CROWN OF THORNS VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILTPennsylvaniaCrown of Thorns variant patchwork quilt, 19th c., 83" x 89".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Sporadic stains, some edge discoloration,...
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CROWN OF THORNS VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILTPennsylvaniaCrown of Thorns variant patchwork quilt, early 20th c., 83" x 89".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Sporadic small stains, some discoloration....
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RED AND WHITE DIAMOND IN A SQUARE VARIANTQUILTRed and white diamond in a square variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900, 72" x 90". Provenance: A New York Collection.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this...
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RED AND WHITE PINEAPPLE VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTRed and white pineapple variant patchwork quilt, 19th c., 68" x 84". Provenance: A New York Collection.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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THREE PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK QUILTSThreePennsylvania patchwork quilts, 19th and early 20th c., to include a nine patch variant, 19th c., 86" x 86", together with a star variant and another patchwork quilt.
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PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK IRISH CHAIN VARIANTQUILTVibrant York County, Pennsylvania patchwork Irish chain variant quilt, 19th c. , with bold swag border, 82" x 82". Provenance: Fetherston Trust and Packwood House Museum.
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SUNBURST VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT, LATE19TH C.Sunburst variant patchwork quilt, late 19th c. , with bow tie border, 90" x 104". Provenance: Fetherston Trust and Packwood House Museum.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK SUNFLOWER VARIANTQUILTPennsylvania patchwork sunflower star variant quilt, early 20th c. , 84" x 84". Provenance: Fetherston Trust and Packwood House Museum.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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NINE PATCH VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,20TH C.Nine patch variant patchwork quilt, 20th c., 72" x 72".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Minor stains....
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ROLLING STONE VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,19TH C.Rolling stone variant patchwork quilt, 19th c., 96" x 96".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Stains, surface dirt....
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NINE-PATCH VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,19TH C.Nine-patch variant patchwork quilt, 19th c., 70" x 58".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Surface dirt, some stains, some fading....
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DELECTABLE MOUNTAINS VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTDelectable mountains variant patchwork quilt, early 20th c., 84" x 80".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent...
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NINE-PATCH VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,DATED 1932Nine-patch variant patchwork quilt, dated 1932 , 88" x 86".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Minor stains....
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MARINERS STAR VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,CA. 1900Mariners star variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900, 72" x 82".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Pencil lines visible, some discoloration....
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MARINERS COMPASS VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,19TH C.Mariners compass variant patchwork quilt, 19th c., with bold striped border, 86" x 72".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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IRISH CHAIN VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,EARLY 20TH C.Irish chain variant patchwork quilt, early 20th c., 86" x 82".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Sporadic small stains....
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BEAR PAW VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT, EARLY20TH C.Bear paw variant patchwork quilt, early 20th c., inscribed Shoemaker Farm in ink on verso, 68" x 80".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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NINE PATCH VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILTNinepatch variant patchwork quilt, initialed and dated 1860 on verso, 76" x 76".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent...
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BOWTIE VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT, EARLY20TH C.Bowtie variant patchwork quilt, early 20th c., 72" x 70".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent damages...
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DRESDEN PLATE VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,EARLY 20THDresden plate variant patchwork quilt, early 20th c., 88" x 80".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Sporadic stains, surface...
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DIAMOND IN A STAR VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTDiamond in a star variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900, 80" x 78".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Minor sporadic stains....
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IRISH CHAIN VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,EARLY 20TH C.Irish chain variant patchwork quilt, early 20th c., 82" x 72".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Sporadic stains....
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FLYING GEESE VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,CA. 1900Flying geese variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900, tag signed Mrs. L. B. Chilcote , 96" x 96".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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FLYING GEESE VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,CA. 1900Flying geese variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900, 78" x 70".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent damages...
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NINE PATCH VARIANT PATCHWORK QUILT,CA. 1900Nine patch variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900, 88" x 90".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Some small stains....
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PENNSYLVANIA NINE-PATCH VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTPennsylvania nine-patch variant patchwork quilt, 19th c., 80" x 80".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Sporadic small stains, some...
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PENNSYLVANIA STAR VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILT, 19TH C.Pennsylvania star variant patchwork quilt, 19th c. , with printed floral border, 83" x 91". Provenance: The Packwood House Museum.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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PENNSYLVANIA DIAMOND IN A BLOCK VARIANTPATCHWORKPennsylvania Diamond in a Block variant patchwork quilt, late 19th c. , 72" x 70". Provenance: The Packwood House Museum.
Competitive in-house shipping is available...
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PENNSYLVANIA ROLLING STONE VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTPennsylvania Rolling Stone variant patchwork quilt, mid 20th c. , 84 1/2" x 83". Provenance: The Packwood House Museum.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for...
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PENNSYLVANIA LOG CABIN VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTPennsylvania Log Cabin variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900 , 85 1/2" x 79". Provenance: The Packwood House Museum.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this...
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PENNSYLVANIA PATCHWORK QUILTPennsylvaniasawtooth windmill blade variant patchwork quilt, late 19th c., 86" x 82".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Good condition. No apparent...
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PENNSYLVANIA FLYING GEESE VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTPennsylvania blue and white flying geese variant patchwork quilt, late 19th c., with sawtooth border, 76" x 74".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this...
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PENNSYLVANIA FLYING GEESE VARIANT PATCHWORKQUILTPennsylvania flying geese variant patchwork quilt, ca. 1900, 78" x 78". Provenance: From the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Irving Williams, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
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"FRIENDSHIP" PATTERN VARIANT PATCHWORK& APPLIQUEDca. 1880-1910; white, red and green dyed cotton fabrics quilt with 16 diamond set block patches with single red block in center and green leaf appliques in corners,...
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FINE "WINDMILL VARIANT" PATCHWORK QUILTca.1860-1880; unique form patchwork quilt assembled from mixed light and dark color calico print cotton fabrics with dark "Log Cabin Patch", four blade windmill offset with light...
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Star variant patchwork quilt signedMaggie A. Stems 1880 80" x 78". ?...
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