FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period walnut sideboard, mid 19thc., case with canted corners, fitted with two drawers over two cabinet doors, opening to interior shelf, rising...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE FIGURED WALNUTCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period commode, mid 19th c., walnut case with canted corners, top ogee drawer over four additional drawers, lowest drawer concealed as molding,...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP WALNUTCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period commode, mid 19th c., inset marble top with canted corners, over walnut case fitted with five drawers, lowest drawer concealed as molding,...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD MARBLE-TOPCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top walnut commode, mid 19th c., having marble top with canted corners, fitted above burled walnut case, having four drawers with...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE WALNUT BEDSIDECABINETFrench Louis Philippe period walnut nightstand, 19th c, rectangular top with rounded front corners, over single drawer and cabinet containing floral liner and interior...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD WALNUTBONNETIEREFrench Louis Philippe period figured walnut bonnetiere, 19th c, having cornice top with canted corners, over corresponding case, fitted with center mirror-faced...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD BUFFETSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period buffet, late 19th c., walnut case with canted corner posts, fitted with three drawers, over double-door cabinet, rising on stepped bracket...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP BURLEDCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period commode, 19th c., having canted corner posts and corresponding marble top, highly figured walnut veneers, fitted with five drawers, lowest...
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A LOUIS XVI STYLE ORMOLU MOUNTED FLEURDE PÊCHER MARBLE... DE PÊCHER MARBLE "NEREID" URN, BY SUSSE FRÈRES, SECOND HALF 19TH CENTURY, with a circular flat rim on a short conforming neck flaring to shoulder, flanked...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP OAKNIGHTSTANDFrench Louis Philippe period oak bedside cabinet, mid 19th c., white marble top with canted corners, case fitted with single drawer over cabinet door as faux drawer...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period walnut sideboard, mid 19thc., case with canted corners, fitted with two drawers over two cabinet doors, opening to interior shelf, rising...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD FRUITWOODSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period fruitwood sideboard, mid 19th c., the plank top with rounded front corners, over two paneled drawers and conforming cabinet doors, interior...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period walnut sideboard, mid 19th c., plank top with rounded front corners, over case fitted with two drawers, above two paneled cabinet doors,...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE FRUITWOOD COMMODEFrenchLouis Philippe period fruitwood commode, mid 19th c., having canted corners, fitted with four drawers, hanging handles, matching escutcheon, rising on bracket feet, approx...
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FRENCH PAINTED PINE BOOKCASE W/ CREMONEBOLTFrench Louis Philippe period pine bookcase, mid 19th c., in a later painted finish, molded cornice with canted corners, partially glazed double doors with exterior cremone...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD FRUITWOODNIGHTSTANDFrench Louis Philippe period fruitwood bedside cabinet, mid 19th c., fitted with a single drawer, over cabinet door, opening to interior shelf, rising on a plinth...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE FIGURED WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period figured walnut sideboard, mid 19th c., rectangular case with canted corners, fitted with a long drawer over double-door cabinet, interior...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD MARBLE-TOPSEMAINIERFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top burlwood semainier, mid 19th c., having black marble top, over case fitted with seven drawers, rising on bracket feet, restoration...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD FRUITWOODSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period fruitwood sideboard, mid 19th c., rectangular case with canted corners, fitted with two drawers over double-door cabinet, rising on molded...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD BURLWOODCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period burlwood commode, mid 19th c., rectangular case with canted front corners, fitted with four drawers, rising on bracket feet, separation...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD WALNUTSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period walnut sideboard, mid 19th c., case with canted corners, fitted with two drawers, over double-door cabinet, interior shelf, rising on...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE BURLED WALNUTCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period figured walnut commode, mid 19th c., the rectangular top with canted front corners over four drawers, rising on the conforming base with...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP WALNUTCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period walnut commode, mid 19th c., having rectangular marble top, over matched veneer case, fitted with ogee frieze drawer, three lower drawers,...
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(2) FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE WALNUT CORNERCABINETS(pair) French Louis Philippe period walnut corner cabinets, mid 19th c., carved scrolling foliate and paneled open shelves, over single drawer, above rounded dual...
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LARGE FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE WALNUT CORNERCABINETFrench Louis Philippe period walnut corner cabinet, mid 19th c., bowfront case with molded cornice, upper double-door cabinet, over open work space, additional double-door...
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(2) PETITE FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE GILTWOODMIRRORS(pair) French Louis Philippe period giltwood mirrors, mid 19th c., frame with projecting canted corners, etched foliate scrolls, flat mirror plate, approx 14"h, 17"w,...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD GILT MIRROR69" X 41"French Louis Philippe period mirror, mid 19th c., in a later gilt painted finish, having shaped and molded frame, with scrolled foliate motifs at bottom corners,...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP BURLWOODCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period burled walnut commode, mid 19th c., having shaped marble top, frieze drawer, over three additional drawers, rising on bracket feet, chip...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYCOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top mahogany commode, 19th c., four drawers, on rounded feet, separation at side panels, chip to back left corner of marble top,...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD CORNERSIDEBOARDFrench Louis Philippe period walnut corner cabinet/ sideboard, mid 19th c., having molded cornice, over dual glazed cabinets, paneled back splash, lower cabinet fitted...
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