ENGLISH BRASS-BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNCHESTEnglish mahogany campaign chest on chest, late 19th c., with brass-bound corners and carrying handles, five drawers with campaign pulls, rising on bracket feet, approx...
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN DESK WRITINGSLOPEEnglish mahogany writing slope/ travel desk, 19th c., rectangular case with brass mounts, hinged top opening to inset velvet writing slope, two brass candle sockets,...
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ENGLISH BRASS-BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNDESKEnglish brass-bound mahogany writing slope/ campaign desk, 19th c., hinged lid with brass plate monogrammed T.S., campaign handles at sides, interior with black velvet...
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GEORGIAN STYLE MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN WRITINGDESKGeorgian style mahogany campaign writing desk, late 19th/ early 20th c., hinged top lifts up to reveal interior gallery, with inset leather writing surface, over single...
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN DESK WRITINGSLOPEEnglish mahogany writing slope/ travel desk, 19th c., rectangular case with brass campaign style handles, hinged lid with ledge, opening to inset writing surface, pen...
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ENGLISH BRASS-MOUNTED MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNLAP DESKEnglish mahogany writing slope/ travel desk, 19th c., rectangular case with brass corner mounts, campaign style handles, hinged lid opening to inset felt writing surface,...
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ENGLISH BRASS-MOUNTED MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNLAP DESKEnglish mahogany writing slope/ travel desk, 19th c., rectangular case with brass corner mounts, campaign style handles, hinged lid opening to inset felt writing surface,...
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ENGLISH BRASS-BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNCHEST 19TH CENTURY HEIGHT 42". WIDTH 39". DEPTH 18.5". CHEST, 19th Century, In two parts. Upper case with two half drawers over a full-width drawer. Lower case with two...
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ENGLISH BRASS-BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNKNEEHOLE DESK CIRCA 1880 KNEEHOLE DESK, Circa 1880, In three parts. Gilt tooled leather writing surface. Top with three side-by-side drawers. Each pedestal with three graduated...
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN CHESTEnglishmahogany campaign chest. 19th century. Two brass bound chests, top with 5 drawers, central with drop front writing surface and cover revealing three drawers and two compartments....
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GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN SECRETARYCHEST CHEST, William Williamson & Sons cabinet makers, Guildford, England, 19th century, the upper right drawer edge stamped 'FROM W. WILLIAMSON & SONS, GUILDFORD,' the bracket...
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REGENCY BRASS INLAID MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNDRESSING CHEST ON STAND, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 24 X 17 X 10 1/2 IN. (61 X 43.2 X 26.7 CM.) DRESSING CHEST ON STAND, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the rectangular hinged chest with leather-lined...
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VICTORIAN MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN CHESTVICTORIANMAHOGANY CAMPAIGN CHEST, inset brass handles, hinged lid, and front - h:27w:33.75d:16.50in....
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ENGLISH BRASS BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNCHEST ON STAND, LATE 19TH CENTURY CHEST ON STAND, LATE 19TH CENTURY, the chest with hinged lid resting on stand with square tapered legs connected by X-form stretcher, h:...
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REGENCY BURLWOOD INLAID MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNWRITING BOX ON LATER STAND WRITING BOX ON LATER STAND, 19th Century, locks stamped indistinctly, of rectangular form opening to a fitted interior with two hinged felt-lined...
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EDWARDIAN MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN CHESTintwo parts Condition: scattered nicks and surface scratches commensurate with age 39 inches wide; 18 1/2 inches deep; 44 inches high Condition:...
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FEDERAL STYLE BRASS MOUNTED MAHOGANYCAMPAIGN TANTALUS WITH FOUR CUT CRYSTAL DECANTERS, H: 9 INFederal Style Brass Mounted Mahogany Campaign Tantalus with Four Cut Crystal Decanters, H: 9 in...
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NATIONAL MT. AIRY PARTIAL EBONIZED MAHOGANYCAMPAIGN-STYLE CHESTNational Mt. Airy Partial Ebonized Mahogany Campaign-Style Chest, Height: 30 in; Width: 34 in; Depth: 18 in...
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY "CAMPAIGN" BLANKETCHESTEnglish Mahogany "Campaign" Blanket Chest, 19th c., case with dovetailed corners with brass mounts and inset bale handles, h. 22 in., w. 44 in., d. 23 1/2 in...
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BRASS-BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN DESKBrass-BoundMahogany Campaign Desk, 20th c., three frieze drawers on paired X form legs, h. 31 in., w. 48 in., d. 27 in...
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ENGLISH BRASS-BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNCHESTEnglish Brass-Bound Mahogany Campaign Chest , 19th c., upper case with two short drawers over long drawer, lower case with two long drawers, h. 37 3/4 in., w. 39 in.,...
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BRASS BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN CHESTSmallBrass Bound Mahogany Campaign Chest , 20th c., two short and two long drawers with inset pulls and brass bale handles on sides, bracket feet...
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LARGE MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN STYLE DISPLAYCABINETLarge mahogany campaign style display cabinet or breakfront, mid 19th c. , 84 1/4" h., 69 1/2" w. Provenance: Collection of Robert Galli.
11 3/4" d. (shelf),...
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BRASS-MOUNTED MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN CHESTBrass-MountedMahogany Campaign Chest, contemporary; manufacturer unknown; having eight drawers and a handle to each side Dimensions: 44 x 42 x 18 in. (111.8 x 106.7 x 45.7 cm.) Condition:...
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN WRITING TABLEEnglishMahogany Campaign Writing Table, 19th century; the hinged box attached to a folding stand, both unfolding upon activation of a pushbutton Dimensions: Closed: 38 x 24 x 12...
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BRASS BOUND MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN WRITINGBOX ON STAND British campaign brass bound mahogany writing box or lap desk, 19th century, having a fitted interior with leather writing surface and concealed compartments,...
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19TH C. MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN WRITING BOXON STAND English brass bound mahogany campaign writing box, 19th century, having a patera inlay to the lid, angled leather writing surface with concealed storage, and on a...
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN DESK WRITINGSLOPEEnglish mahogany writing slope/ travel desk, 19th c., rectangular case with brass corner mounts, hinged top opening to inset felt writing slope, pen rest, inkwell compartments,...
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ENGLISH BRASS-MOUNTED MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNDESKEnglish mahogany campaign desk, 19th c., brass mounted, with engraved top plate "J. Brener," campaign side handles, one containing hidden drawer, top opening to velvet...
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ENGLISH VICTORIAN MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNCHESTEnglish Victorian mahogany campaign chest, Heal & Son, London, late 19th c., case with brass edge banding, two half drawers, over three full-length drawers, campaign...
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ENGLISH BRASS-MOUNTED MAHOGANY CAMPAIGNDESKEnglish brass-mounted mahogany writing slope/ travel desk, 19th c., hinged lid with engraved shield "Frederick Courtenay," side campaign handles, inset leather writing...
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REGENCY STYLE BRASS MOUNTED MAHOGANYCAMPAIGN DESK 31 X 48 X 27 IN. (78.7 X 121.9 X 68.6 CM.) CAMPAIGN DESK, the rectangular brass strapped top above three frieze drawers on double turned X-form trestle ends...
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ENGLISH MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN DESK Englishmahogany campaign desk with trestle support, three drawers with brass handles and fixtures, likely early 20th century. 31" H x 52" W x 27" D. NOTE: This item is only available...
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EARLY 20TH CENTURY with a brown leather fitted interior with inkwell62cm wide, 79cm high (open), 62cm deepProvenance: Sir Maurice William Ernest de Bunsen (1852-1932),...
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T. HANDFORD MAHOGANY CAMPAIGN LAP DESKEnglish Handford (London) mahogany campaign writing box traveling desk with brass edges, opening to reveal compartment for pen and ink and tooled leather surface, circa 1804-1840....
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