SAMUEL W. GRIGGS, (AMERICAN, 1827-1898),MORNING AND NIGHT, OIL ON CANVAS, EACH: 10 X 14 IN., FRAME: 16 3/4 X 20 1/2 IN.SAMUEL W. GRIGGS, (American, 1827-1898) Morning and Night, oil on canvas Morning, signed...
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DEDHAM POTTERY NIGHT AND MORNING PITCHER.DedhamPottery Crackle Ware Night and Morning Pitcher. (# 10 majolica type) Depicting an early morning scene on obverse, with a rooster and two chickens beneath the bright sun and...
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GA 9TH CSA AMBROTYPE R. CASSADY & CIVILWAR ARCHIVEConfederate Archive of 4th Sergeant Russell M. Cassady, Georgia Company G, 9th Regiment (Walker Co., GA - Lafayette Volunteers, mortally wounded 1865). Includes...
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PENDLETON STEAM SERVICE CONTROL, PATENTEDPendletonSteam Service Control, patented, Grand Central Station time set switch, set with clock, day switch, night switch, morning service, night service. [5 1/2 x 13 (dia) inches]....
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CIVIL WAR ARCHIVE, INCL. GEN. BATE ONDEATH OF POLK, CA...Confederate Civil War archive of twenty-two (22) items, pertaining to the Fulton brothers of Fayetteville, Tennessee, specifically Colonel John S. Fulton,...
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WUANITA SMITH OIL ON CANVAS IMPRESSIONISTVIEW, "EARLY ...Wuanita Smith (American 1866-1959) Oil on Canvas Impressionist View, "Early Morning Nantucket Harbor", signed lower right, "Waunita Smith 35", canvas laid...
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TWO LETTERS FROM ANDREW WYETH (AMERICAN,1917-2009) TO ALICE MOORETwo Letters from ANDREW WYETH (American, 1917-2009) to Alice Moore, Monday, August 1, 1938; mailed Monday, August 1, 1938 My dearest, How lonely...
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LETTER FROM ANDREW WYETH (AMERICAN,1917-2009) TO ALICE MOORELetter from ANDREW WYETH (American, 1917-2009) to Alice Moore, Sunday, May 29, 1938; mailed Monday, May 30, 1938 Sunday 6 o'clock, am alone for...
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THREE LETTERS FROM ANDREW WYETH (AMERICAN,1917-2009) TO ALICE MOOREThree Letters from ANDREW WYETH (American, 1917-2009) to Alice Moore, Mailed Tuesday, November 30, 1937, South Carolina Dearest Alice, Well here...
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LETTER FROM ANDREW WYETH (AMERICAN,1917-2009) TO ALICE MOORELetter from ANDREW WYETH (American, 1917-2009) to Alice Moore, Sunday, August 1, 1937; mailed Monday, August 2, 1937 My Dearest Alice, I just had...
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CHARLES LOLOMA, GROUP OF THREE ORIGINALDRAWINGS, CA. 1980S: MORNING STAR, NIGHT SKY + UNTITLEDCharles Loloma, (Hopi, 1921 - 1991) Group of Three Original Drawings, ca. 1980s: Morning Star, Night Sky + Untitled,...
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DEZBAH STUMPFF, MORNING SKY AND NIGHTSKY NECKLACEDezbah Stumpff, (San Carlos Apache) Morning Sky and Night Sky Necklace, silver, lapis, Darling Darlene, mixed turquoise A deep blue lapis cut by Charles Loloma...
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THOMAS HART BENTON (1889-1975) PENCILSIGNED LITHOGRAPHThomas Hart Benton (1889-1975)Fire in the Barnyard (1944)The lithograph from an edition of 250 prints published by Associated American Artists is signed by...
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HONORE DAUMIER, FRENCH (1808-1879),OH! IT IS AS IF WE WERE THERE, PLATE 27, BOOK PLATE PRINT, 8 /4"H X 9 1/4"W (SIGHT), 13 3/4"H X 14 1/4"W (FRAME)Honore Daumier, French, (1808-1879) Oh! It is as if we were...
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RUDY POZZATTI, INDIANA / NEBRASKA /COLORADO (1925 - 2021), NIGHT SENTINELS, 1985, COLOR LITHO AND RELIEF, 25"H X 19"W (SIGHT) 32"H X 24"W (FRAME)Rudy Pozzatti, Indiana / Nebraska / Colorado, (1925 - 2021)...
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Collection of vintage Christmas booksearly to mid 20th c. to include "The Night Before Christmas", "Christmas Morning" etc., some by Mc Loughlin Bros.; Everett Shinn, Ladies Home Journal and others.
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Sarah White 1800 needlework sampler,alphanumeric with verse reading "If you desire to worship God aright, first in the morning pray and last at night, Crave for his blessings on your labours (all) and in distress...
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Two Royal Worcester parian figures,tinted and partially glazed and heightened in gilt, to include 'Morning Dew' and another larger pair emblematic of 'Day' and 'Night' unglazed, 40cm and 47cm high...
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Sillitoe (Alan) Saturday Night and SundayMorning, first edition, d.w., 1958, and approximately fifty others including John Braine, ''Sapper'', and Philip Roth...
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ERTE SERIGRAPHS 'MORNING, DAY' & 'EVENING,NIGHT'Romain de Tirtoff, Russia (1892-1990) Serigraph Suite by Erte titled 'Morning, Day' and 'Evening, Night', 1982, matted and framed. Both signed lower right in graphite...
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'NIGHT AND MORNING' PLATE, CIRCA 1906 glazed earthenware, impressed factory mark32cm diameterLiterature: Cross, A. J., Pilkington's Royal Lancastrian Pottery...
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‘MORNING'& 'NIGHT’, PAIR OF TILES, CIRCA 1880 glazed earthenware, relief moulded MINTONS CHINA WORKS STOKE-ON-TRENT, later framed(2)32cm (12 5/8in) sq. framedExhibited: Fired Earth:...
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CIVIL WAR SOLDIER JOHN C WINN LETTERPHOTO ARCHIVE United States,19th CenturyCivil War Archive of John C. Winn 1st Connecticut Artillery Siege of Petersburg Certificate ?Grand Army of the Republic? of Vermont...
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Capt. George Randolph Dyer AQM--Lincoln-SignedCommission and Pilot Knob Archive Comprising an early eagle mast head commission partially printed on vellum 12.25 x 15.75 in. matted framed and glazed 14.25 x 17.25 in. dated...
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William R. Carr 12th Massachusetts Vols.KIA Gettysburg Civil War Archive 9 letters from Sgt. William R. Carr 1861-1863. Plus 6 related family letters. The war letters start with Carr??Ts May 17 1861 admission to...
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Private Dexter Butterfield 2nd MassachusettsVolunteers Civil War Archive The lot includes the following: 3 diaries; 9 documents; sergeant's promotion paper; presentation bible given to Butterfield by comrade MWIA Chancellorsville;...
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Talley Family Civil War Archive IncludingDiaries of Joseph R. Talley IL 27th Inf. & Charles Talley DE 7th Inf. 6 letters (4 war-date); 13 documents; 3 diaries (2 war-date); 11 banknotes; 2 photographs. 1853-1934....
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William Hobbs 70th Indiana InfantryCivil War Archive 35 items (29 soldier??Ts letters) 1862-1865. A soldier in the 70th Indiana William Hobbs wrote home regularly to his family to keep them up apprised of his...
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Executive Officer Henry W. WashburnUSS Morning Light Civil War Archive War-date archive of five letters one partial letter and three transmittal covers. Written by ill-starred Acting Master Henry W. Washburn...
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Books on the Battle of Fort Pulaskiand Partial ALS of Charles Olmstead 1p 6. x 9.5 in. Partial ALS signed by Charles Olmstead on Chas. H. Olmstead & Co. Bankers letterhead. Savannah n.d but 1880s from preprinted...
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Letters Between the Sturges BrothersMost Antebellum Including J.R. Sturges 3rd GA Infantry KIA These 58 letters encompass a "snapshot" of antebellum life in the South.Samuel Sturges (1774-1831) was born in Fairfield...
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A collection of Figures from the CollectibleWorld Studios from the Me to You Bear series comprising Frosty Days Twas the Night Before Christmas Christmas Cracker Holding the Reigns Christmas Wishes Christmas Morning...
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Dior Dress and Three-Piece Group ofChloe Cocktail Clothes, the Christian Dior, a natural linen tunic dress with side-pleated surplus style, the zipper in the center back, trimmed with black glass beads and...
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[Civil War - Manuscripts] Civil WarLetters from Pvt. Frances M. Leach 4th Maine Infantry Lot of four letters written by Pvt. Francis M. Leach Co. C 4th Maine Infantry of Camden Maine who enlisted June 15...
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SCHOOL GIRL SAMPLER DATED 1767: MaryWigginton. ''If you desire to worship God ***** first in the morning pray and last at night''. The word night is squeezed in above the word at. Alphabets, numbers, crowns,...
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