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FINE CHIP CARVED LARGE BALL FLOWER BUTTER PRINTca. 1850-1890; craft shop carved example of fine two ball flowers on stylized stem with large flowing variegated...
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FINE STAR AND BALL FLOWER BUTTER PRINTCA.1840-1870; possible shop crafted Eastern PA print with single piece turned knob grip handle and round print head, deep carved single ball flower that has small star in...
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RARE DOUBLE HEAD EAGLE PATTERN HANDLEDBUTTERprint ca. 1876 era; believed to be in southeastern PA, the print lathe turned single piece with ball nob hand, central layout line with upper central eight-point star...
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FINE CHIP CARVED LARGE BALL FLOWER BUTTERPRINTca. 1850-1890; craft shop carved example of fine two ball flowers on stylized stem with large flowing variegated carved leaves, single piece turned knob handle beech...
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FRENCH SECOND EMPIRE SWAN DAY BEDElaboratelycarved French Empire style Lit De Repose or Daybed, figured rosewood and European walnut. Arched headboard crest is carved with birds, flowers, and leaves and adjoins an S-curved...
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EIGHT LOUIS XVI STYLE PAINTED WOOD BALLOONBACK CHAISES... BACK CHAISES À LA MONTGOLFIÈRE, POSSIBLY MAISON JANSEN, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, each with a carved molding balloon form back frame enclosing a pierced hot air...
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AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL STYLE LEATHERUPHOLSTERED PARCE... UPHOLSTERED PARCEL GILT AND CARVED WOOD "CORNUCOPIA" ARMCHAIR, the arched reeding crest rail topped by a floral cluster carved pendant, ending before...
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TWO PAIRS OF YELLOW GOLD VICTORIAN PENDANTEARRINGSTwo Pairs of Yellow Gold Victorian Pendant Earrings, one pair featuring carved red coral flowers; 6.11 dwts.; lg. 1 3/4 in.; the other pair with seed pearls and black...
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ENGLISH OAK THREE DECANTER TANTALUSSETEnglish oak tantalus. 3 cut glass bottles with ball stoppers, ornate metal tags. Panels carved in relief with flowers. Engraved brass fittings. Compartments lined with...
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A Chinese three colour jade carvingof three Buddhist lions the first in white stone the second in white and grey speckled stone and the final in grey with black speckles surrounding a loose ball 1.75in. together...
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Thomas Ball (American 1819-1911) CarvedMarble Bust of Young Girl on Marble Pedestal Flowers & curled hair. Sgn. on back T. Ball 1871. Condition: Chip to base on back.Dimensions: Bust Ht. 19''. Pedestal Ht. 43''E...
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