PHILIP MELVIN (1938-2010) CANADIANAcarved wooded "Fat Irish Puffin", by folk artist Philip Melvin, listed in ‘Compendium of Canadian Folk Artists’, and his work is on display in the Canadian Museum of Civilization...
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E. MELVIN BOLSTAD OIL ON ARTIST'S BOARDFOLK ART PAINTI...E. Melvin Bolstad Oil on Artist's Board Folk Art Painting, "Farm Home Auction", depicting a country auction, signed lower right, "E. Melvin Bolstad" , pencil...
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OUTSIDER ART, MELVIN CROCKER, COTTONWAGONCrocker, Melvin, Cotton Wagon, 9"X6"X6", 2001, glazed pottery, purchased from artist...
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OUTSIDER ART, MELVIN CROCKER, INDIANWITH RATTLESNAKE N...Crocker, Melvin b.1959, Indian with Rattlesnake, 10"X10", 2001, clay, purchased from artist...
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1974 PORTFOLIO HAND-SIGNED WESTERN COLORPRINTS1974 Gold Medal Portfolio of Western Art, a portfolio with a complete set of large format Western prints, hand-signed by the artists. Each of the ten prints is matted,...
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Selection of Navajo, Hopi, and ZuniSilver Bracelets and Earrings, with Inlay
second half 20th century
lot of 9, includes:
a sand cast silver cuff, set with a central turquoise cabochon; not marked, cuff width...
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A collectionof reference books and catalogues pertaining to Japanese art, selected tittles comprising:
KURSTIN, Joseph and Gilles LORIN, The Peacock’s Feather: Gentleman’s Jewelry...
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SANTA CLARA/LAKOTA SIOUX, GROUP OF THREESGRAFFITO BLACKWARE VESSELSSanta Clara + Lakota, Group of Three Sgraffito Blackware Vessels, , Elmer Red Starr,(Lakota Sioux, 1937 - 2018) Pot with Turquoise Inlay, 2001,...
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A collectionof fourteen reference books pertaining to the study of lacquer, inro, and netsuke, comprising:
— JAHSS, Melvin and Betty. Inro and other miniature forms of Japanese Lacquer...
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THREE COWBOY ARTISTS OF AMERICA WORKSON PAPERThree Cowboy Artists of America member original works on paper:1. Robert Elmer Lougheed (1910-1982) graphite on paper titled One Of The Bell, sheet is 10.75 x 14 with...
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The Franklin Mint Gold Medal PortfolioOf WesternTo include eleven hand signed lithographs by such artists as Tom Lovell Joe Ruiz Grandee Melvin Warren Ralph Wall Paul Calle Ray Swanson Robert Lougheed James Reynolds...
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