FEDERAL MAHOGANY INLAID SECRETARY, C.1810Federal Mahogany Inlaid Secretary, C. 1810, the upper section with glazed doors opening to an interior shelf with drawers and pigeonholes below, the lower section with...
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19TH C. FEDERAL BOSTON INLAID SECRETARY.Ca. 1790-1800 Boston mahogany two-part secretary. The top section has a rosewood cross banded top, and two doors with a tiger maple banded edge, and an interior with pigeon...
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FEDERAL NORTH SHORE MA INLAID LADIESSECRETARY. Ca. 1800 Federal North Shore Massachusetts two-part mahogany ladies secretary. The top section has applied molding, and three flame birch and mahogany inlaid doors,...
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FEDERAL PORTSMOUTH NH INLAID SECRETARY,CA 1800. Two part secretary with top section including two large doors and a small center door, all decorated with flame birch panels, interior with pigeon holes and an arrangement...
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FEDERAL MA. INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARY,CA 1800. Ca. 1800 Federal Massachusetts two-part secretary in mahogany with inlaid decoration. Upper section, pediment with crotch mahogany panels, adorned with eagle brass...
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FINE FEDERAL TIGER MAPLE SECRETARY,CA. 1800. Ca. 1800-1820 Pa. origin, two part, tiger maple secretary. Top section with a dovetailed case, applied mouldings, and two panel doors with interior shelves. Bottom...
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A FEDERAL SATINWOOD INLAID FLAME MAHOGANYDROP FRONT SE... DROP FRONT SECRETARY BOOKCASE, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the molded rectangular cornice above a frieze centering an oval marquetry fan within a conforming green...
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A FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARYBOOKCASE, EARLY 19T... BOOKCASE, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the shaped rectangular cornice centering a crossbanded square form panel surmounted by a pressed brass spread-winged eagle...
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A FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARYBOOKCASE, CIRCA 180... BOOKCASE, CIRCA 1800, the molded cornice above a frieze with conforming blond wood string string inlay centering a raised panel of inlaid bead and stylized...
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A RARE AND IMPORTANT BOSTON FEDERALINLAID MAHOGANY PED...circa 1800, one of only three known, and the only example in private hands, attributed to the shop of John and Thomas Seymour, the three section desk...
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SOUTHERN FEDERAL WALNUT INLAID SECRETARYBOOKCASE Virginia or North Carolina, circa 1800, white pine secondary, two-part form, top having a dovetailed case with applied cove molded cornice featuring vertical lightwood...
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A Late Federal String Inlaid WalnutSlant-Front Secretary Desk
Likely Pennsylvania, Circa 1820
Height 46 3/4 x width 41 1/2 x depth 21 1/4 inches....
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FEDERAL STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARYBOOKCASE 78 1/4 X 37 1/2 X 19 3/4 IN. (198.76 X 95.25 X 50.17 CM.) BOOKCASE, the arched rectangular upper case with finials fitted with glazed mullioned doors over a hinged...
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LATE FEDERAL INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARYCHEST OF DRAWERS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 42 1/4 X 47 1/4 X 23 3/4 IN. (107.32 X 120.02 X 60.33 CM.) CHEST OF DRAWERS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the rectangular case fitted with a secretary...
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FEDERAL SATINWOOD INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARYBOOKCASE, H: 80; W: 36-1/2; D: 18-1/2 INFederal Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, H: 80; W: 36-1/2; D: 18-1/2 in...
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FEDERAL STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY TWO-PARTSECRETARY BOOKCASE, HEIGHT: 75 IN, WIDTH: 36 INFederal Style Inlaid Mahogany Two-Part Secretary Bookcase, Height: 75 in, Width: 36 in...
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INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASEAntiqueAmerican Federal-Style Inlaid Mahogany Secretary Bookcase , upper case with finialed cornice, glazed doors, painted shelf interior, over inlaid doors enclosing fitted interior,...
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MAHOGANY TIGER MAPLE SECRETARY BOOKCASEAmericanFederal-Style Inlaid Mahogany and Tiger Maple Secretary Bookcase , early 20th c., urn finials, lozenge glazed doors, foldover writing surface, four drawers, French feet ,...
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MASSACHUSETTS FEDERAL THREE-PART SECRETARYDESKImportant Massachusetts Federal mahogany three-part secretary desk, ca. 1805 , attributed to the shop of John and Thomas Seymour, this highly sophisticated desk featuring...
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FEDERAL STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY TWO-PARTSECRETARYFederal style inlaid mahogany two-part secretary, 94" h., 47 1/2" w....
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FEDERAL SUPERIOR INLAID NORTHSHORE AREASECRETARY. Ca. 1800 two part North Shore MA/ Southern NH area, finely inlaid mahogany secretary, the crest with an inlaid central panel with unusual applied mounts to cornice,...
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FINE PORTSMOUTH NH FEDERAL INLAID SECRETARY.A superior ca. 1800 two part Portsmouth NH secretary with original brass and finish, attributed to workshop of Judkins & Senter. The pediment top has alternating curly maple...
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Ca. 1880-1900 antique Federal styleInlaid cherry two part secretary, with a shaped swan’s neck pediment above two flat panel doors with lighter stringing, above a lower section with slant top enclosing fitted...
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AMERICAN HEPPLEWHITE INLAID SECRETARYDESK American Hepplewhite or Federal style mahogany veneer and mixed wood inlaid secretary bookcase, 20th century, having brass eagle finial, astragal glazed doors, inlaid...
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7 ft. 4 1/2 in. x 40 x 21 in.
Note: This secretary is an early example of the Northeastern Massachusetts style...
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FEDERAL MAHOGANY INLAID SECRETARY DESKCirca 1810-1820; Upper case with flat top molded cornice over pair of glazed panel doors, interior with adjustable shelf, lower case with flip top writing surface with pair...
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FEDERAL MAHOGANY INLAID BUTLERS SECRETARYDESK Pennsylvania circa 1800; with removable molded cornice with burled paneled doors having patera inlay, bottom case with drop desk drawer with fitted interior, over three...
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An American Federal Carved Cherrywoodand Inlaid Secretary Bookcase 1795-1810 restorations Hagerstown Washington County Maryland upper case with swan's neck pediment urn finials and meandering vine inlay over...
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Federal style inlaid mahogany secretarydesk early 20th century top section with shaped pediment and three finials above glazed doors with elliptical mullions opening to reveal shelves and row of pigeonholes on...
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Federal Style Inlaid Mahogany TambourSecretary Bookcase
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Federal stringer inlaid mahogany secretarybookcase Maryland 18th century; glazed panel door with four-drawer arrangement fitted interior and split pediment top 96 in. H. 39 in. W. 19 in. D. Estimate $ 2 500-3 000...
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FEDERAL-STYLE INLAID MAHOGANY AND REVERSE-PAINTEDGLASS BREAKFRONT SECRETARY BOOKCASE IN THE SALEM MASSACHUSETTS MANNER The upper part with shaped pediment above four glazed doors with ivory-ground eglomise tablets and two...
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Federal Style Inlaid and Eglomisé Breakfront20th century, in the Salem, Massachusetts, style, upper section set with four doors, each with cream and gilt eglomisé panel, lower case with central secretary drawer, line...
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Federal style inlaid secretary desk,mahogany with pine secondary, in two sections, upper case with two gothic arched doors opening to two interior drawers, turned legs, American, late 19th century, 66-1/2 x...
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Fine Federal inlaid secretary desk,two-case construction, mahogany with poplar, white pine and yellow pine secondary, finely dovetailed drawers, upper case with inlaid cornice and diamond mullions with shelves...
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