A very rare Smith & Rand Lightning Powder red tin with a diamond-shaped label that reads, "Smith & Rand Powder Co. NY" depicting a dead hare lying on a dead...
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TWO VINTAGE MAPS, "VERTICAL MAP OF TEXAS,"CHICAGO, EAR...TWO VINTAGE MAPS, "Vertical Map of Texas," CHICAGO, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, color engravings on paper, published by Rand McNally, showing railroad lines, counties...
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AN ANTIQUE MAP, "RAND MCNALLY & CO.'STEXAS," CHICAGO, ...AN ANTIQUE MAP, "Rand McNally & Co.'s Texas," CHICAGO, CIRCA 1892, color engraving on paper, a page fragment from Rand McNally's New Business Atlas, pages...
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AN ANTIQUE MAP, "RAND MCNALLY & CO.'SNEW ENLARGED SCAL...AN ANTIQUE MAP, "Rand McNally & Co.'s New Enlarged Scale Railroad and County Map of Texas, Showing Every Railroad Station and Post Office in the State,"...
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THE RAND MCNALLY & CO.'S TERRESTRIALGLOBE, 18", USA, 1...THE RAND McNALLY & CO.'S TERRESTRIAL GLOBE, 18", USA, 1916-1924, the plaster globe covered with twelve color lithographed paper gores and under the Aleutian...
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RAND MCNALLY'S 1892 1ST MARKETED SCHOOLEARTH GLOBERand McNally & Co., USA. The first 6-inch terrestial globe marketed by Rand McNally & Co. for schools in 1892. Marked under the South Pacific Ocean "Rand McNally...
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TWO PIECE LOT TO INCLUDE ELLEN GERTRUDEEMMET RAND (AME...Two Piece Lot to include Ellen Gertrude Emmet Rand (American, 1875 - 1941), oil on canvas, 1926, portrait of Samuel Albertus Brown (1873 - 1952), signed...
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REMINGTON RAND LIBRARY BUREAU CARD CATALOGRemingtonRand Library Bureau Division card catalog. American, Early 20th Century. Oak, 20 drawers, brass pulls and name plates. Remington Rand Library Bureau Div. metal label plate...
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RAND GLEASON BUFFLEHEAD DRAKE MASSACHUSETTS,20TH CENTURY LENGTH 7.5”.RAND GLEASON BUFFLEHEAD DRAKE, Massachusetts, 20th Century, In sleeping position. Mounted on an oval hardwood base. Signed on underside "Bufflehead...
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RAND GLEASON CARVING OF A LIFE-SIZETERN SCITUATE, MASSACHUSETTS, 20TH CENTURY HEIGHT 13”. TERN, Scituate, Massachusetts, 20th Century, Mounted on a driftwood and mahogany base. Signed on underside "Rand...
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REMINGTON RAND LIBRARY BUREAU CARD CATALOGRemingtonRand Library Bureau Division card catalog. American, Early 20th Century. Oak, 20 drawers, brass pulls and name plates. Remington Rand Library Bureau Div. metal label plate...
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STEINWAY PIANO, MODEL O, 1901, CURRENTLYNOT IN PLAYING CONDITION NOR COULD IT BE PUT IN PLAYING CONDITION WITHOUT A COMPLETE REBUIL...Steinway piano, model O, 1901, currently not in playing condition nor could it...
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RAND WARREN (AMERICAN, 20TH C.), OILON CANVAS, WOMAN IN LOW BACK TOP SITS AT TABLE WITH LARGE FLORAL ARRANGEMENT OF PINK, YELLOW, W...Rand Warren (American, 20th C.), oil on canvas, woman in low back top sits...
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REMINGTON RAND MODEL 1911 A1 .45 SEMIAUTO PISTOL Model 1911 A1 .45 caliber semi automatic pistol manufactured in 1944 by Remington Rand Inc. Checkered plastic grips with black steel frame. 5" barrel length,...
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JUDY RAND (NEW YORK/VERMONT, 20/21STCENTURY) MIXEJUDY RAND (New York/Vermont, 20/21st century) mixed media on wood panels, three dimensional triptych landscape with fields and rolling hills. One panel signed...
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"ATLAS SHRUGGED" AUTOGRAPHED BY AYNRAND "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand (Russian-born American, 1895-1982) original green cloth with initials AR stamped in gilt on front cover, spine lettered in gilt on black...
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4PC CRAM & RAND MCNALLY WORLD ATLASES,1883-1900Includes "Cram's Unrivaled Family Atlas of the World" published by George F. Cram circa. 1900, "Cram's Unrivaled Family Atlas of the World" copyright 1883 by George...
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1894 RAND MCNALLY & CO ATLAS OF THEWORLD United States,1894"Rand, McNally & Co.'s Atlas of the World" published by Rand, McNally & Company in 1894....
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RAND MCNALLY & CO. ENLARGED BUSINESSATLAS Illinois,1881"Rand McNally & Co.'s Enlarged Business Atlas and Shippers' Guide" published by Rand, McNally & Company 1881....
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RAND MCNALLY & CO. INDEXED ATLAS OFTHE WORLD Illinois,1881"Rand, McNally & Co.'s Indexed Atlas of the World Historical and Descriptive" by Rand, McNally & Co. in 1881....
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UNKNOWN, AMERICAN (20TH CENTURY), AMERICANSTUDIO POTTERY VESSEL WITH GILT INTERIOR, RAKU FIRED, 2 7/8"H X 3 3/4"DIAM.Unknown, American, (20th Century) American studio pottery vessel with gilt interior, raku fired...
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RAND GLEASON MINIATURE BLUEBILL DRAKEMASSACHUSETTS, LATE 20TH CENTURY LENGTH 9”., Massachusetts, Late 20th Century, Signed on underside "Rand Gleason". Dimensions: Length 9"....
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REMINGTON RAND MODEL "1911 A1 US ARMY"PISTOL SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL, 45 acp caliber, 5" barrel, Parkerized finish, checkered plastic grips, grip safety, dovetail rear sight, (3) seven round magazines, FJA inspector...
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REMINGTON RAND TYPEWRITERRemington RandTypewriter,...
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PAUL RAND 1994 EXHIBITION POSTER PRINTPaulRand (American, 1914-1996). Exhibition poster, September 22, 1994, World Theater, St. Paul. 24" x 18". Creases in center...
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A RAND MCNALLY AND COMPANY 18" TERRESTRIALGLOBE A Rand McNally and Company 18" Terrestrial globe, the whole rising on a swivel and rotating patinated support, 28"h...
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ELEVEN FOLIO SOCIETY FICTION BOOKS,INCL. AYN RAND Collection of eleven The Folio Society fiction hardcover books comprising, Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy", 2010, Patricia Highsmith,...
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ROGER WILLIAMS SILVER CO. FOR RAND &CRANE STERLING SILVER BASKET 2 ¾" x 11 ½" x 8 ¾" Sterling silver basket with lobed openwork body and cast foliate and scroll serpentine rim; marked underneath with Roger...
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Travel maps of North and South Carolinaconsisting of: COLTON'S MAP OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WITH PORTIONS OF ADJOINING STATES 1866. Late 19th century in two parts folded and mounted within hardcover book;...
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One-Pound Powder Can by Laflin & RandPowder Co. 5.25'' x 3.5''; Laflin & Rand Infallible Smokeless powder. Condition: Excellent....
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RAND AYN The Fountainhead. Indianapolisand New York: Bobbs-Merrill (1943). 8vo publisher's red cloth lettered in gilt later dust jacket with photograph of Ayn Rand to back panel. First edition later printing. Ends...
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1 vol. Rand, B.H. Rand's System ofPenmanship With Instructions & C... Philadelphia: B. H. Rand of Jos. Perkins, 1840. Oblong thin 12 mo., orig. printed edges; scuffed, occasionally rubbed. Engraved plates....
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D. RAND (AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY) LIGHTHOUSEWatercolor: 11 x 15 1/4 in. (sight) Framed; lower right: P. Rand...
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DECORATIVE LIFE-SIZE WOOD DUCK DRAKEByRand Gleason. Glass eyes raised wing feathers and carved tail feathers. Exceptional feathered detail. Mounted on a round base with relief-carved red maple leaves. Diameter...
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TEN DIECAST MODELS OF ROAD WORKING EQUIPMENTNZG; Ingersoll-Rand SP-60DD compactor with box Bowmag BW 90S hand roller Hamm AG 3412 HT P cab roller NZG pavers; BK-95 Wibau IBH Demag Vogele Super 1800 Barber-Greene BG-245C;...
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