3PCS EDWIN BOOTH SIGNATURE, PRINT, ANDLETTER Three pieces of paper ephemera relating to American actor Edwin Booth, older brother of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln; first is a handwritten Shakespeare...
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(24) EASTON PRESS & OTHER LEATHER-BOUNDBOOKS(lot of 24) Books published by Easton Press and other fine publishers, some signed first editions (SFE), leather binding, gilt page ends, many appear unread, titles:...
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105 FRANKLIN LIBRARY SIGNED 1ST ED BOOKSLEATHER 105 Franklin Library Signed First Edition Leather Bound books, to include: "Memories of the Ford Administration", John Updike, "Toward the End of Time", John Updike,...
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13 MINI BOOKS BIJOU SHAKESPEARE, LITTLELEATHER LIBRARY...Authors including Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Lincoln, Irving and Shaw.
The Bijou Shakespeare. In six volumes: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, plays...
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GRP: 14 BOOKS ON AFRICAN & SOUTH ASIANARTGroup of fourteen books on African and South Asian art. Includes the following titles:
Friedrich Hirth, "Das Reich Malabar nach Chao Ju-Kua," Leiden, 1895.
H.C.N. de Lanerolle,...
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LOT OF 37 BOOKS AND MAGAZINES: INCLUDINGINAUGURAL POEM ON THE PULSE OF THE MORNING, MAYA ANGELOU. 12"H X 9"W (LARGEST)Lot of 37 books and magazines: including inaugural poem On the Pulse of the Morning, Maya Angelou.,...
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FIFTEEN BOOKS ON ABRAHAM LINCOLNFIFTEENBOOKS ON ABRAHAM LINCOLN, titles include: Abraham Lincoln: Years 1-6 (6); The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln: A Treasury of Quotations, Anecdotes, and Observations (signed);...
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LARGE GROUP OF PRESIDENTIAL BIOGRAPHYAND HISTORY AND HISTORY, Recollections of Reagan: A Portrait of Ronald Reagan (signed); The Ike I Knew (signed); Roosevelt's Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage; Poems...
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[LITERATURE AND HISTORY]. A group of21 works in 23 volumes, including:
BROOKE, Rupert. Collected Poems. New York: John Lane Company, 1918. -- CANFIELD, Dorothy. The Day of Glory. New York: Henry Holt and Company,...
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Edwin Markham Signed Poem Lincoln Manof the People Read at Dedication of Lincoln Memorial A typewritten edition of Markham's poem Lincoln Man of the People copyrighted 1900 1919 and 1924 ink dated by Markham...
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[American Indian - General] Books onNative Song lot of 11 books including:Bierhorst John. In the Trail of the Wind: American Indian Poems and Ritual Orations. New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux 1971.Brandon...
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[American Indian - Literature] Novelson Native Americans lot of 9 books including:Bourke John G. On the Border with Crook. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1971.Hamilton Charles. Cry of the Thunderbird:...
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Tiffany & Co sterling loving cup circa1908 triple-handle vasiform cup with interspaced engraving ERA from AFA May 23rd 1883/1908; marked on underside: Tiffany & Co 15466/4476 sterling silver 925-1000 M. H8'' W10''...
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