FOUR COLOR TWO PART WOVEN JAR CARD COVERLET.19thCentury Four Color Two Part Woven Jacquard Coverlet. Floral pattern with turkey and rooster corners. 74" x 91-1/2" not including fringe. Condition: : Good with minor fringe...
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TWO LARGE CHINESE PORCELAIN COVEREDJAR MING STYLE WITH...Two large Chinese porcelain covered jar Ming style with painted fish along with a blue and white jar with painted landscape scenes, approximate ht. 20".
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CHINESE KANGXI POWDER BLUE GINGER JARELECTRIFIED INTO ...Chinese Kangxi powder blue Ginger Jar electrified into a table lamp with gilt bird and floral decoration, circa 18th century or later, jar height 10 inches,...
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LARGE LOT, TO INCLUDE TWELVE LOMONOSOVRUSSIAN PORCELAI...Large Lot, to include twelve Lomonosov Russian porcelain cups, a Lomonosov porcelain cup and saucer, a Russian porcelain rooster, a small pietra dura plaque,...
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THREE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN PIECES,TO INCLUDE A BLU...Three Blue and White Porcelain Pieces, to include a blue and white foo dog ginger jar; a blue and white ginger jar having scrolling vines and flowers; along...
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GROUP OF FOUR JARSGroup of Four Jars,to include an early unglazed pottery jar having molded rope design; a silvered green glazed jar; a brown glazed jar having molded lions and dragons, along with a stoneware...
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FOUR MT. WASHINGTON CROWN MILANO BISCUITJARSFour Mt. Washington Crown Milano Biscuit Jars, to include one having lobed body with jeweled or beaded flowers; a jar having raised gold lotus flowers with butterfly on...
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THREE LARGE REDWARE JARSThree LargeRedware Jars, made into table lamps, Christopher Woods 1990, having slipware decoration, brown glaze with flowers and a yellow glazed jar, jar height is 27 inches. Provenance:...
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GROUP OF SEVEN CHINESE BLUE AND WHITEPORCELAIN PIECESGroup of Seven Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Pieces, to include two blue and white prunus vases, each decorated with white flowers on blue ground, one of...
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CHINESE POWDER BLUE AND FAMILLE VERTECOVERED JARChinese Powder Blue and Famille Verte Covered Jar, 19th century, possibly older, body decorated with circular Famille Verte reserves of phoenix birds and flowers;...
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FOUR PIECE JAPANESE & CHINESE GROUPFourPiece Japanese & Chinese Group, to include chinese blue and white porcelain barrel form jar, decorated with characters, probably 19th century, height 8 3/4 inches, A Varatsu...
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GLENN APPLEMAN CONVERTIBLE COOKIE JARGlennAppleman Convertible Cookie Jar, Packard/roadster convertible ceramic cookie jar with black exterior, silver trim and red interior, height 7 1/2 inches, length 16 inches.
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SEVEN PIECE CHINESE PORCELAIN GROUPSevenPiece Chinese Porcelain Group, to include large ginger jar with cover, (height 19 inches), pair of small ginger jars, charger (diameter 16 inches), vase, etc.
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FOUR PIECE GROUP OF JAPANESE IMARIFourPiece Group of Japanese Imari, pair of large porcelain jars having foo dog finial on dome shaped cover (one jar has broken finial), over baluster form vases, painted with...
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FOUR PIECE PORCELAIN ASIAN GROUPFourPiece Porcelain Asian Group, to include one baluster jar, one planter, one round plate for planter, along with a large Rose Famille bowl and hexagonal Rose Famille plate,...
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GROUP OF FOUR IRANIAN POTTERY JARS ANDJUGSGroup of Four Iranian Pottery Jars and Jugs Circa 1st millennium B.C. or later Height is 5 1/2 inches (as is)
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of...
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SET OF 20 APOTHECARY JARS WITH DOMEDLIDSSet of 20 Apothecary Jars with Domed Lids Each green ground, having raised plaque, gilt and red painted with label England 19th century Height 8 1/4 inches Provenance:...
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GROUP OF FOUR BELL JAR HANGING LANTERNSGroupof Four Bell Jar Hanging Lanterns Two having etched grape and leaf motif Approx. height of larger lanterns 17 inches, smaller lantern approx. 11 inches
All lots...
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PAIR OF CHINESE FAMILLE VERTE JARSPairof Chinese Famille Verte Jars having four panels with enameled antiques, birds and blossoming flower trees missing cover and drilled bottom probably 19th c. Jar height 12...
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ANTIQUE CHEMIST'S SPECIMEN BOX 19th/20thc., Continental, set of 100 jarred specimens with elegant calligraphic script list inside floral embellished cardboard carton, 2"h x 10.5"w x 6"d (box), 1"h x 1"w x 2"d (card...
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SMALL SILVER BOX COLLECTION (9) MiniatureBoxes, incl: Late 18th c. French silver engraved book form locket, with latches and hinges on both sides, eight interior compartments (possibly for patches or seeds), interior...
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Fire Extinguishers, Ball Jars, WWIIRation Books to include Pyrene copper and brass soda-acid fire extinguisher, 2 1/2 gallon Pyrene copper pump tank extinguisher, assorted Ball jars, (1) with crack and (8)...
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NATIVE AMERICAN HOPI JAMES NAMPEYO POLYCHROMEPOTTERY JAR, CA 1970S. 4"H X 5 1/4"DIAM.Native American Hopi James Nampeyo polychrome pottery jar, ca 1970s., Includes artist's card. James Garcia Nampeyo, Hopi Pueblo, is...
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GROUP OF MEDICAL ITEMS. American andEuropean late 19th-20th century. Boxed Cresolene Vaporizer with bottle of Vapo-Cresolene bottle of camphorated opium three ink scrapers business card for ''Dr. JM Hotaling''...
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Peking Glass Lidded Jars Chinese. Apair of Peking glass lidded compressed-form jars the body having red overlay depicting butterflies and peonies on a white ground. Each on wooden stand with painted 3884 in...
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Chinese Black Pottery Jar Chinese HanDynasy-style. A black pottery handled jar having a matte black finish with a swirled design to the body and flanked by handles. Ht. 6.5 in. (ht. 16.8 cm). Private Collection...
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Misc. kitchenware salt and peppers,etc. 8pc.; eclectic grouping includes bakelite and silver trimmed salt and pepper shakers, agate card suite dishes, hand painted Nippon vase, Belgian jar with unusual agateware...
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Chinese Storage Jar with Scrolled HandlesChinese probably 19th century an ice-blue glazed storage jar with decorative scrolled handles no marks; ht. 20.75 in. (52.7 cm) Condition: One handle repaired. One handle...
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Chinese Ginger Jar Chinese late 19th/early20th century a porcelain ginger jar with figures in a landscape and two bats unmarked; ht. 8 in. (20.3 cm) Condition: Missing lid.Special Auction Notes: U.S bidders may pay...
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Eighteen cut crystal and sterling silverplace card holders Hawkes with other silver and glass table articles the Hawkes pieces with floral-etched glass bases and silver clips 3 5/8 in. Diam.; other items comprise:...
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Chinese Grayware jar Chinese WarringStates-style a high fired grayware jar with a globular body with allover impressed mesh decoration two handles and two applied S-shaped decoration; ht. 2.25 in. (6.5 cm)The...
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COLLECTION OF ESTATE STERLING SILVERVANITY ITEMS: To include 1) Sterling oriental motif card case featuring Buddha and other figures with vermeil highlights unmarked as to maker. 3 1/8'' x 2 1/2''. 2) Matching...
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Lot of assorted Herend porcelain wares.All pieces have a similar Avicular pattern with butterflies bees and other insects. All are marked on base ''Herend Hungary Hand painted'' and numbered. Includes a reticulated...
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COLLECTION OF CONTINENTAL SILVER ITEMS:To include Dutch repousse ashtray Dutch letter holder with bird and foliate scroll decoration Dutch toothpick holder (missing insert) 4 Dutch spoons and forks unknown maker...
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Chinese Carved Ivory Figural Group Chinese20 century. A carving representing ''Shiba Onko and the Broken Jar;'' ht. 5.5 in. (13.5 cm). According to the story when Shiba Onko a Song Dynasty statesman was seven years...
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