AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY DRESSINGTABLEAn Edwardian inlaid mahogany dressing tableearly 20th centuryheight 36 3/4in (92cm); width 32in (80cm); depth 19in (48cm)...
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PAIR OF EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY TUBCHAIRSPair of Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Tub Chairs , circa 1900, line inlay throughout, back-splat with floral wreath surrounding a torch with banner, inlaid with mother of...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY SIDEBOARDCirca 1900, mahogany and mixed woods veneer, mahogany secondary, projecting bow-front form with applied brass gallery, top with banded inlay, vertically veneered edge and...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY BREAKFRONTCirca 1900, three part form, mahogany and mixed wood veneers, pine secondary, cove molded cornice with shell and line inlaid frieze, upper case with three hinged astragal...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY CORNER CABINETEarly 20th century, mahogany veneer with light and dark wood inlays, deal secondary, two-part form, upper broken arched pediment with inlaid rosettes, central urn finial,...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY DISPLAY TABLE,EARLY 20TH CENTURY 29 X 25 3/4 X 16 1/2 IN. (73.7 X 65.4 X 41.9 CM.) EARLY 20TH CENTURY, the hinged rectangular beveled glass top above a glazed paneled case on square tapering...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY LIBRARY BOOKCASE,EARLY 20TH CENTURY 84 3/4 X 35 3/4 X 16 3/4 IN. (215.27 X 90.81 X 42.55 CM.) EARLY 20TH CENTURY, the dentiled rectangular molded cornice over two glazed mullioned doors,...
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NEST OF FOUR EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANYTABLES 27 X 26 1/2 X 18 IN. (68.58 X 67.31 X 45.72 CM.) TABLES, each with rectangular top on square tapering legs (4) Dimensions: 27 x 26 1/2 x 18 in. (68.58 x 67.31 x 45.72...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY SLANT FRONTBUREAU, EARLY 20TH CENTURY 38 1/2 X 28 X 16 1/2 IN. (97.79 X 71.12 X 41.91 CM.) BUREAU, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, the hinged slant front enclosing a fitted interior above a frieze...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY TRAY 20 1/4X 26 1/2 X 18 IN. (51.44 X 67.31 X 45.72 CM.)EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY TRAY, on later stand, the oval galleried top applied with brass handles and inlaid with foliate scrolls...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY CHEVALIERMIRROR 76 X 31 X 2 IN. (193.04 X 78.74 X 5.08 CM.) MIRROR, Dimensions: 76 x 31 x 2 in. (193.04 x 78.74 x 5.08 cm.)...
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SET OF EIGHT EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANYDINING CHAIRS DINING CHAIRS, each rectangular back inset with rectangular spindle over a trapezoidal slip seat on square legs joined by stretchers (8) - h:38w:19d:18in....
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY CURIO CABINET44 X 14 1/2 IN. (111.76 X 36.83 CM.)Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Curio Cabinet, Dimensions: 44 x 14 1/2 in. (111.76 x 36.83 cm.)...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY DROP LEAFTABLE WHEN CLOSED: 25 X 25 1/2 X 9 IN. (63.50 X 64.77 X 22.86 CM.)Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Drop Leaf Table, Dimensions: When Closed: 25 x 25 1/2 x 9 in. (63.50 x 64.77 x...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY SIDE CABINET,31 X 17 1/2 X 17 IN. (78.74 X 44.45 X 43.18 CM.)Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Side Cabinet,, Dimensions: 31 x 17 1/2 x 17 in. (78.74 x 44.45 x 43.18 cm.)...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY SETTEE, 34X 51 X 25 IN. (86.36 X 129.54 X 63.50 CM.)Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Settee,, Dimensions: 34 x 51 x 25 in. (86.36 x 129.54 x 63.50 cm.)...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY DOUBLE DOORSIDE CABINET 46 X 40 X 14 IN. (116.84 X 101.60 X 35.56 CM.)Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Double Door Side Cabinet, Dimensions: 46 x 40 x 14 in. (116.84 x 101.60 x 35.56 cm.)...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY OVAL TWO-HANDLETABLE AND A DECORATED MAHOGANY ROUND TABLE, LARGER H: 28 IN, D: 18 INEdwardian Inlaid Mahogany Oval Two-Handle Table and a Decorated Mahogany Round Table, Larger H: 28 in,...
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JACOBEAN STYLE OAK FUEL CHEST, AN EDWARDIANINLAID MAHOGANY ARM ROCKER AND A ROUND LOW TABLEJacobean Style Oak Fuel Chest, an Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Arm Rocker and a Round Low Table...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY CABINETEdwardianInlaid Mahogany Cabinet , early 20th c., shaped backsplash terminating in bosses, banded top, frieze drawers, urn inlaid cabinet doors, reeded stiles, tapered feet, h. 49...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY TRAY TABLEEdwardianInlaid Mahogany Tray Table c. 1900, oval gallery tray inlaid with trophee centered patera, conforming stand with square tapering legs, incurvate stretchers , h. 28 in., w....
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AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY THREE-DOORWARDROBE, WARDROBE, English, c. 1900, featuring an inlaid center door between two mirror-paneled doors, disassembles for moving, 82.25"H x 74"W x 22.75"D....
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AN EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY VANITYAND MATCHING C AND MATCHING CHAIR, English, c. 1901-1910, the vanity having a tilt mirror over nine drawers, 70.75"H x 48"W x 19.75"D....
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY ARMOIREEDWARDIANINLAID MAHOGANY ARMOIRE, rectangular form with bracketed cornice above a line inlaid frieze over a hinged door with long beveled oval plate opening to four shelves, flanked...
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PAIR OF EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY JARDINIERESPAIROF EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY JARDINIERES, both with an inlaid veneered open circular drum upheld by three squared curved legs with a corresponding stretcher (2) - h:38w:12.75d:12.75in....
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY WHEEL BAROMETER,COMITTI AND HOLBORN COMITTI AND HOLBORN, of typical form, with thermometer over circular barometer; inlaid with shell and paterae medallions - h:37w:10in....
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY BOOKCASEEdwardianInlaid Mahogany Bookcase, 60 x 57 5/8 x 15 3/4 in. (152.4 x 146.4 x 40 cm.) Provenance: Property from the Estate of Harvey and Sugar Byron, Sherman Oaks, California Condition:...
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ENGLISH EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY ETAGERE EnglishEdwardian inlaid mahogany etagere having oval mirror centered above a bowfront vitrine. flanked by a pair of 13 mullion glass door displays over conforming glass door cabinets...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY DIMINUTIVELINEN PRESS Late 19th century, mahogany veneer with light and dark wood inlays, oak and pine secondary, three part form, arched and stepped cornice, with molded edge, bellflower...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY DISPLAY TABLE,EARLY 20TH CENTURY 28 1/2 X 26 X 16 IN. (72.4 X 66 X 40.6 CM.) EARLY 20TH CENTURY, the hinged rectangular beveled glazed paneled top above a glazed paneled case on square...
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EDWARDIAN MARQUETRY MAHOGANY GALLERYTRAY, L: 26 IN. (66 CM.)Edwardian Marquetry Mahogany Gallery Tray,, Dimensions: L: 26 in. (66 cm.)...
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EDWARDIAN INLAID MAHOGANY GLAZED CORNERCABINET English Edwardian inlaid mahogany and mahogany veneer two piece corner cabinet in the Georgian taste, early 20th century, having a scrolled pediment centering on an...
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An Edwardian mahogany trefoil toppedoccasional table crossbanded in satinwood on three splayed supports 24ins wide x 23ins deep x 27ins high (faded to top) and an Edwardian inlaid mahogany oval two-handled tray...
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Edwardian inlaid coal hod, mahoganywith satinwood banded inlay, fold-down front with conch shell inlaid door, brass carrying handles, British, late 19th century, 25-3/4 x 14 x 13-3/4 in. Generally good condition...
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