A ROMAN STYLE CARVED TORSO ON MARBLEPEDESTALA Roman style carved marble torso on marble pedestalmodernoverall height 50 1/2in (128cm); width 17in (43cm); depth 10 1/2in (27cm)...
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3pcs Collection of Torso Sculptures.Male Wax Torso on Asian Style Base. Carved Wood Female Torso on Wood Base. Terracotta Female Torso on Wood Base Dimensions: Height: 15 inches, Width: 8 inches, Depth: 6 inches....
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EDWARD ARMEN STASACK "TORSO" CARVEDWOOD SCULPTURE Edward Armen Stasack (American, b. 1929) carved wood sculpture depicting a female torso, mounted to contrasting wood block base, signed at bottom: "Stasack."...
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GUILLERMO PERDOMO "TORSO" CARVED MARBLESCULPTURE Guillermo Perdomo modern carved marble sculpture, depicting the torso of a female nude with Cubist style slices and cutouts, signed and numbered at side: "Perdomo...
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TWO CARVED FOLK ART FIGURES. A pinehead and torso carved from the solid with articulating legs, early fabric shirt and stuffed arms, 10.5”H. Second example is a carved pine figure of a logger with red painted...
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CARVED WHITE MARBLE MALE TORSO GARDENSCULPTUREA carved white marble male torso garden sculpture. Ht: 35.5" Wd: 15.75" Dpth: 12.5"...
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CARVED OAK FRAGMENTA 19th century figuralarchitectural element. Elongated oak panel carved in relief with St. Mark the Evangelist holding an open book, a lion's mask and swags below. Damage to the nose; lacking several...
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SOUTHEAST ASIAN CARVED GREY STONE TORSOON PEDESTALCambodian or Vietnamese, possibly 13th century, male torso with broad shoulders, indications of a sampot resting on the hips, possibly an architectural element...
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CHANCAY PAINTED WOOD FIGURE TEXTILECLOTHINGPre-Columbian, Central Coast Peru, Chancay, ca. 1000 to 1425 CE. An anthropomorphic wooden figure with painted details and a hand-woven textile headdress and cape...
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Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero, Mezcala, ca. 300 to 100 BCE. A remarkable ensemble of three carved-stone amulets from...
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MIGUEL ESTRELLA CARVED WOOD NUDE TORSOSCULPTURE Mexico,20th CenturyFinely carved feminine torso exaggerated curves. Estrella is a member of the Seri Indians of Sonora, Mexico working primarily in wood....
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CONTINENTAL CARVED STONE MALE TORSO19TH CENTURY HEIGHT 20". 19th Century Height 20". Dimensions: Height 20"....
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EUGENE GAUSS (SWISS/AMERICAN, 1905-1988),WHITE MARBLE TORSO Carved and polished white marble, incised signature and dated 1974. Included with the artwork is a Gallery press release from the artist's solo exhibition...
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GRECO ROMAN CARVED ALABASTER TORSO OFA MAN ON ACRYLIC BASE, H OVERALL WITH BASE: 9 IN. (25.40 CM.)Greco Roman Carved Alabaster Torso of a Man on Acrylic Base,, Dimensions: H overall with base: 9 in. (25.40 cm.)...
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ITALIAN CARVED MARBLE TORSO OF WOMAN,H: 11 INItalian Carved Marble Torso of Woman, H: 11 in...
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CARVED WOOD TORSO OF WOMAN AND CARVEDWOOD HIPPOPOTAMUS, H OF TALLER: 21 INCarved Wood Torso of Woman and Carved Wood Hippopotamus, H of taller: 21 in...
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SCANDINAVIAN LIMEWOOD SERPENT CARVING,FIGURAL CARVING AND BONE TORSO OF MANScandinavian Limewood Serpent Carving, Figural Carving and Bone Torso of Man...
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CARVED WHITE MARBLE TORSO OF A ROMANMALECarved White Marble Torso of a Roman Male, after the Antique, rectangular stone base, overall h. 56 in., w. 16 in., d. 9 in...
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CARVED WHITE MARBLE TORSO OF A CUIRASSEDMANCarved White Marble Torso of a Cuirassed Man , after a popular Antique example honoring Roman emperors, military heroes, and victorious generals, wearing ceremonial regalia...
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PASCAL (AMERICAN 1914 - 2021): MONUMENTALFIGURE1988; stainless steel; signed and dated to the right leg Dimensions: 165 1/2 x 48 x 17 1/2 in. (420.4 x 121.9 x 44.5 cm.) Provenance: Property from the Beverly Hills,...
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SANDSTONE TORSO OF BUDDHACarved stonetorso of Buddha, with draped sanghati or kasaya garment, retaining some original pigment. Mounted on a wood base, able to be turned for display and viewing. The sculpture...
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AMERICAN WOOD CARVED SCULPTURE, EARLY20TH CENTURY, TORSO OF A LADY, 20 1/2" HIGH. 6 1/2" WIDE.AMERICAN WOOD CARVED SCULPTURE, early 20th century, Torso of a Lady, 20 1/2" high. 6 1/2" wide....
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SCULPTURE, CHARLES UMLAUF Charles Umlauf(American, 1911-1994), Nude Female Torso, carved stone sculpture, signed lower verso, sculpture: 21.5"h x 8.25"w x 6.5"d, overall (with wood base): 25"h x 8.5"w x 6.75"d...
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C. 1ST - 2ND CENTURY AD carved marble, the figure shown in resting contrapposto, with the weight placed on the left leg, the torso with a subtle twist to further...
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ANCIENT ROMAN CARVED MARBLE TORSO 2½" x 2 ¼" Carved marble torso of a male, ca 1 BCE. Offered with stand....
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GRAND TOUR CARVED MARBLE STATUTE OFTORSO ON METAL STAND 19 ½" sculpture Grand tour marble sculpture of Aphrodite/Venus torso, after antiquity, weathered finish; offered on metal stand with black finish,...
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An Italian Carved Marble Torso of Aphrodite
Height of torso 11 inches.
Property from the Collection of William Coles, Arizona...
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CARVED AND PAINTED MALE AND FEMALE TORSOSCULPTURES: Signed ''T. Lantz'', Mixed Media of Paint, Wood, Metal, and Epoxy, each torso measures approximately 31'', when hanging the sculpture with the metal components...
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Midcentury Lot. Stoneware Vase & CarvedWood Torso with Necklace. From a Queens, NY estate. Dimensions: vase-32"h & torso-28"h...
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A Sierra Leone Carved Stone Nomoli orPomdo Female Torso her large head with distinct facial features bulbous eyes and arched brows above a broad nose and protruding chin with closed lips raised on a torso with...
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Rare and exceptional Khmer sandstonestanding figure 12th century The well carved head is modeled to show low diadem with geometric foliate design, surrounding a conical tuff odd tightly coiled hair, over...
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An Italian Carved Marble Male TorsoCarved in white polished marble. The fragment lacks the head arms and legs; the well formed naturalistic shape in a contraposto stance. 19th Century possibly a Grand Tour...
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FOUR PIECES OF HELLENIC STONE CARVINGSIncluding the head of a woman with an elaborate coifand fitted base H: 5 in; bust of a man with beard and stylized hair supported on a stone plinth H: 6 1/2 in; the torso...
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FOUR PIECES OF HELLENIC STONE CARVINGSIncluding the head of a woman with an elaborate coifand fitted base H: 5 in; bust of a man with beard and stylized hair supported on a stone plinth H: 6 1/2 in; the torso...
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An Important Yoruba Carved and PaintedWood Gelede Helmut and Body Mask Ensemble Nigeria the hollow head crowned with an openwork "cage" comprised of snakes lizards birds and fish the drum form hollow torso carved...
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Chinese carved limestone fragment ofQuanyin possibly sui dynasty Of upright reticulated form, signs of halo, round detailed face over torso carved to show flowing robe, with signs of red pigment, instrument...
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