EMPIRE PARCEL GILT EBONIZED RECAMIERSOFA Empire parcel gilt ebonized recamier sofa or m?ridienne,19th century, elegantly upholstered with bolster and sofa cushions, the undulating chaise longue frame with gilt...
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FINE REGENCY CARVED, GILT, EBONIZEDGIRANDOLE MIRRORprobably British, circa 1815, top surmounted by finely carved spread winged eagle with dark vert antique surface, on a gilt, leafy plinth, gilt frame centering...
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PAIR OF REGENCY STYLE CARVED, PAINTED,PARCEL-GILT, EBONIZED ARM CHAIRS IN ROSE PARCEL-GILT, EBONIZED ARM CHAIRS IN ROSE, with rectangular cresting over an upholstered back flanked by ball finials and downcurved...
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PAIR OF REGENCY GILT, EBONIZED AND CANEDSEAT AND BACK ARMCHAIRS, EACH WITH STAMP 'JG' FOR JOHN GEEPair of Regency Gilt, Ebonized and Caned Seat and Back Armchairs, Each with stamp 'JG' for John Gee...
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TWO FEDERAL STYLE PARTIAL GILT EBONIZEDSMALL PIER MIRRORS, LARGER: 29-1/2 X 13-1/2 INTwo Federal Style Partial Gilt Ebonized Small Pier Mirrors, Larger: 29-1/2 x 13-1/2 in...
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CLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL GILT EBONIZEDBEVEL EDGE MIRROR, 37-1/2 X 47-1/2 INClassical Style Parcel Gilt Ebonized Bevel Edge Mirror, 37-1/2 x 47-1/2 in...
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PAIR OF NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL GILTEBONIZED PEDESTALS, H: 30-1/2, W: 20, D: 14 INPair of Neoclassical Style Parcel Gilt Ebonized Pedestals, H: 30-1/2, W: 20, D: 14 in...
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PARCEL GILT EBONIZED AND CARVED WOODFRAME, 17 X 15 INCHESParcel Gilt Ebonized and Carved Wood Frame, 17 x 15 inches...
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NAPOLEON III ORMOLU MOUNTED PARTIALGILT EBONIZED WOOD STAND, H: 40-1/2 INNapoleon III Ormolu Mounted Partial Gilt Ebonized Wood Stand, H: 40-1/2 in...
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LOUIS XV STYLE MOTHER-OF-PEARL MARQUETRYPARTIAL GILT EBONIZED WOOD SERPENTINE COMMODE, H: 31-1/2 IN, W: 42 IN, D: 21 INLouis XV Style Mother-of-Pearl Marquetry Partial Gilt Ebonized Wood Serpentine Commode, H: 31-1/2...
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CLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL GILT EBONIZEDFRUITWOOD CONSOLE TABLE, H: 33 IN, W: 31 IN, D: 10-1/2 INClassical Style Parcel Gilt Ebonized Fruitwood Console Table, H: 33 in, W: 31 in, D: 10-1/2 in...
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VICTORIAN PARCEL GILT EBONIZED WALNUTFRAME MIRROR, 25 X 33-1/2 INCHESVictorian Parcel Gilt Ebonized Walnut Frame Mirror, 25 x 33-1/2 inches...
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MING STYLE HARDSTONE INSET PARCEL GILTEBONIZED FRUITWOOD COFFEE TABLE, H: 16 IN, W: 41 IN, D: 21 INMing Style Hardstone Inset Parcel Gilt Ebonized Fruitwood Coffee Table, H: 16 in, W: 41 in, D: 21 in...
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SET OF SIX PARCEL GILT EBONIZED FRUITWOODCANED DINING CHAIRSSet of Six Parcel Gilt Ebonized Fruitwood Caned Dining Chairs...
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MING STYLE PARCEL GILT EBONIZED FRUITWOODLOUNGE CHAIRMing Style Parcel Gilt Ebonized Fruitwood Lounge Chair...
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DREXEL MING STYLE PARCEL GILT EBONIZEDFRUITWOOD DAVENPORT TABLE, H 27-3/7, W: 57 IN, D: 14-1/4 INDrexel Ming Style Parcel Gilt Ebonized Fruitwood Davenport Table, H 27-3/7, W: 57 in, D: 14-1/4 in...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARTIAL GILT EBONIZEDWOOD PEDESTAL, HEIGHT: 41-1/2 INNeoclassical Style Partial Gilt Ebonized Wood Pedestal, Height: 41-1/2 in...
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PARCEL GILT EBONIZED GEORGETOWN ARMCHAIRParcelGilt Ebonized Georgetown Armchair, Height: 34 in; Width: 22-1/2 in; Depth: 23 in...
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PARCEL GILT EBONIZED FRAME BEVEL EDGEMIRROR, FRAME: 34 X 38 INParcel Gilt Ebonized Frame Bevel Edge Mirror, Frame: 34 x 38 in...
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PAIR OF PARCEL GILT EBONIZED MAPLE FRAMEMIRRORS, 31-1/4 X 27-1/4 INPair of Parcel Gilt Ebonized Maple Frame Mirrors, 31-1/4 x 27-1/4 in...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARTIAL GILT EBONIZEDWOOD MIRROR, 20TH CENTURYNeoclassical Style Partial Gilt Ebonized Wood Mirror, 20th Century,...
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REGENCY STYLE PARCEL GILT EBONIZED FRUITWOODWALL SHELFRegency Style Parcel Gilt Ebonized Fruitwood Wall Shelf,...
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REGENCY STYLE PARCEL GILT EBONIZED FRUITWOODUPHOLSTERED SEAT ARMCHAIRRegency Style Parcel Gilt Ebonized Fruitwood Upholstered Seat Armchair,...
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PARCEL GILT, EBONIZED FRUITWOOD VITRINEAntiqueBiedermeier-Style Parcel Gilt and Ebonized Fruitwood Vitrine, molded pedimented top, stepped cornice, glazed case, shelf interior, two doors flanked by "Egyptianesque" colonnettes...
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CARVED GILT, EBONIZED TWO-LIGHT SCONCESPairof Continental Carved Gilt and Ebonized Two-Light Sconces , c. 1900, eagle brackets, circle and rectangle chains, urn-form sconce, cut crystal candle nozzle and bobeche, h....
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CARVED, PARCEL GILT, EBONIZED PARLORCHAIRSFour American Renaissance Carved, Parcel Gilt and Ebonized Parlor Chairs, c. 1870, attr. to Pottier & Stymus, New York, incl. two armchairs and two side chairs, shaped...
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CARVED, GILT, EBONIZED CLOCK COMPENDIUMEmpire-StyleCarved, Gilt and Ebonized Clock Compendium, c. 1900, thermometer marked by retailer "Paul Meyrowitz, Fifth Ave., New York", the chronometer-style clock by Waltham, h. 42 in.,...
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(2) PARCEL GILT & EBONIZED GIRANDOLEMIRRORS(pair) Parcel gilt and ebonized girandole mirrors, approx 48"h, 27"w, 9"d...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARCEL GILT & EBONIZEDWALL MIRRORFrench Louis XV style parcel gilt and ebonized wall mirror, 19th c., having rocaille crest, over foliate and beaded frame, encasing flat mirror plate, approx 45.75"h,...
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LOUIS XIV STYLE PARCEL-GILT EBONIZEDMARQUETRY BUREAU A MAZARIN 32 1/2 X 47 1/2 X 27 1/2 IN. (82.6 X 120.7 X 69.9 CM.) MARQUETRY BUREAU A MAZARIN, the rectangular top over a contoured frieze drawer and a kneehole...
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CHINOISERIE PARCEL GILT, EBONIZED TRAYON STANDEnglish Chinoiserie Parcel Gilt and Ebonized Tray on Stand, 19th c., removable tray, foliate painted frieze, square supports, h. 31 1/2 in., w. 37 1/2 in., d. 24 in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL GILT & EBONIZEDMIRRORNeoclassical style parcel gilt and ebonized mirror, approx 57.5"h, 39"w...
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REGENCY PARCEL GILT EBONIZED SIDE CHAIRS,4 Four Regency parcel gilt ebonized side chairs, early 19th century, of klismos form, the caned seats with tie-on box cushions. 32.25? H x 17? W x 18.5? D...
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PAIR OF TRANSITIONAL BEDSIDE 3 DRAWERCHEST Pair of transitional 3 drawer bedside chests with ebonized and gilt accents with glass tops by Drexel; 24"H 24"W 26"D...
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JAMES MONT GILT & EBONIZED MIRROR SCREENJames Mont Hollywood Regency four-panel parcel-gilt and ebonized antiqued mirror-mounted screen, 1960s, each rectangular ebonized panel with gilded egg-and-dart molded frame...
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