MINIATURE WATERCOLOR PORTRAIT AND SILHOUETTEMiniaturewatercolor two-sided portrait, dated 1811, together with a mourning silhouette.
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Portrait lacking rear...
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FOUR WATERCOLOR SILHOUETTES, MINIATUREPORTRAITFour watercolor silhouettes and a miniature portrait, 19th c.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot....
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GROUP OF MINIATURE PORTRAITS, 19TH C.Groupof miniature portraits, 19th c. , to include a pair of watercolor and hollow cut silhouettes of a young man and woman, purportedly Dr. Benjamin Franklin Simpson and his wife...
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COLLECTION OF FIVE ANTIQUE CONTINENTALPORTRAIT MINIATURES IN JEWELRY MOUNTS Late 18th-first half 19th century, the first in oval form, including (5) hand-painted silhouettes, the first facing right fitted behind...
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THREE SILHOUETTESThree silhouettes,including a Peale's Museum, together with a miniature watercolor portrait of a woman, largest frame - 7" x 6".
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3 MINIATURE PORTRAITS INC. SILHOUETTES1stitem: Ink and watercolor on paper miniature silhouette portrait of a boy wearing a blue cap and coat with ruffled collar, ebonized frame with gold metal bezel and applied...
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ARCHIVE OF AMBROTYPES, TINTYPES, DAGS,SILHOUETTES AND ...Group of early photographs of people, all believed to have some relation to the Davis-Hicks-Giers family of Nashville, but none positively identified. Daguerreotypes,...
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SIX FOLK ART MINIATURE PORTRAITS & SILHOUETTESSixFolk Art miniature portraits and silhouettes including a three quarter length miniature portrait of a woman in blue gown and a watercolor from the portfolio album of Charles...
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PAIR OF AMERICAN MINIATURE WATERCOLORSILHOUETTE PORTRA...Pair of American Miniature Watercolor Silhouette Portraits of a Military Officer and His Wife, early 19th century , officer is wearing his dress uniform,...
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Circle of Jane Read (1773-1857)/SilhouettePortrait Miniature of Sophie Appleton, nee Brown/wearing a lace bonnet/watercolour on cut paper, 8.5cm x 6.8cm/in an ebonised frame...
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(2) ANTIQUE PORTRAIT MINIATURES 19thc., bust portrait of a woman, in giltwood frame, gallery label verso, 2.5"h x 2"w (sight), 5"h x 4.25"w (frame); with, portrait of a young boy in silhouette, watercolor on...
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(4) PORTRAITS, WATERCOLOR, HOLLOW-CUTSILHOUETTE(lot of 4) Framed miniature portraits, including: (1) graphite on paper, gentleman in profile, signed lower right Jeremiah Hayhurst, possibly Dr. Jeremiah Hayhurst...
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MINIATURE PORTRAIT AND A SILHOUETTE19TH CENTURY, 19th Century, 1) American School oval miniature portrait on bone panel of a gentleman. Unsigned. 2.75" x 2.25" sight. Cased 4.75" x 4". 2) Brown-painted watercolor...
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A Miniature Silhouette Portrait of aWoman, Manner of J.H. Gillespie (English, 1793-circa 1849)
ink and watercolor on paper, in original gilt frame.
Sight 2 3/4 x 2 1/4 inches.
Frame 4 x 3 5/8 inches....
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AMERICAN SCHOOL (19TH CENTURY), THREESILHOUETTES AND A PORTRAIT MINIATURE Including (2) hollow cut portrait silhouettes of an unidentified gentleman and a lady, both with watercolor / gouache embellishment, presented...
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THREE FRAMED PORTRAITS, INCLUDING: MINIATUREOF BOY, WATERCOLOR, SIGNED "J ENDER" LEFT; SILHOUETTE OF YOUNG BOY; AND SILHOUETTE OF G...Three framed portraits, including: miniature of boy, watercolor, signed "J Ender"...
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EARLY 19TH C. MINIATURE WATERCOLOR ONIVORY AND A TINTYPE: FEDERAL ERA PORTRAIT SIGNED "N. HOIRY 1816", DEPICTS YOUNG GENTLEMAN IN F...Early 19th C. miniature watercolor on ivory and a tintype: Federal era portrait...
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MINIATURE WATERCOLOR PORTRAIT, ETC.Miniaturewatercolor portrait, together with two silhouettes.
Competitive In-House shipping is available for this lot.
Light staining. Watercolor with small loss to bottom...
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MINIATURE WATERCOLOR PORTRAIT OF CHILDRENMiniaturewatercolor portrait of children, early 19th c., in fanciful brass case, 3" x 2 1/4", together with a silhouette of a gentleman with gilt background, 1 7/8" x 1 3/8".
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ELEVEN WATERCOLOR AND SILHOUETTE PORTRAITSElevenminiature watercolor and silhouette portraits, 19th c., to include a contemporary gentleman with a book, together with a small daguerreotype of a young boy, largest - 3 3/4"...
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GROUP OF MINIATURE PORTRAITS, 19TH AND20TH C.Group of miniature portraits, 19th and 20th c., to include a painted portrait brooch of a young gentleman, a watercolor silhouette of a woman, 3 1/4" x 2 3/4"; a German...
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Eleven Watercolor Portraits of Gentleman
including eight silhouettes, a miniature portrait and two larger portraits.
one signed J.C. Hammer and dated 1842.
Largest 10 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.
Property from the...
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PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF A GENTLEMAN &SILHOUETTES Watercolor on paper and cut outs....
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2 FRAMED SMALL PORTRAITSca. late 18th-mid19th century; miniature oil on ivory oval wafer in later ornate press mold brass baroque style frame featuring a portrait of older unknown gentleman in navy blue frock coat,...
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4 19C SEA CAPTAIN MINIATURE PORTRAIT& SILHOUETTES United States,19th CenturyIncludes three cut out and painted silhouettes and one watercolor portrait of a military leader in uniform with white powder wig....
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Two miniature oval watercolor silhouettes,early 19th c., mounted in black frames
Largest 3.25" x 2.75" sight size / 5.5" x 4.75" overall...
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Continental School, mid 19th Century/Silhouetteof Moritz Unbehagen/inscribed and dated 1839/14cm x 8.5cm/John Dempsey/Portrait miniature of a Gentleman/half-length, wearing a black coat and bow tie/watercolour on paper,...
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Two miniature watercolor portraits 19thc. together with two silhouettes. ?...
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A Collection of Four Framed PortraitsConsisting of: a tiny painting of a beautiful girl surrounded by flowers, initialed "C.B.P.", approx. 1-1/4"D, framed under glass in a black frame overall approx. 3-1/4" x...
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SILHOUETTE AND MINIATURE PORTRAIT. American or European 1st half-19th century. Watercolor of woman in bonnet. In gilt frame 7 1/4''h. 5 3/4''w. And a inked reverse on glass silhouette of a woman. In a composition...
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AMERICAN SILHOUETTE PORTRAIT MINIATUREOF A LADY EARLY 19TH C. Fabric and woodblock print on paper reverse-painted glass mat and stamped sheet-brass frame. Together with another silhouette portrait miniature of...
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Three Miniature Portraits (19th century)Jeremiah Sanford/N.Y./1846, full-length silhouette, American School, black ink paper on white paper with watercolor highlights, monogrammed "I.I. W.Y.C."(?), 4-1/8 x 3 in.,...
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