FINE LATE VICTORIAN PERIOD WATERCOLORILLUSTRATEDfamily record of Christian & Leavea Frey family ca. 1921; illustrated family record attributed to Waterloo, Canada Old Order Mennonite Community; on paper with...
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FINE MENNONITE OR BRETHREN COMMUNITYPIECEWORKpin ball cushion ca. 1860; rag stuffed fabric piecework assembled calico print fabrics with overlay lines of solid tone fabrics, dominant nine patch block interlaced...
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2 SEWING NOTION PIN CUSHIONS CA. 19TH-EARLY20THcentury; early Amish community eight-point star shaped rug stuffed pin pillow with piecework assembly for both side, top is dominant browns, black and back dominant yellow...
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FINE MENNONITE COMMUNITY HOUSE PATTERNQUILT CA.1880-1920; calico printed cotton fabric piecework assembled with blue, red and yellow fabric cabins in field of green calico fabric, assembled with 16 matched patchwork...
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PA MENNONITE COMMUNITY JACOB'S COATPATTERN QUILTca. 1920-1940; vibrant color quilt, known locally as "Rainbow Bars" quilt featuring tones of all colors of the rainbow with similar angled bars border, cotton...
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GEOMETRIC "LOG CABIN" PATTERN HOOKEDRUGca. early-mid 20th century; probably central PA Amish/old order Mennonite Community rug in block pattern with off-setting logs in vibrant colors and brown/black tape binder,...
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PA MENNONITE COMMUNITY PATCHWORK PRIVYBAGca. 1870-1890; sampler-type patchwork design of mixed tone calico printed fabrics, the pocket bag with tapered top design with wool fabric binding top and tape weave hanging...
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AMISH / MENNONITE RAG DOLLMade usingscraps of material that were on hand the day of making. The dress was probably the child’s dress which she had outgrown. The shawl, remnants of the mother’s or grandmother’s...
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RARE MARBLE GAMEFrom the Mennonite Community,strong condition with a nice patina. Marbles included. Waterloo County, circa 1890. Measuring, 10” height x 9” width. The Larry Foster Collection....
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SUNSHINE & SHADOW MENNONITE QUILTFromthe Tom & Adele Hersh Western Ontario Quilt Collection; a colourful graphic portrayal of textile art from the Mennonite Community. Excellent condition. Waterloo County in...
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MENNONITE COMMUNITY "AROUND THE WORLD"PATTERN PATca. 1900-1940; vibrant mix of calico fabric square patchwork blocks assembled in revolving repeating lines of matched fabric blocks around a central nine patch...
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MENNONITE COMMUNITY "FRIENDSHIP-STARPATCH BLOCK"ca. 1890; calico printed cotton fabric piecework quilt with assembled top of "friendship patches" traditionally done by various individuals for quilting group...
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LANCASTER MENNONITE COMMUNITY "IRISHCHAIN" QUILTca. 1880; small piecework assembled yellow and red blocks interlocked in cross-over chain design with green field, three color (red, yellow and green) border,...
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LANCASTER CO. LOG CABIN QUILTca. 1880;Mennonite Community calico fabrics log cabin quilt with light and dark assembled piecework logs around red interior block, top assembled in "Four Block" pattern with brown/red...
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FINE FRIENDSHIP EMBROIDERED SAMPLERRUG BY LEAH GIca. late 19th century; attributed to PA Mennonite Community, beautiful wool embroidered sampler-type rug with diamond pattern border and field filled with traditional...
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MENNONITE COMMUNITY APPLIQUED "ROSEOF SHARON VARIca. 1880-1890; red calico print ground top with yellow band border, interior field with fine assembled appliques of yellow calico and red solid dyed cotton fabric...
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MENNONITE COMMUNITY PINK FIELD CALICOFABRICS WINDca. 1930-1950s; traditional "Windmill" pattern patchwork blocks of red calico pieces in yellow calico field placed into diamond layout of pink calico fabric print...
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MENNONITE COMMUNITY "BARS" PATTERN TWO-SIDEDQUILTca. 1870-1900; red and green calico print cotton fabrics with uniform off-setting bars or stripes of fabrics in repeating red and green, quilt thinly batted with wrap...
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MENNONITE COMMUNITY "FRIENDSHIP" PATTERNCRIB QUILca. 1890; top with traditional "Friendship" or "Block Star" patchwork blocks in yellow and red, nine patchwork blocks placed in brown floral print calico fabric field,...
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LOG CABIN "BARN RAISING" PATTERN QUILTca.1900-1930; Brethren/Mennonite Community quilt with use of vibrant calico print fabrics, assembled with patchwork blocks of off-setting light and dark logs around blue center...
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VIBRANT "FOUR CORNER BLOCK" PATCHWORKQUILT WITH Mca. 1880-1900; Mennonite Community Lebanon or Lancaster Co. form with vibrant mix of calico print cotton fabrics, quilt top has 25 patchwork blocks with postage...
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A Mennonite Red Wash, Black and ParcelGilt Painted, Stencil Decorated Poplar Chest of Drawers
Ohio or Indiana, Dated 1899
stenciled Sarah E. Troyer / 1899, bearing a black painted SM on the backboards, having...
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PA MENNONITE COMMUNITY TWO-SIDE QUILTWITH "BARN Rca. 1890-1930; piecework assembled top of line runs in diamond design of 1 1/2"x 1 1/2" patch blocks, top printed calico and dye cotton fabrics, the back in red...
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PIECEWORK "STAR OF BETHLEHEM"/ "BRILLIANTSTAR" PAca. 1900-1940; assembled solid dyed and printed calico printed cotton fabrics and pink/red tone border and light blue interior field, eight point large star pattern...
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2 MAKE-DO TOY BROOMSTICK HORSESca. early20th century; old order Mennonite community broomstick horse with brown knitted woolsy fabric head that is rag stuffed with triangular mounted ears, blue check chambray fabric...
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FINE "LONESTAR" OR "STAR OF BETHLEHEM"PIECEWORK Qca. 1870-1920; cotton fabric quilt with unbleached muslin/cotton ground and field, vibrant calico print piecework assembled star of diamond patches, surrounded...
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PA GREEN & RED CALICO FABRIC "BAR" PATTERNQUILTca. 1880-1910; Mennonite community quilt with red (pink) fabric border and interior bars, off-set with four bars of green/black calico fabric line bars with assembled...
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FINE RED & GREEN CALICO FABRIC PATCHWORKCHAIN LINca. 1900-1920; a series of repeating nine patch blocks set on diamond and green blocks to create "Chain Link" pattern, red interior sawtooth border and green border,...
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FRAMED IMPORTANT LANCASTER CO. "FAMILYRECORD OF Jca. 1841 dated; dyed cotton and wool stitch embroidery on homespun linen with blue and red stitch trailing strawberry border, upper field with central two handle...
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"BRILLIANT STAR" PATCHWORK QUILTca.1880-1910; thick padded winter quilt attributed to PA Mennonite community with nine block design having vibrant red, blue and green calico print in orange dye cotton field...
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FINE TWO-COLOR CALICO STARS PATTERNQUILTca. 1880-1910; possibly Brethren or Mennonite Community with piecework assembly of light blue stars with maroon block and diamond patch in field with narrow line of light...
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AMISH/MENNONITE COMMUNITY "MAKE-DO"TOY STUFFED ELca. 1890-1920; wool/early rag stuffed brown dyed cotton fabric elephant with elongated arching trunk, stitch mounted floppy ears and stitch mounted brown tape...
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CALICO PIECEWORK BASKET PATTERN YOUTH/TRUNDLEBEDca. 1880-1900; pink diamond patch on gray print border, basket design piecework patch block with off-setting red calico print block patches, brown calico print back and...
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DECORATED SEWING CADDY. Pennsylvaniaor Ohio mid 19th century walnut cherry and poplar. An unusual form with an upper shelf a lower drawer high feet and scroll-cut drops on the sides. Retains its original...
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DECORATED WARDROBE OR SCHRANK. BlufftonAllen and Hancock Counties Ohio ca.1860 poplar. One-piece with a lift-off cornice and a raised-panel door set on pintel hinges. Retains its original faux mahogany graining...
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DECORATED BLANKET CHEST. Attributedto Soap Hollow Pennsylvania mid 19th century poplar. Dovetailed chest on bracket feet and retaining its original black over red paint decoration with black trim. 19.5''h....
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