(6) ENGLISH SHEFFIELD SILVERPLATE GOBLETS,VARIED(lot of 6) Silverplate goblets, styles vary, including: (1) goblet, Thomas Otley & Sons, Sheffield, chased floral motif, marked underfoot, approx 6 5/8"h, 3.25"diam,...
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CHINESE JADEITE LOTUS FORM WASHER WITHWOOD STAND Chinese jadeite lotus form washer with wood stand, displaying a large lotus leaf with an undulating edge, supported by long curving stems issuing lotus-flower seed...
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(141 PC) ROSENTHAL PORCELAIN DINNERWARESETDESCRIPTION: (141 Pc) A Rosenthal "Lotus White" porcelain dinnerware set. Marked with the "Rosenthal" hallmark on the bottom. This set includes: (12 Pc) Rosenthal "Lotus...
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FOUR BLANC DE CHINE FIGURES OF GUANYIN20thcentury, each depicted standing, holding a lotus flower, raised on a lotus petal base, tallest marked "China", others marked "Made in China" to back, tallest 13-3/4 in.
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FOUR CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE DECORATEDBOWLSprobably Ming dynasty, Swatow ware bowl painted with a phoenix, rim painted with stylized fruits and plants, 2-3/4 x 13-1/4 in.; wide and shallow bowl painted with stylized...
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JAPANESE CARVED AND GILT WOOD BUDDHAON TIERED LOTUS BA...19th century, lacquered carved and gilt wood figure in four parts, free standing buddha figure seated in meditation with serene expression and hands in...
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QINGDYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD, CIRCA 1760 ??? ????????the exterior painted with three tiers of overlapping lotus petals with gilt-decorated shaped cartouches depicting lotus and...
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A CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN LOTUS DISHAND COVERED TEA BOWL 19th century, a wavy rim dish hand painted with lotus blossoms in famille rose enamels, the underside in light green with lotus roots elevating the dish,...
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CHINESE PORCELAIN BOY FIGURE ON LOTUS,ROC PERIOD A Chinese porcelain boy figure on a lotus platform, dating from the Republic period. The boy is seated and naked, except for an elaborate necklace. He holds a fruit...
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CHINESE IMPERIAL B & W LOTUS PLATE,QIANLONGPERIOD A Chinese imperial blue and white lotus plate, dating from the Qianlong period ( 1735-1796). Fine imperial quality lotus plate with Central scrolling lotus design surrounded...
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PAIR OF CHINESE SCROLLING LOTUS BOWLS,GUANGXU P. A pair of Chinese scrolling lotus bowls, dating from the Guangxu period ((1875-1908). Inside center design a lotus flower framed in double blue circle. Outside...
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TWO CHINESE B & W FAMILLE ROSE LOTUSPLATES,18TH C Pair Chinese blue and white rose lotus plates Two Chinese blue & white famille rose lotus plates, dating from the 18th century. A central pink lotus is surrounded...
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CHINESE FAMILLE VERTE BOY HOLDING LOTUS,17TH C. A Chinese famille verte sculpture of a boy holding a lotus, 17th Century., Kangxi Pd. (1662-1723). The smiling, standing boy holds the lotus in both hands. The top...
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CHINESE EXPORT LOTUS-SHAPED DISH, 18THCENTURY CENTURY, the flower-shaped dish with a wide band of pink lotus petals enclosing a circular roundel of blooming flowers with rockery and a fence within gilt spear heads,...
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CHINESE WHITE JADE LOTUS FONDLING PIECEChineseWhite Jade Lotus Fondling Piece, carved as a lotus pod borne on a leafy stem with a lotus blossom, h. 3/4 in., w. 1 1/2 in., d. 1 1/2 in...
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FIVE FENTON "DRAGON AND LOTUS" CARNIVALGLASS BOWL GLASS BOWLS, including 3 ice cream shape bowls, one in blue, one purple, and one green, 8" to 8.25"D; 1 bowl with three-in-one edge in peach opalescent, 9"D; plus...
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Antique, Qing dynasty, Sino-Tibetangilt copper alloy seated Tara figure with hands in mudra, body adorned with beaded jewelry and hair ornaments mounted with turquoise cabochons, left hand holding lotus stem...
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Large Chinese porcelain bowl of lotusform, the interior with blooming flowers amidst rockery beneath six lotus flowers and peddles with a yellow ground rim with flowers, vines and tendrils, the exterior with...
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PAIR CHINESE BLUE & WHITE LOTUS DISH,YONGZHENGPE. A pair of Chinese blue and white lotus dishes, dating from the Yongzheng period (1722-1735). Five scrolling lotus flowers in the center design, surrounded by double blue...
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CHINESE BLUE & WHITE LOTUS PLATE, 18THC. A Chinese blue and white lotus plate, dating from the 18th century. center display of lotus flowers with a winding blue ribbon, Sloping edge decorated with scrolling lotus...
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CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PLATE W/ SCROLLINGLOTUS A Chinese blue and white plate with scrolling lotus design. Four large lotus flowers in the center bottom with scrolling leaves surrounding, within a double circle....
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CHINESE AGATE CARVED SNUFF BOTTLE W/LOTUS,QING D. A Chinese agate carved snuff bottle with lotus design, dating from the Qing dynasty. A circular dark lotus on the lower right of one side, and lightly incised...
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CHINESE BRONZE CAST LOTUS SHAPED STEMBOWL,QING D. A Chinese bronze cast lotus shaped stem bowl, dating from the Qing dynasty. The hollow shaped lotus is perched in the air by several vines which snake below the...
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PAIR CHINESE FIGURAL LOTUS FORM CANDLEHOLDERS Pair Chinese figural lotus form candle holders, each having a lotus blossom candle cup above a standard decorated with applied lotus leaves, pods, and stems together...
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LARGE JADEITE FIRE KING & ART GLASSCOLLECTION: This expansive collection of Jadeite glassware includes several Fire King coffee mugs, teacups, saucers, cream & sugars, cereal bowls, bubble bowls, lotus plates,...
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JIAJINGMARK AND POSSIBLE OF KANGXI PERIOD ???? ??? ????????potted in generous proportions on a straight short foot, rising to a bulbous deep body to a flared rim, painted on the...
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19TH CENTURY-20TH CENTURY ??????? ??????????carved in the form of a large lotus leaf growing from a stem which forms the base, further carved on the exterior in openwork...
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LATEQING TO REPUBLIC PERIOD, 19TH-20TH CENTURY ???? ?????????? ???? ??gouache on paper, framed, depicting a family alongside a lotus pond with crane, a seated male figure drinking...
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CHINESE MING STYLE BLUE & WHITE CHARGERChinese Ming style blue and white lotus charger, the interior having a spray of lotus blossoms and pods, framed by lotus scrollwork, the exterior with conforming lotus scrollwork,...
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Chinese lightly lavender colored jadeitecarving of standing beauty holding openwork branch and lotus flowers with flowing robes, accompanied with carved wood stand together with Chinese unusually colored olive green...
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CHINESE WHITE AND IRON RED BOWL W/ LOTUSPOND Chinese white and iron red bowl, having a flared rim, the interior centering a fish in a lotus pond and having lotus scrollwork at the rim, the exterior with bands of...
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CHINESE BLUE & WHITE AND ROSE FAMILLEBOWL Chinese blue and white and Rose Famille bowl, the interior centering a blue and white double vajra composed of a lotus blossom and four lotus pods, framed by lotus scrollwork,...
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Chinese celadon dishes Song or Mingdynasty comprising: crackle-glazed bowl H3'' Dia.5 1/2'' lotus petal bowl H2 1/2'' Dia.6 1/4'' lotus petal shallow bowl H1 1/2'' Dia.5 3/4'' deep bowl H2 3/4'' Dia.6 3/4''...
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Chinese Export Famille Rose porcelainlotus bowl and a Chinese redware teapot with Famille Rose decoration 1) lotus bowl - mid-18th century; interior painted with detailed lotus petals and four vignettes of pagoda...
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Highly Unusual Chinese Carved GiltwoodSign, 19th century, carved in very high relief with designs on both sides, the carving with a centered Chinese character in black for the word "cake", set atop fretwork depicting...
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A Sino-Tibetan Bronze Seated PadmapaniAvalokiteshvara (Lotus Holder) Intricately fashioned gilt bronze figure seated on a double lotus throne with her right foot resting on a lotus holding lotus blossoms vining...
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