J.M. KEYNES, ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OFTHE PEACE The Economic Consequences of the Peace by John Maynard Keynes, published 1920 by Harcourt, Brace and Howe. First American edition of this pivotal work on the end...
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BROOKS ADAMS, (3) 1ST EDS, ECONOMICSAND SOCIOLOGY Includes: The Law of Civilization and Decay: An Essay on History, 1896; America's Economic Supremacy, 1900; and The Theory of Social Revolutions, 1913; The Macmillan...
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THE ECONOMIC CYCLE AUTOMATON.The EconomicCycle Automaton. N.p., ca. 2000s. Electrical automaton, accompanied by a plastic title placard (“The Economic Cycle”), depicting a bicyclist and a circus clown, each with...
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LEDOUX NOTES 1932 FIRTH FIELD AND CGSELIGMANNNotes typed by Louis Pierre Ledoux on 1932 R. Firth's field notes, and 1910 C.G. Seligmann's "The Mels of British N.G..."
Typed notes entitled "Field Method: notes...
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6 PCS, JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, ECONOMICSTEXTS John Maynard Keynes (British, 1883-1946). Six hardcover volumes of works on economics including first editions of "The End of Laissez-Faire" -1926 and others. Provenance:...
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WEDGWOOD UT 'HOME ECONOMICS' COMMEMORATIVEPLATEWedgwood commemorative University of Texas plate, burnt orange on a white ground, a detailed transfer of the "Home Economics Building," a rope and bluebonnet design frame...
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TEN ECONOMICS BOOKS, FIVE SIGNED BYROBERT S. MCNAMARA ROBERT S. MCNAMARA, including 'World Bank and Beyond: A Memoir and a Proposal', by Stanley Cleetus Panickaveetil (inscription from the author); 'Reviving...
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LAMONT, SIGNED 1933 DAVISON BIO W/ (4)ECON. VOLS. (5) vols, uniformly bound with leather spines and corners, cloth sides, incl.: 1) Thomas, W. Lamont. Henry P. Davison The Record of a Useful Life. Harper, 1933,...
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15 GERMAN AND CZECH SILVER MEDALLIONS,LATE 19TH CENTURY LATE 19TH CENTURY, most with silver hallmarks, group includes a Für Hervorragende Leistungen fpor Reichenberg, dated 1895; Hospodarska Jednota v Olomouci,...
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EDGAR LOUIS YAEGER, MICHIGAN / FRANCE(1904 - 1997), UNTITLED ABSTRACT, 1937, OIL ON CANVAS, 20 1/2"H X 27 1/2"W (SIGHT), 25"H X 32"W (FRAME)Edgar Louis Yaeger, Michigan / France, (1904 - 1997) untitled abstract,...
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RAM KUMAR ABSTRACT ARCHITECTURAL PAINTINGIndia,1924-2018Part if the Beneras series, depicts brown buildings against a vibrant blue sky from the opposite side of a river. Kumar was a prolific artist that has been...
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RAM KUMAR ABSTRACT LANDSCAPE PAINTINGIndia,1924-2018Depicts a landscape scene comprised of deep green, red, blue, white, yellow, and orange. Kumar was a prolific artist that has been considered one of India's...
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GROUP SMALL COLLECTIBLES Including TheLittle Webster dictionary, Cross leather card holder, tin typewriter ribbon box, Antietam medal, Jefferson Peace Nickel 2004-P, Beijing 1985 economic and trade exhibition...
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Taxco sterling holloware by WilliamSpratling circa 1940 coffee service with side-handled coffeepot covered sugar and creamer in similar design; together with ladle with wood handle; double jigger H4 1/2'';...
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Rare New Orleans Double-Sided CommercialLithography Stone, fourth quarter 19th century and later, one side engraved with various commercial documents including a business card of Dr. Oscar Salomon, Surgeon Dentist,...
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Capt. George Randolph Dyer AQM--Lincoln-SignedCommission and Pilot Knob Archive Comprising an early eagle mast head commission partially printed on vellum 12.25 x 15.75 in. matted framed and glazed 14.25 x 17.25 in. dated...
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* GALBRAITH JOHN KENNETH A group ofseven signed works. Economics and the Art of Controversy. New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press 1955. The Scotch. Boston: Riverside Press/Houghton Mifflin (1964). A Contemporary...
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Asa Park (Kentucky 1790-1827) Portraitof Lafayette Kentucky Portrait of the Marquis de Lafayette ca 1824-1825 a half-portrait of Lafayette housed in an ornately carved gilt and gesso frame unsigned; 27.75 x 23...
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[Mississippi Company Crash] "Mississippiof 'Twydbefaamde Goudland door de Inbeelding der Windnegotie" engraved page extracted from Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid (The Great Scene of Folly) c. 1720 sight 14 1/2...
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(11) North Carolina and Virginia Titlesasfollows: Hill J.P.A. HISTORY OF HENRY COUNTY (1925); Massie & Christian eds. HOMES AND GARDENS IN OLD VIRGINIA (1932); Wilstach Paul JEFFERSON AND MONTICELLO (1928); Flournoy...
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Letters Between the Sturges BrothersMost Antebellum Including J.R. Sturges 3rd GA Infantry KIA These 58 letters encompass a "snapshot" of antebellum life in the South.Samuel Sturges (1774-1831) was born in Fairfield...
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BAE Volumes and an Early Report of ExplorationsIncludes: Reports of Explorations and Surveys to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean...1853-4....
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Rare Menu From the Atlantic ConferenceSigned by All Guests Including Churchill & Roosevelt Printed bifoliate card 7 x 9 in. Ship Harbor Newfoundland August 9 1941 containing the menu and list of those present...
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M1849 Colt Revolver Presented to EdwardR. Hutchins .31 cal. 4" octagonal barrel with single-line New York address S/N 188996.? Brass backstrap and triggerguard. One piece walnut grips.Edward Ridgeway Hutchins (1841-1927)...
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Ben E. Green Politician & Colonel UnpublishedHandwritten Memoirs & Related Ephemera 406pp manuscript; 2 pamphlets. Ca 1900. It never ceases to amaze how so many arguments for the causes of the Civil come together combine...
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3 vols. Social Science & Economics:Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. London: Longmans, Green, 1869. 1st ed. 2 vols. 8vo, contemp. 3/4 green morocco & pebbled...
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2 vols. Economics - French Imprints:Tableaux Contenans les Comptes de M. Necker et de M. Dufresne du Premier Mai 1789 au Premier Janvier, 1791. [Paris: L'Imprimerie Nationale, 1789-1791]. With: Extract Raissone...
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1 piece. Original Photograph. HomeEconomics class, Friends Select, 1305 Arch Street, Phila., Pa. Ca. 1900-1915. Silver print, 8 x 9 1/2 inches (203 x 240 mm). Framed....
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TWO SPIT JACKS. European. Late 19thcentury brass key wind jack with cast iron ring. Labeled ''Economical Salter's Warrented'' 13''l. plus ring. And a 18th century brass and wrought iron jack with clockwork...
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Jean-Joseph Vaudechamp (French, 1790-1864,Active New Orleans 1831-1839) "Portrait of Two Children", 46" x 35-1/4", signed and dated upper left: "Vaudechamp/ 1841". Presented in its original giltwood exhibition frame....
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Willard Page (1885-1958) Four Paintingseachoil on board -the first titled ''Mountains Around Tucson Arizona 1934'' (DOA 17 x 10 in.); the second titled ''Yucca and Ocotillo'' (DOA 10 x 17 in.); the third titled ''Picture...
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Civil War Archive of Letters & Documentsfrom the 17th Maine Infantry Lot of 4 letters and documents relating to the 17th Maine Infantry including: A 1p manuscript document dated November 30th 1863 formulated in...
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World Wars I and II Posters American,1918-1942, two World War I chromolithographs promoting war gardens, published by the National War Garden Commission: "What are YOU doing? The Kaiser is Canned -- Can Food",...
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Hezekiah Niles/Editor Niles' WeeklyRegister containing Political Historical Geographical Scientific Statistical Economical and Biographical Documents Essays and Facts... 1811-1836 printed in Baltimore volumes...
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Andres Molinary (Gibraltar/New Orleans1847-1915) "Le Chemin des Chapitoulas" oil on canvas signed lower right a typewritten label reading "Mrs. Boullemet 2625 St. Charles Ave" en verso 18 in. x 30 in. in a period...
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