FEDERAL MAHOGANY BANJO CLOCK, CA. 1820Federalmahogany banjo clock, ca. 1820, 41" h.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
Drop acorn finial replaced. Tablets repainted. Lacking eagle finial. Unknown if clock...
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SIMON WILLARD FEDERAL MAHOGANY BANJOCLOCKSimon Willard Federal mahogany banjo clock , with gilt eagle finial and églomisé panel door inscribed For Philip Payn Pinel and S. Willards Patent , with interior label...
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FEDERAL MAHOGANY BANJO CLOCK, 19TH C.Federalmahogany banjo clock, 19th c., the dial inscribed James Queen & Co. Philadelphia , 40" h.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
Some flaking to lower tablet, eagle...
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FEDERAL BANJO CLOCKFederal mahoganyPatent Timepiece or Banjo Clock, painted iron dial with Roman numerals, gesso rope molded frame, reverse painted glass at throat decorated with gilt flowers and flanked by...
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FEDERAL GILT MAHOGANY BANJO CLOCK, S.WILLARDwith brass bezel and painted iron dial, original carved gilt eagle finial, eglomise tablets, the lower inscribed "S. Willard - Patent". 45" high, 10 1/2" wide, 4" deep....
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WILLARD'S PATENT BANJO CLOCK, FEDERALPERIODReverse painted with the Boston state house. Bronze eagle finial 39.5 H x 10 W
Property from the Estate of Rosalie Coe Weir
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AARON WILLARD FEDERAL BANJO CLOCK, C.1820Aaron Willard presentation gilt and mahogany Federal banjo clock, c. 1820, eagle finial over brass cased painted dial, gilt case with reverse painted vertical foliate...
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ANTIQUE CHELSEA REVERSE PAINTED BANJOCLOCKChelsea Federal style banjo clock with eagle finial. Reverse painted glass of a large home. Clock measures approx. 40" x 10 1/4". Missing pendulum. Key included. Paint...
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FEDERAL STYLE MAHOGANY & EGLOMISE BANJOCLOCKCirca 1900. The upper tapered panel with eagle and shield, the lower rectangular plate with a full-masted ship; together with a late 19th Century eight-sided mahogany...
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A Federal 'Battle of Lake Erie' ParcelGilt Mahogany Banjo Clock
Aaron Willard, Boston, Massachusetts, Circa 1800
the dial inscribed Aaron Willard / Boston, with gilt eagle and decoration depicting the Battle of...
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WATERBURY CLOCK COMPANY FEDERAL STYLEEGLOMISE BANJO CLOCK Waterbury, Connecticut, early 20th century, gilt brass eagle finial, porcelain dial, case with mahogany veneers, pierced gilt side arms, reverse paint...
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FEDERAL BANJO CLOCK, AARON WILLARD Circa1800-10; mahogany and gilt wood eglomise case, with painted sheet metal dial, neck and door with reverse painted glass patriotic decoration, dial signed "Aaron Willard Boston,"...
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CLOCK: AARON WILLARD JR. BANJO CLOCK,NO. 2452, C. 1822-25, FEDERAL MAHOGANY CASE, PATENT TIMEPIECE, PAINTED IRON DIAL SIGNED "A WIL...CLOCK: Aaron Willard Jr. Banjo Clock, No. 2452, c. 1822-25, Federal mahogany...
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ELMER STENNES BANJO CLOCK Federal StyleReplica of a Simon Willard Banjo Clock. With an 8-day time-only movement (with pendulum and key), gilded metal eagle topped mahogany case, floral and gilt decorated eglomise...
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FEDERAL PERIOD BANJO CLOCK BY JOHN SAWINOF BOSTON Mahogany case, ca 1840, with gilt brass eagle finial, brackets and bezel, painted dial having roman numerals, oak leaf and acorn gilt eglomise on cream field, with...
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NEW HAVEN FEDERAL STYLE 30 DAY WILSONBANJO CLOCKFederal style 30 day "Wilson" banjo clock produced by the New Haven Clock Company. New Haven, CT, 20th century. Eagle finial, painted panel on throat, painted scene...
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BOSTON MASSACRE FEDERAL STYLE BANJOCLOCKReverse painted clock with a panel based on the painting "Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770" painted by W. Champney, and depicting the death of Crispus Attucks. Upper panel...
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WATERBURY WILLARD NO. 3 HULL BANJO CLOCK:This eight-day Waterbury ''Willard No. 3'' clock features a reverse painted glass tablet & throat having a Federal Shield motif, brass sidearms, & convex glass dial door in...
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LATE 19TH-CENTURY WILLARD STYLE BANJOCLOCK: Reverse painted glass includes Federal shield motif at the throat and pendulum door with naval battle marked ''Hull''. Painted Roman numeral dial. Having brass sidearms,...
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FEDERAL GILT WOOD BANJO CLOCK Circa1820s; gilt and wood cased clock with painted metal face, eglomise foliate panel in neck and panel in base depicting the "Constitution & Guerriere 1812," topped with cast...
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AARON WILLARD, JR. BANJO CLOCK FederalPeriod Mahogany Cased Giltwood and Eglomise Banjo Clock, early 19th c., with time only movement (with pendulum and key), spread wing eagle finial, brass bezel with convex...
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REPRODUCTION S. WILLARD'S PATENT BANJOCLOCK Federal Style Replica of a Simon Willard Banjo Clock, likely made from a kit by Mason & Sullivan, with 8-day brass time-only movement (with pendulum and key), gilded...
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Federal style banjo clock, eagle pediment,reverse painted glass with ships at battle, marked "Lake Erie, Perry Victorious, September 1813" and signed "O. J. Steele", face marked "Bailey, Banks & Biddle", with key...
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Boston Federal Banjo Clock early 19thcentury, mahogany face with eglomisé throat and base panel, lower panel depicting the battle of the Constitution and the Guerriere, cast brass eagle finial, dial signed "Aaron...
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Federal gilt banjo clock signed A. WillardBoston circa 1820 typical banjo clock form with eagle finial on plinth over cast-brass bezel painted dial reverse-painted throat glass and door with ''Victory on Lake Champlain''...
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Federal style banjo clock, brass eaglepediment above face marked "Aaron Willard Jr., Boston", eglomise plate and base panels, interior base with partial label "B.[?]. Boyce Formerly of Daniel Pratt's Son…Carlton...
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Federal Style Giltwood Banjo Clock American,late 19th/early 20th century, dial signed "Waltham", églomisé panels decorated with scenes of Mount Vernon and bust of Washington, gilt brass eagle finials, 41-1/2 x 10-1/4...
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WILLARD ERA PERRY'S VICTORY REVERSEPAINTED BANJO CLOCK: Reverse painted battle scene of Admiral Perry's victory with federal eagle, shield, flags, cannons and anchor. Brass adornments on sides of neck. Painted...
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Federal style mahogany and reverse paintedglass banjo clock in the Willard manner, dial marked "Samuel Kirk & Sons Co." late 19th/early 20th century, painted naval engagement "Constitution and Guerrier-1812," in bottom...
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FEDERAL MAHOGANY AND PARCEL-GILT BANJOCLOCK WITH EGLOMISE PANELS The painted metal dial in drum case with eagle finial above the throat with shield of the Republic pineapple oval and berry and leaf-filled urn...
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Federal giltwood presentation banjoclock signed Aaron Willard Boston circa 1825 typical banjo form with later eagle finial above painted dial ahead of eight-day weight-driven movement eglomise throat and door...
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Killam & Co. Federal style mahoganybanjo clock Pawtucket Rhode Island circa 1925 typical banjo form with eagle finial above painted dial ahead of eight-day weight driven movement eglomise throat and door glasses;...
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A Federal Carved Giltwood and ÉglomiséBanjo Clock Aaron Willard Jr. c. 1820 signed on tablet and movement eagle finial painted dial glass tablets decorated with vining urns and representation of time bordered...
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A Federal Mahogany and Églomisé Eight-DayBanjo Clock c. 1820 eagle finial painted tablets with carved gilt borders the lower tablet depicting the War of 1812 battle between the USS Constitution and the HMS Guerriere...
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Massachusetts Federal Banjo Clock signed"Willard's Patent", circa 1810-1820, mahogany case, panels with carved and gilt frames, throat and base panels with gilt leafy scrolls with cream, blue and red paint, throat...
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An American Federal Style Banjo ClockNew Haven Clock Co. having a giltwood eagle finial over the circular dial with Roman numerals the tapering case with glazed foliate decoration over the rectangular base depicting...
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