DOUBLE-SIDED FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL VANITYMIRROR.19th century. Gilt bronze frame with crystal glass shaft and base. Decorated with swan heads, wreaths, garlands, urns, cornucopia, and animal pad feet. Beveled glass...
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FRENCH BRONZE & ROCK CRYSTAL CHANDELIERFrench Neoclassical style bronze eight-light chandelier with hanging rock crystal quartz prisms and drops, frame with foliate motif decoration. 28" H x 25" diameter....
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FR. NEOCLASSICAL DORE BRONZE CANDELABRALAMPS, PR Pair of antique French Neoclassical dore bronze urn form electrified candelabra, a central lamp with etched glass hurricane shade surrounded by four cornucopia form...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE PAINTED ANDGILT BRONZE PLATEAU COFFEE TABLEFrench Neoclassical-Style Painted and Gilt Bronze Plateau Coffee Table, constructed in four parts, with gilt bronze gallery surrounding the...
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FRENCH ART DECO GLASS & NEOCLASSICALSTYLE CLOCKS Group of two French tabletop clocks, early 20th century, comprising, a La Societe Anonyme Edmond Etling (French 1908-1994), partial frosted colorless glass Art...
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PRE. 20TH C. NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BRONZEGIRANDOLES Pair of French gilt bronze three light electrified girandoles in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, early 20th century, each having a lyre form body hung with colorless...
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(LOT OF 6) FRENCH GILT METAL LADIESDRESSER ARTICLES (Lot of 6) French gilt metal ladies dresser articles, consisting of a four-piece gilt bronze set with miniatures signed indistinctly 'R. Dus', including oval...
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FRENCH ROCOCO BRONZE AND CRYSTAL CENTERPIECEBOWL WITH PLATEAU, CA. 19TH CENTURY Gilt bronze neoclassical plateau with mirrored base, double ribbon handles, acanthus leaf border, raised on six rocaille feet, marked...
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ANTIQUE FRENCH DORE BRONZE & CRYSTALSCONCEDESCRIPTION: A large French converted sconce composed of an overall dore bronze foundation with a Neoclassical motif of scrolled Rococo floral motifs and acanthus leaves...
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19TH CENT. FIGURAL DORE BRONZE SCONCESDESCRIPTION:A pair of antique 19th Century French dore bronze wall sconces with center neoclassical portrait motifs, ornate beading, and hanging crystal prism designs. Features four candle...
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ANTIQUE FRENCH DORE BRONZE & CRYSTALSCONCEDESCRIPTION: A large French converted sconce composed of an overall dore bronze foundation with a Neoclassical motif of scrolled Rococo floral motifs and acanthus leaves...
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HENRI CHAPU (FRANCE,1833-1891) BRONZEINKWELLDESCRIPTION: Bronze and marble inkwell by french sculpture Henri Michel Antoine Chapu. A neo-classical inkwell designed with a beveled griotte marble foundation with...
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PAIR FRENCH BRONZE CRYSTAL WALL SCONCESC.1940A pair of French bronze and crystal Neoclassical style two arm wall sconces having ram head decoration on velvet covered wood circa 1940. Ht: 16.5" Wd: 7"...
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FRENCH BRONZE FIGURAL LAMP & PAIR WALLSCONCESA neoclassical style French bronze figural lamp along with a pair of brass and glass hurricane form wall sconces. Ht: 19" (lamp)...
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19TH C. CONTINENTAL DECORATIVE ITEMS1stItem: Bohemian multi-colored shell form cut glass dish mounted on an ormolu bronze dolphin form base having scrolled feet and arms and traces of original gilding. Cut glass...
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A FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL REVIVAL POLISHEDPORTORO MARBLE M... PORTORO MARBLE MANTLE CLOCK GARNITURE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, the circular glass domed and beaded bronze bezel opening to a white enamel dial, enclosing black...
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THREE FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL LAMPSThreeFrench Neoclassical Lamps, to include two marble and bronze with gold gilt, along with a gold gilt with crystal columns, height 26 inches.
All lots are sold...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL GILT BRONZE FIGURALMANTEL CLOCKlate 18th/19th century, "L'ÂÂtude et La Philosophie", after designs by Francois Remond and Louis-Simon Boizot, metal dial with Arabic numerals, set in gilt...
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FOUR NEOCLASSICAL ROCK CRYSTAL AND GILTBRONZE CANDLEST...French, 20th century, each with tiered bases, ridged columns, and gilt bronze foliated mounts, 7-3/4 x 4 in.
numerous inclusions to rock crystals,...
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BACCARAT CRYSTAL GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDLIDDED URN Baccarat (French), late to early 20th century. Large colorless leaded glass gilt bronze bronze mounted lidded urn in the neoclassical taste, decorated with ribbon...
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FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE BRONZE PORTICO CLOCKFrenchNeoclassical bronze portico clock, 19th c., having temple-form case, decorated with lyre and foliate motif mounts, four Corinthian style columns centering dial with black...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL BRONZE TWELVE-LIGHTCHANDELIERFrench Neoclassical bronze twelve-light chandelier, early 20th c., tapered square standard, corona issuing twelve scrolled arms, each ending in a single light with...
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A Pair of French Neoclassical Bronzeand Cut Glass Fluid Lamps Converted to Electricity
Late 19th Century
one example's glass element broken, hardware retained.
Height overall 31 inches....
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SELECTION OF DECORATIONS & COLLECTIBLESIncluding a French tooled leather letter box, mid 19th century; a neoclassical bronze candelabrum base, electrified; a glass and brass candle porch lantern, 19th century,...
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FRENCH BRONZE AND CRYSTAL CHANDELIERSPairof French Neoclassical-Style Bronze and Crystal Ten-Light Chandeliers , 20th c., urn finials, scrolled arms, electrified , h. 48 in., dia. 34 in...
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PR LOUIS XVI STYLE ORMOLU ROCK CRYSTALCANDELABRA Pair of French gilt bronze mounted rock crystal four-light candelabra in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, each having a quiver form stem issuing scrolled foliate...
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ANTIQUE FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL STYLE ORMOLUAND PORCELAIN MANTEL CLOCK Late 19th century, architectural gilt bronze case featuring hand-painted porcelain panels, central round enamel decorated dial behind a conforming...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL BRONZE & CRYSTALREGULATOR Elaborate bronze case, having beveled glass panels, pendulum with inset gouache portrait miniature of young beauty, Japy Fils works, 24 in. H....
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE BRONZE HALLLANTERNFrench Neoclassical-Style Bronze Hall Lantern, surmounted by a crown, beveled glass, h. 45 in., dia. 20 in....
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MAISON JANSEN GILT BRONZE ACANTHUS LEAFLOW TABLE Stephane Bourdin for Maison Jansen French Neoclassical revival heavy glass top cocktail or coffee table with four Louis XV manner gilt bronze acanthus leaf cabriole...
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FRENCH EMPIRE PAIR OF D'ORE BRONZE TWO-LIGHTMIRRORED WALL SCONCES 23" x 12 ¾" x 5 ¾" French Empire neoclassical style d'ore bronze patinated wall sconce with beveled glass oval mirror, decorated with laurel and...
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FRENCH EMPIRE GILT BRONZE THREE BOTTLEGLASS PERFUME SET 4 ½" x 2 ?" Three hand blown perfume glass bottles with faceted glass stoppers cast marked "France" on the bottom of each, gilt bronze openwork holder,...
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Good French Neoclassical Bronze-PatinatedCast-Iron Garden Figure of a Classical Maiden, late 19th century, in the manner of Auguste Moreau, depicting a begowned maiden with an extended arm grasping a torch with...
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French neoclassical style gilt bronzeperfume set circa 1900 The hinged rectangular case with applied mounts, opening to reveal lined interior fitted with three crystal scent bottles and stoppers. H:...
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A French Neoclassical Gilt Bronze andCut Glass Centerpiece the circular bowl with diamond cut decoration held aloft by two classically draped maidens the base decorated in relief with the signs of the zodiac...
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