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Early wrought iron goose-wing axe...
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Early wrought iron goose-wing axe 17th/18th c. 27"h.x7"w....
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UNSIGNED HAND WROUGHT LEFT HAND GOOSEWINGAXEca. early 19th century; side smoothing bearded axe with oval tapered off-set socket with tapered butt-plate and hook edge beard with key and heavy socket mounted hickory...
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SIGNED "W. VANDYKE" WROUGHT IRON LEFTHAND SIDE BRca. 18th century; odd form axe somewhat shaped like a goosewing with narrow pointed tip to axe, center mount and lower lugged socket with 1 3/4" thick butt plate,...
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WROUGHT IRON LEFT HAND GOOSEWING AXESIGNED "SCHMIca. 1800-1840; smoothing goosewing type side axe with primitive wrought square back tapered off-set socket, square top key and arch back of beard, embossed strike...
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MULTIPLE STRUCK HAND WROUGHT RIGHT HANDGOOSEWINGca. 18th-19th century; smoothing/goosewing axe with two maker's strike "ICS" in heart strike and "WERDER" embossed strike with flat back arch top socket with raised...
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FINE HAND WROUGHT LEFT HAND GOOSEWINGAXE SIGNED "ca. 18th-mid 19th century; fine smoothing goosewing axe with chamfered top offset tapered socket, two bead deflector over weld, three embossed maker's strikes,...
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HAND WROUGHT RIGHT HAND GOOSEWING AXESIGNED "J. Hca. 1831-1846; goosewing axe with secondary embossed initial strike "M.S." in somewhat primitive form with chamfer top tapered socket, exposed fold weld line and...
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FINE HAND WROUGHT LEFT HAND GOOSEWINGAXE SIGNED "ca. 1750-1835; left handed PA German form smoothing goosewing axe with traditional chamfer top tapered off-set socket with raised butt plate, two-raised beads...
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FINE WROUGHT IRON RIGHT-HAND GOOSEWINGAXE MARKEDca. 1800-1840; unattributed maker smoothing goosewing axe with arch top tapered off-set socket, tapered raised butt plate, line of three maker's mark "IXI" across...
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FINE WROUGHT IRON LEFT-HAND GOOSEWINGAXE MARKED "ca. 1800-1820; unattributed maker smoothing goosewing axe with arch top tapered off-set socket, four fluted line accents at weld, maker's strike "IXI" and three...
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AUSTRIAN STYLE SLIPPER/GOOSEWING AXEWITH TOOL DECca. 17th-18th century; hand wrought wedge edge gaul wing type axe with rear 3/4 mount of blade that extends 12" beyond the handle socket, axe initialed (illegibly)...
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