ROYAL DOULTON KINGS WARE DICKENS WHISKYWATER PITCHERRich dark glaze and raised decoration Charles Dickens characters.
This is a beautiful early 20th century Royal Doulton Kingsware whisky or water pitcher, decorated...
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ROYAL DOULTON CHARLES NOKE KINGSWARETOBY FILLPOT CUPHallmarked Sterling silver rim. Produced in rare unusual shape.
A rare Royal Doulton Kingsware cup with hallmarked Sterling silver rim, designed by legendary...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE DICKENS LIDDEDCOFFEE POTBrown glaze, designed with figure of Charles Dickens character. Artist signed.
Royal Doulton backstamp.
Artist: Charles Noke
Issued: Early 20th c.
Dimensions: 6.5"H
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE SMALL WHISKEYPITCHERBrown glaze, designed with Charles Dickens character in high relief Kingsware.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Artist signed.
Artist: Charles Noke
Issued: Early 20th c.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WINE BOTTLEWITH SOMMELIERRare Kingsware bottle with Sommelier, raising his glass. Also with sterling silver fittings and stopper.
Artist: Charles Noke
Dimensions: 7"H
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY JUG,JOHN BARLEYCORNA whisky jug with a John Barleycorn enjoying a pint of beer painted on the side panel in Kingsware glaze with a silver bottle stopper.
John Barleycorn" is a...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE, ADMIRAL BEATTYBATTLESHIPS WHI...A handsome whiskey flask of Admiral Beatty in high relief on one side and Dewars on the otherside on a kingsware body.
Admiral Beatty was commander in chief...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY FLASKWITH SPORTING SQU...A whiskey flask made for Dewar's Whisky with a squire in high relief in top hat and red jacket. Gentleman on one side and Dewar's Whisky on the other side.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY BOTTLEMAN ON BARRELRoyal Doulton Kingsware Flask, Man Sitting on a Barrel. A rare Doulton Kingsware Flask.
Doulton stamp.
Artist: Charles Noke
Issued: 1915
Dimensions: 9"H
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY FLASKIN SHAPE OF LEATH...With a farmer on side panel drinking spirits from a leather bottle - in Kingsware glaze on Stoneware body.
Rare variation with tavern scene on the other...
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4PC ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE TEA SETBeautifulKingsware brown glaze, each designed with Charles Dickens characters in high relief. Teapot has thick silver rim and cream pitcher has silver spout. Royal Doulton back stamps...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE TAVERN SCENEVASE WITH TWO HAND...In kingsware glaze with dark coloring on the characters jackets.
Artist: Charles Noke
Dimensions: 6.5"H
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
Country of Origin:...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE MINIATURE JESTERVASEA rare Royal Doulton vase of a Jester molded and painted in light pastels of turquoise and reds. Royal Doulton backstamp.
Artist: Charles Noke
Issued: 1910
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY PITCHERWITH SCENE OF N...Water/whiskey pitcher in rich Kingsware glaze with night watchman in relief on one side. On the other side it reads: One's own opinion is never wrong.
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DOULTON KINGSWARE MASTER OF THE FOXHOUNDSWHISKY BOTTLE...A whisky bottle with the Master of the Hunt on the side with a fox mold on top, where the silver cork enters. Hounds giving chase on one side.
Artist: Charles...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE BOTTLE MAN SMOKINGBeautifulKingsware bottle featuring a gentleman, wearing a jacket and smoking a large tobacco pipe, with smoke flowing towards the top. Also reads, Dewar's Scotch Whisky on the backside...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY BOTTLEMR. PICKWICKBeautiful Kingsware, all brown, whiskey bottle featuring Mr. Pickwick, dressed in a blue overcoat and white hat on one side. On the other side is a smaller gentleman,...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE CAVALIER LOVINGCUP, HERE'S A H...Tall Loving Cup with Cavaliers in high-relief proposing a toast to King Charles I during the Civil War (16421651).
Designed by Charles Noke. Royal Doulton...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE PUB PITCHER,DRAKE BOWLINGGentlemen enjoy lawn bowling on this vibrant Royal Doulton embossed airbrushed pitcher with a dark brown rim, base and handle. Royal Doulton backstamp.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE BEER PITCHER,DRAKE BOWLINGBeautiful, brown, glazed Kingsware glaze. Depicting gentlemen bowlers, one dressed in red and yellow, and the other in green and yellow. Royal Doulton backstamp.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE DECANTER, PICKWICKAerographedbrown finish on ivory earthenware base.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Silver ball stopper. Impressed signature on front bottom right. Dickens figure impressed to back.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKY JUG,BONNIE PRINCE CHARL...Doulton Whisky bottle with a character "Bonnie Prince Charlie" on the face. Unique jug with a painted Tartan to signify heritage. Kingsware glaze.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY BOTTLEMAN ON BARRELDoulton Kingsware glaze of Bacchus sitting on a whiskey barrel, also known as Man on Barrel or called the Landlord Flask. These were originally made as Whiskey...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE NOVELTY TOBACCOJARLidded tobacco jar in the form of a smoking pipe. Dark rich brown glaze; hallmarked silver accents.
Depicts scene of seated men smoking in relief. Signed Noke. Royal Doulton...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE JUG, CHARLESDICKENSRich dark brown glaze with raised decoration of Dickens characters; Charles Dickens head forms spout,
Characters around body are; Sydney Carton, Fagin, Bill Sikes,...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE FLAGON, COACHMANRarefigural flagon of the Coachman with removable head silver tipped stopper.
The coachmen were the heroes of their age. Usually portrayed as roisterous, daring fellows who undertook...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE FLASK, MR. PICKWICKDarkbrown glaze oviform flask depicting Mr. Pickwick and his faithful servant Sammy Vel.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Missing the stopper. Weight: 1 lb 5.1 oz #royaldoulton #kingsware...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKY FLASK,SPORTING SQUIREDewar's Whisky with the Squire in relief. Ovoid shape; with stopper.
Doulton backstamp. Dewar's Whisky backstamp. #foxhunting #huntsman #sportingsqure
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE FLASK, THE ALCHEMISTDeeprich brown glaze flask; relief of an alchemist crafting the Elixir of Life.
Incised Noke. Rd. No. 435887. Royal Doulton backstamp. #RoyalDoulton #Kingsware #Alchemist
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EARLY DOULTON KINGSWARE CHARLES DICKENSTOBACCO JAREarly Charles Dickens Mr. Pickwick Proposes a Toast tobacco jar in Kingsware glaze. With hallmarked sterling silver rim.
Royal Doulton mark to base. #charlesdickens...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE DEWAR�SWHIKY FLASK, MICAWBER...Glossy finish. Depicts in low relief character from David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Marked ‘Micawber the ever expectant’ beneath...
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE PITCHER, QUEENELIZABETHUnique and highly desirable collectible with lustrous finish.
Royal Doulton backstamp.
Artist: Charles Noke
Issued: 1898-1939
Dimensions: 6"W x 6.5"H
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WATER PITCHER,DICKENS CHARACTE...Rich dark brown glaze decorated with raised relief images of characters from the victorian novels of Charles Dickens.
Royal Doulton backstamp.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKY FLASK,SPORTING SQUIREDewar’s Whisky with the Squire in relief. Dark brown glaze. Royal Doulton backstamp. Dewars Whiskey backstamp.
Artist: Charles Noke
Issued: 1909
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE WHISKEY BOTTLE,THE PIPE MAJORBrown glaze bottle decorated with an image of Pipe Major. The back has an overlapping C and A symbol. Silver tone stopper.
Royal Doulton backstamp.
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ROYAL DOULTON KINGSWARE PITCHER, MEMORIESDarkrich brown glaze; relief of Charles Dickens and his characters. Memories inscribed on back.
Royal Doulton backstamp. #kingsware #CharlesDickens
Issued: 20th c.
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