FRENCH GILT BRONZE LOT INCLUDING A FIGUREOF YOUNG BOYFrench Gilt Bronze Lot: Figure of young boy; Pair of curtain brackets and bronze connector. Boy measures 8" tall. Very good condition....
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(2) FRENCH GILT BRONZE CANDELABRA TABLELAMPS(lot of 2) French gilt bronze candelabras, now fashioned as table lamps, single center light, over four scrolled arms ending in faux wax candle covers, each having figural...
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LEON DELAGRANGE, FRENCH ROYAL PAGE BOY,BRONZE (French, 1872-1910) Standing youth with carved head, hands and book, on painted bronze body, mounted on alabaster step base, signed on base and figure, 13 1/2 in. H....
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GROUPING OF FOUR FIGURAL BRONZESGroupingof four figural bronzes. Paul Ludwig Kowalczewski (German, 1865-1901). Classical male bust on marble bust. Signed "P.L. KOWALCZEWSKI" on back of bust. Bronze of Classical...
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Large French Bronze Figural Clock, 19th/early20th century modelled as two young boys wrestling over a toy drum 29.5 x 22 x 8 in — 74.9 x 55.9 x 20.3 cm...
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Group of Three Bronze-Patinated CompositionFigural Groups, consisting of a large French parcel-ivory-enameled and bronze-patinated composition figure of \"La Source\" in the manner of Auguste Moreau (French, 1822-1912),...
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FRENCH SILVER BRONZE FIGURAL CANDELSTICKDESCRIPTION:A Figural candle stick depicts a young boy supporting a candle socket, composed of silver over bronze with additional Champleve patterns along the base and candle socket....
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AFTER JOAQUIN ANGLES IDYLLE BRONZEDESCRIPTION:After Joaquin Angles (French; Active 1885-1905) Bronze figure of a flute-playing boy inscribed "IDYLLE" with foundry mark "European Bronze Finery" Mounted to marble base....
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FRENCH EMPIRE GILT BRONZE FIGURAL CANDELABRASDESCRIPTION:(2 Pc) A Pair of French Empire gilt bronze figural candelabras. This is a mirror pair of gilt bronze five light candelabra featuring the figure of a young boy holding the...
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JEAN GARNIER (FRENCH, 1853 -1910) "BOYWITH VIOLIN" BRO...DESCRIPTION: A Jean Garnier (French, 1853 -1910) "Boy with Violin" bronze sculpture depicting a violinist boy holding a violin with his right arm while...
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FRENCH SPELTER FIGURAL LAMPAntique bronzedmetal (spelter) French figural lamp depicting a nude boy under flowering tree titled EROS, 2 lights, 24 in high. Good with spot weld broken on hand of boy....
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AFTER AUGUSTE MOREAU (FRENCH 1834-1917)20TH CENTURY, A...AFTER AUGUSTE MOREAU (French 1834-1917) 20TH CENTURY, A PATINATED BRONZE FIGURE OF A BOY HOLDING BIRDS, the figure of a young boy holding two birds on a...
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PAIR OF AFTER AUGUST MOREAU BRONZE FIGURALVASES: French Baluster form Bronze vases, having a young Boy & Girl at shoulders. Birds & Dragonflies in a Pond scene motif. Incised signature & Paris Foundry mark. Approx....
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FRENCH GILT BRONZE MOUNTED FIGURAL PORCELAINLAMP French, late 19th / early 20th century. Gilt bronze and porcelain mounted single light table lamp with attached porcelain flowers and gilt metal leaves, and famille verte...
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FRENCH BRONZE FIGURAL SCULPTURE, TWOBOYS Continental, likely French, 19th century. Gilt bronze sculpture of two boys fighting over a bird and nest in a sheath of wheat. On slate base, apparently unsigned. Approx....
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19TH C. FRENCH GILT BRONZE & MARBLEFIGURAL CLOCK French, 19th century, gilt bronze and marble mantel clock, surmounted by the figure of a young shepherd boy with a goat, with enamel dial having Roman numerals....
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FOUR VICTORIAN CAST DORE BRONZE FIGURES:1) "A TR 1) "A Traveler" seated male figure after Theodore Coinchon (French, 1814-1881), 12.5"H; 2) boy with scythe, unsigned, 12.5"H; two Dutch peasant girl figures after...
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AFTER AUGUSTE MOREAU (FRENCH, 1834-1917),BRONZE FIGURE OF A WHISTLING BOY BRONZE FIGURE OF A WHISTLING BOY, indistinctly signed 'A. MOREAU' - h:20in. Provenance: Historic Chelsea Estate, 1709, King William County,...
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AUGUSTE MOREAU (FRENCH 1834-1917): YOUNGBOY FISHING FIGURE: 7 IN. (17.8 CM.), OVERALL: 9 1/4 X 3 3/4 IN. DIA. (23.5 X 9.5 CM.)Auguste Moreau (French 1834-1917): Young Boy Fishing, patinated bronze, mounted to a...
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EUTROPE BOURET, "SANS FAMILLE", BRONZE,C. 1889 Eutrope Bouret (French 1833-1906), "SansFamille" ("Without Family" or "The Orphan Boy With His Harp"), circa 1889, patinated cast bronze sculpture depicting a standing...
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AFTER AUGUSTE MOREAU PATINATED BRONZESCULPTUREPatinated bronze figural sculpture, signed in cast after Auguste Moreau (French, 1860-1910), modeled as a young boy playing the flute, on integral platform base,...
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A FRENCH BRONZE SCULPTURE OF A BOY WITHA LIZARDA French bronze sculpture of a boy with a lizard, Late 19th century Signed to the base verso: Francios / 1632; further marked with foundry medallion: Madaille d'Or...
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STYLE OF LOUIS RICHé (FRENCH ART DECO),PATINATED BRONZE FIGURAL GROUP OF BOY AND FAUN WITH STONE PLINTH, H OVERALL 5 3/8 IN. (13.7 CM.)Style of Louis Riché (French Art Deco), Patinated Bronze Figural Group of...
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FRENCH BRONZE FIGURE OF A BOY WITH DOGL: 6 IN. (15.2 CM.)French Bronze Figure of a Boy with Dog, Dimensions: L: 6 in. (15.2 cm.)...
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FRENCH BRONZE FIGURE OF YOUNG BOY WITHMANDOLIN French bronze figure of young boy with mandolin with foundry mark on base (see image); 36.5"H 11"Dia...
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BRONZE FIGURAL GROUP, MOTHER AND CHILDREN,ON WOOD PEDESTAL 8 ?" x 8"x 5 ¾" Heavy cast bronze grouping with warm brown patina, depicting a mother, in late 18th c. French period garments, holding a jar with her daughter...
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French bronze figural match holder anda figural decorative piece 19th century; 1) match holder - modeled as child with basket on back with match strike area on base 6 in. H.; 2) cupid with broken egg 3 1/4 in....
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French bronze figure of young Herculesmid 19th century Bronze, green black patina, modeled as a young boy, inscribed 'Suisse Fres Ed Paris', 'CLERC' and 'Circ Perdue' with Suisse Freres foundry seal. H:...
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Figural bronze after Moreau, young boyholding branch with two birds, set on naturalistic base, "Aug. Moreau" in base, after Auguste Moreau, French, 1834-1917, patinated bronze on green marble base, 20th century...
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A French Bronze Figure Nicolas Lecornet19th century depicting a boy in a hat and cape playing a lute bearing a stamp from the Susse Freres Foundry. Height 21 1/8 inches....
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An Antique French Gilt Bronze FiguralGroup of "Two Boys Fishing" on a black ovoid base height 9 1/2 in....
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French Victorian Figural Bronze MantleClock Set 26'' tall clock with ''Mignon'' holding tamboreen side garnitures with Art Nouveau style peasant boy & girl on vases rouge marble working....
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Adolphe-Jean Lavergne (French, 1827-1892)"The Lizard Charmer", patinated bronze figure of a country boy playing a pipe on which crawls a lizard, fourth quarter 19th century, presented on a period incise-carved and...
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JAPY FRERES FRENCH BRONZED FIGURAL CLOCK:Bronzed spelter clock with figure of small boy with fishing net and basket of fish. Metal face with Arabic numerals. Key and pendulum mechanism marked with Japy Freres 1855...
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French classical style patinated bronzefigure of young shepherd 19th century; figure modeled as seated young boy holding lamb with hat at his feet modeled on flowery rock attached to black marble base 9 in. H....
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French Bronzed Figural Mantle ClockSet clock has two pan style boys holding up clock side urns have frieze with putti & goats marble bases tallest piece is 18'' clock is working....
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