Studio Art Pottery ceramic abstract bust sculptures, one with a metallic glaze and signed near base, two mounted on wooden bases....
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IFE BUST OF A RULER, ALVA MUSEUM REPROW/ BASE Alva Museum reproduction, Ife bust of a ruler, 1973, created in resin with a patinated copper finish, having a hollow at the back of the head, marked at bottom back,...
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THREE SHONA STONE BUST SCULPTURESTHREESHONA STONE BUST SCULPTURES, Zimbabwe, Africa: 14-3/4"H signed B.CHAVAYABANDI; 22.5"H signed AGNES.N. (Agnes Nyanhongo, Nyanga, b. 1960); 17"H unsigned....
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(2) Large bust sculptures, unsigned,c/o cast stone head on white marble base (10" h), carved wood (13-3/4" h)...
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2pcs CERAMIC ART Bust Sculptures. Glazed.Dimensions: H: 7 inches: W: 4 inches: D: 5 inches ---
Condition: 1 with several chips. Crazing....
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2pcs Bronze bust sculptures. Figural.Mid Century Modern.
Dimensions: H: 17 inches: W: 9 inches: D: 10 inches ---
Condition: Very Good Condition....
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2pcs Bronze bust sculptures. Figural.Mid Century Modern.
Dimensions: H: 17 inches: W: 9 inches: D: 10 inches ---
Condition: Very Good Condition....
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TANGANYIKA AFRICAN HAND CARVED ROSEWOODCEREMONIAL BUST SCULPTURES 10 ½" x 5 ¼" x 3 ?" Fully carved rosewood ceremonial bust, old paper label "hand craved / Made in Tanganyika" attached to the bottom. Provenance:...
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Pr alabaster bust sculptures, 19th c,7" h, no damage Estimate $200-400...
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PAIR BRONZE CHILD BUST SCULPTURES AfterFranz Xaver Messerschmidt (German 1736-1783); ''The Happy Baby '' and ''The Crying Baby.'' Each mounted on round marble plinths. Heights: 4.25 inches. The pieces are in good...
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Collection busts and sculptures SaintLouis crystal bust of Napoleon III H8'' pair of bisque busts of Elizabethan gentlemen H10'' bronze putti on ebonized pedestal H11'' (4pcs) Provenance: Estate of the late Francis...
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SIX BISQUE BUST SCULPTURES OF POLISHKINGS BY MIERZEJEWSKI AFTER MATEJKO: Approximately 4'' x 3'' shadowbox style frames 6 1/2'' x 5 1/2'' Gallery of the Polish Kings label on all of the frames visible verso....
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