PAIR OF FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE BRONZE WALLSCONCES Early 20th century, parcel gilt bronze, in the form of torches decorated with classical motifs, each a three-light form with scrolled candle arms, not marked....
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL MARBLE MANTEL CLOCKW/ TOPPERFrench Neoclassical marble mantel clock, late 19th c., gilt spelter figural topper of a classical woman with harp, black marble case with parcel gilt figural frieze...
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FRENCH NAPOLEON III ROSEWOOD CONSOLE& MIRRORFrench Napoleon III rosewood console & mirror, late 19th c., parcel gilt accent throughout, having crown with center carving of woman's face in profile atop beveled...
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French Neo-Grec Patinated and ParcelGilt Bronze Ewer, c.1880 the the neo-classical relief signed Clodion on turned Belgian black marble foot height 16.1 in — 41 cm...
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FINE FRENCH BRONZE MANTEL CLOCK, EARLY19TH C.A fine early 19th century French parcel-gilt bronze mantel clock depicting a Marly Horse & Groom overtop a silvered dial with Roman numerals, the gilt bronze base decorated...
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Attractive French Patinated and Parcel-GiltBronze Vasiform Table Lamp, first quarter 20th century, in the classical style, the body with black-detailed gilt classical figures, the whole supported on a circular polished...
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Tall French Gilded Brass Table Lamp,in the First Empire style, second quarter 20th century, the standard modeled as a robed classical female standing on a sphere atop a cylindrical pedestal base in the manner...
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PAIR NEOCLASSICAL PARCEL GILT BRONZELAMPS, BARBEDIENNE...Pair of French Neoclassical style parcel gilt lamps, consisting of circular gilt bronze columns decorated with raised Classical figures, atop female busts...
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BRONZE MOUNTED WHITE OPALINE GLASS CLASSICALPORTRAIT V...White opaline glass portrait vase, trumpet form having a matte black ground with painted parcel gilt vignette depicting two Greek goddesses including Athena to...
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MONUMENTAL FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE TRUMEAU& DOORMonumental French Louis XVI style architectural trumeau and door, 19th c., painted sage green, upper hinged door with reserve featuring landscape and classical style...
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THE KING OF NAPLES, PARTIAL DESSERTSERVICE, 35PC Darte Freres Factory (French, 1795-1828), 1804-1809, with later mid-20th century Italian pieces. An assembled thirty-five piece partial porcelain Empire-style...
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NAPOLEON III PARCEL GILT BRONZE FIGURALINKWELL French, second half 19th century. Napoleon III figural parcel gilt bronze inkwell, having a single well with fruit basket lid flanked by double basket-form receptacles,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE PARCEL GILT TRUMEAUMIRRORFrench Louis XVI style trumeau mirror, early 20th c., painted and parcel gilt, classical landscape scene, over flat mirror plate, with bead and reel trim, approx 63.5"h,...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL PORCELAIN JARDINIEREFrenchparcel gilt porcelain jardiniere/ cache pot, Ernie & Lignard, Paris, late 19th/ early 20th c., faux marbled interior, exterior decorated with classical masks, grotesques,...
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FRENCH EBONIZED AND AMBOYNA BURL CREDENZA,C. 1870 French Napoleon III parcel gilt bronze mounted ebonized Victorian era credenza, circa 1870, having amboyna burl inlay, classical Jasperware medallions, a center paneled...
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A PAIR OF FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE PARCELGILT BRONZE EWERS Circa 1900, sinuous dragon handle and classical head spout in gilt bronze, bulbulous parcel gilt bronze body with centered cartouche, on a shaped gilt bronze...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL-GILTAND BISQUE TABLE LAMP AND BISQUE TABLE LAMP, the tapered, fluted body with crimson ground and gilt highlights resting on four bisque classical busts of maidens raised on round...
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HERSANT SE JR DE CHATELAIN FIGURAL CLOCK,C. 1880 Hersant Se Jr de Chatelain Paris (French c. 1880), Victorian era French bronze mounted black Belgian marble mantel clock, last quarter 19th century, surmounted by...
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FRENCH CLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL GILT MIRRORFirst half 20th century, mahogany shaped frame with relief carved and gilt highlights....
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LOUIS GASNE BELLE EPOQUE PEACE ALLEGORYSTATUE Louis Gasne (French, 1858-1960) Belle Epoque period parcel gilt cast iron statue of a crowned peace allegory in a classical drap? mouill? dress, holding up an electrified...
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Important American Classical Parcel-Gilt,Ebonized and Ormolu-Mounted Rosewood Games Table, first quarter 19th century, attributed to the workshop of Duncan Phyfe, New York, the fold-over top with canted corners,...
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French painted parcel-gilt bleu celesteporcelain vase mounted as a lamp mid 19th century; with painted parcel-gilt scene of shepherd and shepherdess resting in mountainous landscape reverse vignette of floral bouquet...
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Pair French Empire style parcel-giltcandelabra 19th century Classical figure supporting cornucopia ending in six bobeches. H28 1/2'' (2pcs) Provenance: Columbia South Carolina private collection. Pair formerly...
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Pair French parcel-gilt mahogany andporcelain stands circular top with glass-covered porcelain inserts of putti in Classical scenes upon thin circular columns leading to base with pineapple accent above curved...
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Continental probably French classicaldecorated paper and parcel-gilt ivory fan framed 19th century; scene depicting shepherd and shepherdess in pastoral landscape in shaped velvet-lined shadowbox frame 12 in....
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Ferdinand Barbedienne parcel-gilt bronzecovered jar French (wk. 1810-1892) fruit finial on domed cover and egg-form body with expansive Classical figural scene and flanked by ram's-head handles; signed F. Barbedienne....
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