GEORGE VERTUE (ENGLISH 1684-1756), ENGRAVINGGeorgeVertue (English 1684-1756), engraving The Royal Procession of Queen Elizabeth to Visit Blackfriars , frame - 28 1/2" x 33 1/2".
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RUSSIAN STYLE CLOISONNE ENAMEL BOX RussianStyle Cloisonne Enamel Box, in green, red, blue, and turquoise enamel, apparently unmarked. Not weighable. 1.25" H x 3.25" W x 2" D. Keywords: Enamel, Russian Box, Cloisonne,...
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GREEK ICON MOTHER & CHILD OF THE UNFADINGROSE 18C Greek Icon of the Theotokos and Christ Child of The "Unfading Rose", 18th century or later, formerly the center panel of a triptych. 14.25" H x 9.25" W. Provenance:...
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OBJETS DE VERTU, SILVER VINAIGRETTE& CASETwo 19th century sterling silver objets de vertu, comprised of a Victorian sterling silver vinaigrette by Nathaniel Mills hallmarked Birmingham 1840, weighing 22 grams,...
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OBJETS DE VERTU, PILL & TRINKET BOXESThreeobjets de vertu consisting of: a late 19th century continental agate mounted ormolu pill box measuring .75" h x 2.25" w x 1" d, an early 20th century tri-angular shaped British...
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(3 PC) GEORGE VERTUE (BRITISH, 1684-1756)KINGS OF GREA...DESCRIPTION: (3 Pc) Set of three George Vertue "Kings of Great Britain" copper plate engravings set. Mounted in brown wood grain frame. Label on reverse. CIRCA:...
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(3 PC) GEORGE VERTUE (BRITISH, 1684-1756)KINGS OF GREA...DESCRIPTION: (3 Pc) Set of three George Vertue "Kings of Great Britain" copper plate engravings set. Mounted in brown wood grain frame. Label on reverse. CIRCA:...
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5 SMALL VERTU BOXES: PIQUE TORTOISE,STERLING SILVER, B...5 small antique objets de vertu including 1 Sterling silver oblong snuff box with engraved dog and eel or snake decoration, hallmarked for Samuel Pemberton,...
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(2) GEORGE VERTUE KINGS OF ENGLAND ENGRAVINGS(lotof 2) Framed engravings on paper, after George Vertue (English, 1684-1756), including: (1) Edward III, King of England and France, from an ancient painting in Windsor Castle,...
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AFTER GREUZE PASTEL DRAWING LA VERTUCHANCELANTEFramed pastel drawing on paper, "La Vertu Chancelante," initialed lower right, after Jean-Baptiste Greuze (French, 1725-1805), giltwood frame with laurel and oak...
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GEORGE III STERLING SILVER LIDDED EWER,1793 George III sterling silver lidded ewer, with maker's mark of "AB" and marks for sterling to underside of lid, London, 1797, and GIII head to neck, of Neoclassical form...
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A GROUP OF GLASS AND SILVER OVERLAYOBJET DE VERTU, LATE 19TH/EARLY 20TH CENTURYA group of glass and silver overlay objet de vertu, Late 19th/early 20th century Three marked for sterling, one appears unmarked...
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RENE CONTRERASO OSIO, (B. 20TH CENTURY)YRene Contreraso Osio (b. 20th century), A "Paul Klee" mixed-metal coffee pot, 2010 Marked with applied artist's plaque and impressed: 925 MEX The sterling silver coffee pot...
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COLLECTION OF STERLING OBJETS DE VERTUIncludes a silver-mounted faux shell box, a sterling mounted perfume bottle, a Winston Churchill bookmark, match safe, pin tray, clothes brush, chamber stick, and small frame...
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GROUP OF STERLING OBJETS DE VERTU Includinga monogrammed coin purse, five napkin rings, a German sterling and marcasite cross pendant on chain, 5.95 ozt. Together with an Art Nouveau silver plated brooch of lilies,...
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FOUR RUSSIAN SILVER OBJETS DE VERTU,VARIOUS MAKERS, LATE 19TH-EARLY 20TH CENTURYFour Russian Silver Objets de Vertu, Various Makers, Late 19th-Early 20th Century The first, cloisonné enameled cigarette case...
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SEVEN ANTIQUE FRENCH OBJETS DE VERTUSevenAntique French Objets de Vertu, incl. a Louis XVI silver-gilt mounted jasper snuff box; a shagreen octagonal etui; two engraved and silver mounted crystal perfume bottles;...
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Seven 18th and 19th century books, includingThe Letters of Pliny by Melmoth (London, 1748; complete in two volumes); Beckford on Hunting (1802), A Catalogue of Engravers Who Have Been Born or Resided in England by Horace...
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George Vertue after Giosep Grisoni/RichardusII Rex Angliae/dated 1718/engraving, 49cm x 26.5cm/L Sailliar after R Cosway/ HRH George Prince of Wales/engraving, 24cm x 14cm/and three other pictures/Provenance: Little...
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George Vertue (British 1684-1756), afterSir Godfrey Kneller/His Royal Highness The Prince Of Wales; Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales (later King George II and Queen Caroline)/a pair of engravings, 47cm x...
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George Vertue (1684-1756)/Portrait ofSir John Medina/half-length, seated right looking forward, wearing a white stock and coat/inscribed/grey wash, 18.5cm x 13cm/Provenance: Beatrix Ferraud (1872-1959) American...
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George Vertue (1684-1756)/WestminsterTournament Roll/five black and white plates to celebrate the birth of Henry VIII and Katherine's son Henry 1510, Sumptibus Soc. Antiquarae London 1726, 38cm x 54cm...
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A SCARCE VICTORIAN NOVELTY SILVER ANDPARCEL-GILT MUSTARD Richards & Brown, London 1867, modelled as a chimpanzee sitting cross-legged wearing an Oriental jacket and smoking a pipe, with spectacles and holding...
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COLLECTION OF STERLING OBJETS DE VERTUIncluding a coin purse, powder box, bell, assorted small boxes including one retailed by Tiffany & Co., nutmeg grater and vinaigrette; 10.85 total weight....
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Portrait of Sir John Medina by GeorgeVertue Penc George Vertue (Dutch 1684-1756) titled Sir John Medina along lower margin; ht. 8 wd. 6.75 in. A Dutch portraitist who worked in England George Vertue also worked...
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Two volumes, W.H. Bartlett: Gleaningson the Overland Route , 1851, and Walks About the City and Environs of Jerusalem , undated, both London, Hall, Vertue & Company, bindings by Henry Miller, New York, both...
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Georges-Fran?ois Blondel (1730-1792)mezzotint A view of the stairs of the Vatican 25 x 21in. overall in a folio with further Blondel views of Rome Cipriani engravings of a bronze and various other engravings...
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Thomas Birch, portraits, 1743: The Headsof Illustrious Persons of Great Britain Engraven by Mr. Houbraken, and Mr. Vertue. With Their Lives and Characters, printed for John and Paul Knapton, London, 1743, first...
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* NEWTON ISAAC Philosophiae naturalisprincipia mathematica. London: Guil. & Joh. Innys 1726. Folio full contemporary calf gilt-lettered red leather spine label title printed in red and black engraved portrait...
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Austrian Silver-Gilt Carved Ivory andLapis Lazuli Objet de Vertu Vienna late 19th century in original fitted case 7.4" (height) 18.8cm (height)...
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(5) ORIENTAL OBJETS VERTU - Including:Edo Period Ivory Netsuke of Four Boys Playing Blind Man's Bluff signed Ikkosai (Ikkosai Toun) 1 3/8'' (3.5 cm) tall one hand missing PLUS Ivory Okijime of Chick Emerging from...
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Birch Thomas The Heads of IllustriousPersons of Great Britain engraved by Haubraken an Vertue pub. London 1813. ?...
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COLLECTION OF ART NOUVEAU STERLING OBJETSDE VERTU: 9 pieces to include 1) International Silver footed small bowl. 2) Kerr crumber / tray. 3) Napkin holder marked Sterling. 4) LaPierre pen tray. 5) International Silver...
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COLLECTION OF OBJETS DE VERTU: To include1) Tiffany & Co. Sterling perfumer. 2) 1900 English Sterling match safe monogrammed. 3) 4 assorted patch boxes. 4) Lacy overlay perfumer note loss of lace. 5) Green enameled...
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(5) EARLY ENGRAVED PORTRAITS - From'Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain' by Jacobus Houbraken (Dutch 1698-1780) signed in plate lr published with George Vertue in London 1743-1752 on laid paper including...
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THREE ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL OBJETSDE VERTU. Including Victorian hand-painted papier-m?ch? box 3 1/8 in. diam.; French plaster relief of Virgin With Child signed Depose Rogeau 3 3/4 in. x 3 1/8 in.; Italian...
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